// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /** * Node of a YAML document. Used to read YAML data once it's loaded, * and to prepare data to emit. */ module dyaml.node; import std.algorithm; import std.conv; import std.datetime; import std.exception; import std.math; import std.range; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.traits; import std.typecons; import std.variant; import dyaml.event; import dyaml.exception; import dyaml.style; import dyaml.tag; ///Exception thrown at node related errors. class NodeException : YAMLException { package: /* * Construct a NodeException. * * Params: msg = Error message. * start = Start position of the node. */ this(string msg, Mark start, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__) { super(msg ~ "\nNode at: " ~ start.toString(), file, line); } } private alias NodeException Error; //Node kinds. package enum NodeID : ubyte { Scalar, Sequence, Mapping } ///Null YAML type. Used in nodes with _null values. struct YAMLNull { ///Used for string conversion. string toString() const {return "null";} } //Merge YAML type, used to support "tag:yaml.org,2002:merge". package struct YAMLMerge{} //Base class for YAMLContainer - used for user defined YAML types. package abstract class YAMLObject { public: //Get type of the stored value. @property TypeInfo type() const {assert(false);} protected: //Compare with another YAMLObject. int cmp(const YAMLObject rhs) const {assert(false);}; } //Stores a user defined YAML data type. package class YAMLContainer(T) if (!Node.allowed!T): YAMLObject { private: //Stored value. T value_; public: //Get type of the stored value. @property override TypeInfo type() const {return typeid(T);} //Get string representation of the container. override string toString() { static if(!hasMember!(T, "toString")) { return super.toString(); } else { return format("YAMLContainer(", value_.toString(), ")"); } } protected: //Compare with another YAMLObject. override int cmp(const YAMLObject rhs) const { const typeCmp = type.opCmp(rhs.type); if(typeCmp != 0){return typeCmp;} //Const-casting here as Object opCmp is not const. T* v1 = cast(T*)&value_; T* v2 = cast(T*)&((cast(YAMLContainer)rhs).value_); return (*v1).opCmp(*v2); } private: //Construct a YAMLContainer holding specified value. this(T value){value_ = value;} } /** * YAML node. * * This is a pseudo-dynamic type that can store any YAML value, including a * sequence or mapping of nodes. You can get data from a Node directly or * iterate over it if it's a collection. */ struct Node { public: ///Key-value pair of YAML nodes, used in mappings. struct Pair { public: ///Key node. Node key; ///Value node. Node value; public: @disable int opCmp(ref Pair); ///Construct a Pair from two values. Will be converted to Nodes if needed. this(K, V)(K key, V value) { static if(is(Unqual!K == Node)){this.key = key;} else {this.key = Node(key);} static if(is(Unqual!V == Node)){this.value = value;} else {this.value = Node(value);} } ///Equality test with another Pair. bool opEquals(const ref Pair rhs) const { return cmp!true(rhs) == 0; } private: /* * Comparison with another Pair. * * useTag determines whether or not we consider node tags * in the comparison. */ int cmp(bool useTag)(ref const(Pair) rhs) const { const keyCmp = key.cmp!useTag(rhs.key); return keyCmp != 0 ? keyCmp : value.cmp!useTag(rhs.value); } } package: //YAML value type. alias Algebraic!(YAMLNull, YAMLMerge, bool, long, real, ubyte[], SysTime, string, Node.Pair[], Node[], YAMLObject) Value; //Can Value hold this type without wrapping it in a YAMLObject? template allowed(T) { enum allowed = isIntegral!T || isFloatingPoint!T || isSomeString!T || Value.allowed!T; } private: ///Stored value. Value value_; ///Start position of the node. Mark startMark_; package: //Tag of the node. Tag tag_; //Node scalar style. Used to remember style this node was loaded with. ScalarStyle scalarStyle = ScalarStyle.Invalid; //Node collection style. Used to remember style this node was loaded with. CollectionStyle collectionStyle = CollectionStyle.Invalid; public: /** * Construct a Node from a value. * * Any type except for Node can be stored in a Node, but default YAML * types (integers, floats, strings, timestamps, etc.) will be stored * more efficiently. To create a node representing a null value, * construct it from YAMLNull. * * * Note that to emit any non-default types you store * in a node, you need a Representer to represent them in YAML - * otherwise emitting will fail. * * Params: value = Value to store in the node. * tag = Overrides tag of the node when emitted, regardless * of tag determined by Representer. Representer uses * this to determine YAML data type when a D data type * maps to multiple different YAML data types. Tag must * be in full form, e.g. "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", not * a shortcut, like "!!int". */ this(T)(T value, in string tag = null) if (isSomeString!T || (!isArray!T && !isAssociativeArray!T)) { tag_ = Tag(tag); //No copyconstruction. static assert(!is(Unqual!T == Node)); //We can easily convert ints, floats, strings. static if(isIntegral!T) {value_ = Value(cast(long) value);} else static if(isFloatingPoint!T){value_ = Value(cast(real) value);} else static if(isSomeString!T) {value_ = Value(to!string(value));} //Other directly supported type. else static if(Value.allowed!T) {value_ = Value(value);} //User defined type. else {value_ = userValue(value);} } unittest { with(Node(42)) { assert(isScalar() && !isSequence && !isMapping && !isUserType); assert(as!int == 42 && as!float == 42.0f && as!string == "42"); assert(!isUserType()); } with(Node(new class{int a = 5;})) { assert(isUserType()); } } /** * Construct a node from an _array. * * If _array is an _array of nodes or pairs, it is stored directly. * Otherwise, every value in the array is converted to a node, and * those nodes are stored. * * Params: array = Values to store in the node. * tag = Overrides tag of the node when emitted, regardless * of tag determined by Representer. Representer uses * this to determine YAML data type when a D data type * maps to multiple different YAML data types. * This is used to differentiate between YAML sequences * ("!!seq") and sets ("!!set"), which both are * internally represented as an array_ of nodes. Tag * must be in full form, e.g. "tag:yaml.org,2002:set", * not a shortcut, like "!!set". * * Examples: * -------------------- * //Will be emitted as a sequence (default for arrays) * auto seq = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); * //Will be emitted as a set (overriden tag) * auto set = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "tag:yaml.org,2002:set"); * -------------------- */ this(T)(T[] array, in string tag = null) if (!isSomeString!(T[])) { tag_ = Tag(tag); //Construction from raw node or pair array. static if(is(Unqual!T == Node) || is(Unqual!T == Node.Pair)) { value_ = Value(array); } //Need to handle byte buffers separately. else static if(is(Unqual!T == byte) || is(Unqual!T == ubyte)) { value_ = Value(cast(ubyte[]) array); } else { Node[] nodes; foreach(ref value; array){nodes ~= Node(value);} value_ = Value(nodes); } } unittest { with(Node([1, 2, 3])) { assert(!isScalar() && isSequence && !isMapping && !isUserType); assert(length == 3); assert(opIndex(2).as!int == 3); } //Will be emitted as a sequence (default for arrays) auto seq = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); //Will be emitted as a set (overriden tag) auto set = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "tag:yaml.org,2002:set"); } /** * Construct a node from an associative _array. * * If keys and/or values of _array are nodes, they stored directly. * Otherwise they are converted to nodes and then stored. * * Params: array = Values to store in the node. * tag = Overrides tag of the node when emitted, regardless * of tag determined by Representer. Representer uses * this to determine YAML data type when a D data type * maps to multiple different YAML data types. * This is used to differentiate between YAML unordered * mappings ("!!map"), ordered mappings ("!!omap"), and * pairs ("!!pairs") which are all internally * represented as an _array of node pairs. Tag must be * in full form, e.g. "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap", not a * shortcut, like "!!omap". * * Examples: * -------------------- * //Will be emitted as an unordered mapping (default for mappings) * auto map = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"]); * //Will be emitted as an ordered map (overriden tag) * auto omap = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap"); * //Will be emitted as pairs (overriden tag) * auto pairs = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs"); * -------------------- */ this(K, V)(V[K] array, in string tag = null) { tag_ = Tag(tag); Node.Pair[] pairs; foreach(key, ref value; array){pairs ~= Pair(key, value);} value_ = Value(pairs); } unittest { int[string] aa; aa["1"] = 1; aa["2"] = 2; with(Node(aa)) { assert(!isScalar() && !isSequence && isMapping && !isUserType); assert(length == 2); assert(opIndex("2").as!int == 2); } //Will be emitted as an unordered mapping (default for mappings) auto map = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"]); //Will be emitted as an ordered map (overriden tag) auto omap = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap"); //Will be emitted as pairs (overriden tag) auto pairs = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs"); } /** * Construct a node from arrays of _keys and _values. * * Constructs a mapping node with key-value pairs from * _keys and _values, keeping their order. Useful when order * is important (ordered maps, pairs). * * * keys and values must have equal length. * * * If _keys and/or _values are nodes, they are stored directly/ * Otherwise they are converted to nodes and then stored. * * Params: keys = Keys of the mapping, from first to last pair. * values = Values of the mapping, from first to last pair. * tag = Overrides tag of the node when emitted, regardless * of tag determined by Representer. Representer uses * this to determine YAML data type when a D data type * maps to multiple different YAML data types. * This is used to differentiate between YAML unordered * mappings ("!!map"), ordered mappings ("!!omap"), and * pairs ("!!pairs") which are all internally * represented as an array of node pairs. Tag must be * in full form, e.g. "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap", not a * shortcut, like "!!omap". * * Examples: * -------------------- * //Will be emitted as an unordered mapping (default for mappings) * auto map = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"]); * //Will be emitted as an ordered map (overriden tag) * auto omap = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap"); * //Will be emitted as pairs (overriden tag) * auto pairs = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs"); * -------------------- */ this(K, V)(K[] keys, V[] values, in string tag = null) if(!(isSomeString!(K[]) || isSomeString!(V[]))) in { assert(keys.length == values.length, "Lengths of keys and values arrays to construct " "a YAML node from don't match"); } body { tag_ = Tag(tag); Node.Pair[] pairs; foreach(i; 0 .. keys.length){pairs ~= Pair(keys[i], values[i]);} value_ = Value(pairs); } unittest { with(Node(["1", "2"], [1, 2])) { assert(!isScalar() && !isSequence && isMapping && !isUserType); assert(length == 2); assert(opIndex("2").as!int == 2); } //Will be emitted as an unordered mapping (default for mappings) auto map = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"]); //Will be emitted as an ordered map (overriden tag) auto omap = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap"); //Will be emitted as pairs (overriden tag) auto pairs = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs"); } ///Is this node valid (initialized)? @property bool isValid() const {return value_.hasValue;} ///Is this node a scalar value? @property bool isScalar() const {return !(isMapping || isSequence);} ///Is this node a sequence? @property bool isSequence() const {return isType!(Node[]);} ///Is this node a mapping? @property bool isMapping() const {return isType!(Pair[]);} ///Is this node a user defined type? @property bool isUserType() const {return isType!YAMLObject;} ///Return tag of the node. @property string tag() const {return tag_.get;} /** * Equality test. * * If T is Node, recursively compare all subnodes. * This might be quite expensive if testing entire documents. * * If T is not Node, get a value if type T from the node and test * equality with that. * * To test equality with a null YAML value, use YAMLNull. * * Examples: * -------------------- * auto node = Node(42); * * assert(node == 42); * assert(node != "42"); * assert(node != "43"); * -------------------- * * Params: rhs = Variable to test equality with. * * Returns: true if equal, false otherwise. */ bool opEquals(T)(const auto ref T rhs) const { return equals!true(rhs); } unittest { auto node = Node(42); assert(node == 42); assert(node != "42"); assert(node != "43"); auto node2 = Node(YAMLNull()); assert(node2 == YAMLNull()); } ///Shortcut for get(). alias get as; /** * Get the value of the node as specified type. * * If the specifed type does not match type in the node, * conversion is attempted. The stringConversion template * parameter can be used to disable conversion from non-string * types to strings. * * Numeric values are range checked, throwing if out of range of * requested type. * * Timestamps are stored as std.datetime.SysTime. * Binary values are decoded and stored as ubyte[]. * * To get a null value, use get!YAMLNull . This is to * prevent getting null values for types such as strings or classes. * * $(BR)$(B Mapping default values:) * * $(PBR * The '=' key can be used to denote the default value of a mapping. * This can be used when a node is scalar in early versions of a program, * but is replaced by a mapping later. Even if the node is a mapping, the * get method can be used as if it was a scalar if it has a default value. * This way, new YAML files where the node is a mapping can still be read * by old versions of the program, which expect the node to be a scalar. * ) * * Examples: * * Automatic type conversion: * -------------------- * auto node = Node(42); * * assert(node.as!int == 42); * assert(node.as!string == "42"); * assert(node.as!double == 42.0); * -------------------- * * Returns: Value of the node as specified type. * * Throws: NodeException if unable to convert to specified type, or if * the value is out of range of requested type. */ @property T get(T, Flag!"stringConversion" stringConversion = Yes.stringConversion)() if(!is(T == const)) { if(isType!T){return value_.get!T;} ///Must go before others, as even string/int/etc could be stored in a YAMLObject. static if(!allowed!T) if(isUserType) { auto object = as!YAMLObject; if(object.type is typeid(T)) { return (cast(YAMLContainer!T)object).value_; } throw new Error("Node has unexpected type: " ~ object.type.toString ~ ". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_); } //If we're getting from a mapping and we're not getting Node.Pair[], //we're getting the default value. if(isMapping){return this["="].as!(T, stringConversion);} static if(isSomeString!T) { static if(!stringConversion) { if(isString){return to!T(value_.get!string);} throw new Error("Node has unexpected type: " ~ type.toString ~ ". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_); } else { //Try to convert to string. try { return value_.coerce!T(); } catch(VariantException e) { throw new Error("Unable to convert node value to string", startMark_); } } } else { static if(isFloatingPoint!T) { ///Can convert int to float. if(isInt()) {return to!T(value_.get!(const long));} else if(isFloat()){return to!T(value_.get!(const real));} } else static if(isIntegral!T) if(isInt()) { const temp = value_.get!(const long); enforce(temp >= T.min && temp <= T.max, new Error("Integer value of type " ~ typeid(T).toString ~ " out of range. Value: " ~ to!string(temp), startMark_)); return to!T(temp); } throw new Error("Node has unexpected type: " ~ type.toString ~ ". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_); } assert(false, "This code should never be reached"); } unittest { assertThrown!NodeException(Node("42").get!int); Node(YAMLNull()).get!YAMLNull; } ///Ditto. @property T get(T, Flag!"stringConversion" stringConversion = Yes.stringConversion)() const if(is(T == const)) { if(isType!(Unqual!T)){return value_.get!T;} ///Must go before others, as even string/int/etc could be stored in a YAMLObject. static if(!allowed!(Unqual!T)) if(isUserType) { auto object = as!(const YAMLObject); if(object.type is typeid(T)) { return (cast(const YAMLContainer!(Unqual!T))object).value_; } throw new Error("Node has unexpected type: " ~ object.type.toString ~ ". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_); } //If we're getting from a mapping and we're not getting Node.Pair[], //we're getting the default value. if(isMapping){return indexConst("=").as!( T, stringConversion);} static if(isSomeString!T) { static if(!stringConversion) { if(isString){return to!T(value_.get!(const string));} throw new Error("Node has unexpected type: " ~ type.toString ~ ". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_); } else { //Try to convert to string. try { //NOTE: We are casting away const here return (cast(Value)value_).coerce!T(); } catch(VariantException e) { throw new Error("Unable to convert node value to string", startMark_); } } } else { static if(isFloatingPoint!T) { ///Can convert int to float. if(isInt()) {return to!T(value_.get!(const long));} else if(isFloat()){return to!T(value_.get!(const real));} } else static if(isIntegral!T) if(isInt()) { const temp = value_.get!(const long); enforce(temp >= T.min && temp <= T.max, new Error("Integer value of type " ~ typeid(T).toString ~ " out of range. Value: " ~ to!string(temp), startMark_)); return to!T(temp); } throw new Error("Node has unexpected type: " ~ type.toString ~ ". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_); } } /** * If this is a collection, return its _length. * * Otherwise, throw NodeException. * * Returns: Number of elements in a sequence or key-value pairs in a mapping. * * Throws: NodeException if this is not a sequence nor a mapping. */ @property size_t length() const { if(isSequence) {return value_.get!(const Node[]).length;} else if(isMapping){return value_.get!(const Pair[]).length;} throw new Error("Trying to get length of a scalar node", startMark_); } /** * Get the element at specified index. * * If the node is a sequence, index must be integral. * * * If the node is a mapping, return the value corresponding to the first * key equal to index. * * To get element at a null index, use YAMLNull for index. * * Params: index = Index to use. * * Returns: Value corresponding to the index. * * Throws: NodeException if the index could not be found, * non-integral index is used with a sequence or the node is * not a collection. */ ref Node opIndex(T)(T index) { if(isSequence) { checkSequenceIndex(index); static if(isIntegral!T) { return cast(Node)value_.get!(Node[])[index]; } assert(false); } else if(isMapping) { auto idx = findPair(index); if(idx >= 0) { return cast(Node)value_.get!(Pair[])[idx].value; } string msg = "Mapping index not found" ~ (isSomeString!T ? ": " ~ to!string(index) : ""); throw new Error(msg, startMark_); } throw new Error("Trying to index node that does not support indexing", startMark_); } unittest { writeln("D:YAML Node opIndex unittest"); alias Node.Value Value; alias Node.Pair Pair; Node n1 = Node(cast(long)11); Node n2 = Node(cast(long)12); Node n3 = Node(cast(long)13); Node n4 = Node(cast(long)14); Node k1 = Node("11"); Node k2 = Node("12"); Node k3 = Node("13"); Node k4 = Node("14"); Node narray = Node([n1, n2, n3, n4]); Node nmap = Node([k1, k2, k3, k4], [n1, n2, n3, n4]); assert(narray[0].as!int == 11); assert(null !is collectException(narray[42])); assert(nmap["11"].as!int == 11); assert(nmap["14"].as!int == 14); assert(null !is collectException(nmap["42"])); narray.add(YAMLNull()); nmap.add(YAMLNull(), "Nothing"); assert(narray[4].as!YAMLNull == YAMLNull()); assert(nmap[YAMLNull()].as!string == "Nothing"); assertThrown!NodeException(nmap[11]); assertThrown!NodeException(nmap[14]); } /** * Determine if a collection contains specified item. * * If the node is a sequence, check if it contains the specified item. * If it's a mapping, check if it has a value that matches specified item. * * To check for a null item, use YAMLNull for rhs. * * Params: rhs = Item to look for. * * Returns: true if rhs can was found, false otherwise. * * Throws: NodeException if the node is not a collection. */ bool contains(T)(T rhs) const { if(isSequence) { foreach(ref node; value_.get!(const Node[])) { if(node == rhs){return true;} } return false; } else if(isMapping) { return findPair!(T, true)(rhs) >= 0; } throw new Error("Trying to use the in operator on a node that is not a collection", startMark_); } unittest { auto seq = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); assert(seq.contains(3)); assert(seq.contains(5)); assert(!seq.contains("5")); assert(!seq.contains(6)); assert(!seq.contains(float.nan)); auto seq2 = Node(["1", "2"]); assert(seq2.contains("1")); assert(!seq2.contains(1)); auto map = Node(["1", "2", "3", "4"], [1, 2, 3, 4]); assert(map.contains(1)); assert(!map.contains("1")); assert(!map.contains(5)); assert(!map.contains(float.nan)); assert(!seq.contains(YAMLNull())); assert(!map.contains(YAMLNull())); seq.add(YAMLNull()); map.add("Nothing", YAMLNull()); assert(seq.contains(YAMLNull())); assert(map.contains(YAMLNull())); auto map2 = Node([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]); assert(!map2.contains("1")); assert(map2.contains(1)); //scalar assertThrown!NodeException(Node(1).contains(4)); auto mapNan = Node([1.0, 2], [1, double.nan]); assert(mapNan.contains(double.nan)); } /** * Set element at specified index in a collection. * * This method can only be called on collection nodes. * * If the node is a sequence, index must be integral. * * If the node is a mapping, sets the _value corresponding to the first * key matching index (including conversion, so e.g. "42" matches 42). * * If the node is a mapping and no key matches index, a new key-value * pair is added to the mapping. In sequences the index must be in * range. This ensures behavior siilar to D arrays and associative * arrays. * * To set element at a null index, use YAMLNull for index. * * Params: index = Index of the value to set. * * Throws: NodeException if the node is not a collection, index is out * of range or if a non-integral index is used on a sequence node. */ void opIndexAssign(K, V)(V value, K index) { if(isSequence()) { //This ensures K is integral. checkSequenceIndex(index); static if(isIntegral!K) { auto nodes = value_.get!(Node[]); static if(is(Unqual!V == Node)){nodes[index] = value;} else {nodes[index] = Node(value);} value_ = Value(nodes); return; } assert(false); } else if(isMapping()) { const idx = findPair(index); if(idx < 0){add(index, value);} else { auto pairs = as!(Node.Pair[])(); static if(is(Unqual!V == Node)){pairs[idx].value = value;} else {pairs[idx].value = Node(value);} value_ = Value(pairs); } return; } throw new Error("Trying to index a scalar node.", startMark_); } unittest { writeln("D:YAML Node opIndexAssign unittest"); with(Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 3])) { opIndexAssign(42, 3); assert(length == 5); assert(opIndex(3).as!int == 42); opIndexAssign(YAMLNull(), 0); assert(opIndex(0) == YAMLNull()); } with(Node(["1", "2", "3"], [4, 5, 6])) { opIndexAssign(42, "3"); opIndexAssign(123, 456); assert(length == 4); assert(opIndex("3").as!int == 42); assert(opIndex(456).as!int == 123); opIndexAssign(43, 3); //3 and "3" should be different assert(length == 5); assert(opIndex("3").as!int == 42); assert(opIndex(3).as!int == 43); opIndexAssign(YAMLNull(), "2"); assert(opIndex("2") == YAMLNull()); } } /** * Foreach over a sequence, getting each element as T. * * If T is Node, simply iterate over the nodes in the sequence. * Otherwise, convert each node to T during iteration. * * Throws: NodeException if the node is not a sequence or an * element could not be converted to specified type. */ int opApply(T)(int delegate(ref T) dg) { enforce(isSequence, new Error("Trying to iterate over a node that is not a sequence", startMark_)); int result = 0; foreach(ref node; get!(Node[])) { static if(is(Unqual!T == Node)) { result = dg(node); } else { T temp = node.as!T; result = dg(temp); } if(result){break;} } return result; } unittest { writeln("D:YAML Node opApply unittest 1"); alias Node.Value Value; alias Node.Pair Pair; Node n1 = Node(Value(cast(long)11)); Node n2 = Node(Value(cast(long)12)); Node n3 = Node(Value(cast(long)13)); Node n4 = Node(Value(cast(long)14)); Node narray = Node([n1, n2, n3, n4]); int[] array, array2; foreach(int value; narray) { array ~= value; } foreach(Node node; narray) { array2 ~= node.as!int; } assert(array == [11, 12, 13, 14]); assert(array2 == [11, 12, 13, 14]); } /** * Foreach over a mapping, getting each key/value as K/V. * * If the K and/or V is Node, simply iterate over the nodes in the mapping. * Otherwise, convert each key/value to T during iteration. * * Throws: NodeException if the node is not a mapping or an * element could not be converted to specified type. */ int opApply(K, V)(int delegate(ref K, ref V) dg) { enforce(isMapping, new Error("Trying to iterate over a node that is not a mapping", startMark_)); int result = 0; foreach(ref pair; get!(Node.Pair[])) { static if(is(Unqual!K == Node) && is(Unqual!V == Node)) { result = dg(pair.key, pair.value); } else static if(is(Unqual!K == Node)) { V tempValue = pair.value.as!V; result = dg(pair.key, tempValue); } else static if(is(Unqual!V == Node)) { K tempKey = pair.key.as!K; result = dg(tempKey, pair.value); } else { K tempKey = pair.key.as!K; V tempValue = pair.value.as!V; result = dg(tempKey, tempValue); } if(result){break;} } return result; } unittest { writeln("D:YAML Node opApply unittest 2"); alias Node.Value Value; alias Node.Pair Pair; Node n1 = Node(cast(long)11); Node n2 = Node(cast(long)12); Node n3 = Node(cast(long)13); Node n4 = Node(cast(long)14); Node k1 = Node("11"); Node k2 = Node("12"); Node k3 = Node("13"); Node k4 = Node("14"); Node nmap1 = Node([Pair(k1, n1), Pair(k2, n2), Pair(k3, n3), Pair(k4, n4)]); int[string] expected = ["11" : 11, "12" : 12, "13" : 13, "14" : 14]; int[string] array; foreach(string key, int value; nmap1) { array[key] = value; } assert(array == expected); Node nmap2 = Node([Pair(k1, Node(cast(long)5)), Pair(k2, Node(true)), Pair(k3, Node(cast(real)1.0)), Pair(k4, Node("yarly"))]); foreach(string key, Node value; nmap2) { switch(key) { case "11": assert(value.as!int == 5 ); break; case "12": assert(value.as!bool == true ); break; case "13": assert(value.as!float == 1.0 ); break; case "14": assert(value.as!string == "yarly"); break; default: assert(false); } } } /** * Add an element to a sequence. * * This method can only be called on sequence nodes. * * If value is a node, it is copied to the sequence directly. Otherwise * value is converted to a node and then stored in the sequence. * * $(P When emitting, all values in the sequence will be emitted. When * using the !!set tag, the user needs to ensure that all elements in * the sequence are unique, otherwise $(B invalid) YAML code will be * emitted.) * * Params: value = Value to _add to the sequence. */ void add(T)(T value) { enforce(isSequence(), new Error("Trying to add an element to a non-sequence node", startMark_)); auto nodes = get!(Node[])(); static if(is(Unqual!T == Node)){nodes ~= value;} else {nodes ~= Node(value);} value_ = Value(nodes); } unittest { writeln("D:YAML Node add unittest 1"); with(Node([1, 2, 3, 4])) { add(5.0f); assert(opIndex(4).as!float == 5.0f); } } /** * Add a key-value pair to a mapping. * * This method can only be called on mapping nodes. * * If key and/or value is a node, it is copied to the mapping directly. * Otherwise it is converted to a node and then stored in the mapping. * * $(P It is possible for the same key to be present more than once in a * mapping. When emitting, all key-value pairs will be emitted. * This is useful with the "!!pairs" tag, but will result in * $(B invalid) YAML with "!!map" and "!!omap" tags.) * * Params: key = Key to _add. * value = Value to _add. */ void add(K, V)(K key, V value) { enforce(isMapping(), new Error("Trying to add a key-value pair to a non-mapping node", startMark_)); auto pairs = get!(Node.Pair[])(); pairs ~= Pair(key, value); value_ = Value(pairs); } unittest { writeln("D:YAML Node add unittest 2"); with(Node([1, 2], [3, 4])) { add(5, "6"); assert(opIndex(5).as!string == "6"); } } /** * Remove first (if any) occurence of a value in a collection. * * This method can only be called on collection nodes. * * If the node is a sequence, the first node matching value is removed. * If the node is a mapping, the first key-value pair where _value * matches specified value is removed. * * Params: value = Value to _remove. * * Throws: NodeException if the node is not a collection. */ void remove(T)(T value) { if(isSequence()) { foreach(idx, ref elem; get!(Node[])) { if(elem.convertsTo!T && elem.as!(T, No.stringConversion) == value) { removeAt(idx); return; } } return; } else if(isMapping()) { const idx = findPair!(T, true)(value); if(idx >= 0) { auto pairs = as!(Node.Pair[])(); moveAll(pairs[idx + 1 .. $], pairs[idx .. $ - 1]); pairs.length = pairs.length - 1; value_ = Value(pairs); } return; } throw new Error("Trying to remove an element from a scalar node", startMark_); } unittest { writeln("D:YAML Node remove unittest"); with(Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 3])) { remove(3); assert(length == 4); assert(opIndex(2).as!int == 4); assert(opIndex(3).as!int == 3); add(YAMLNull()); assert(length == 5); remove(YAMLNull()); assert(length == 4); } with(Node(["1", "2", "3"], [4, 5, 6])) { remove(4); assert(length == 2); add("nullkey", YAMLNull()); assert(length == 3); remove(YAMLNull()); assert(length == 2); } } /** * Remove element at the specified index of a collection. * * This method can only be called on collection nodes. * * If the node is a sequence, index must be integral. * * If the node is a mapping, remove the first key-value pair where * key matches index. * * If the node is a mapping and no key matches index, nothing is removed * and no exception is thrown. This ensures behavior siilar to D arrays * and associative arrays. * * Params: index = Index to remove at. * * Throws: NodeException if the node is not a collection, index is out * of range or if a non-integral index is used on a sequence node. */ void removeAt(T)(T index) { if(isSequence()) { //This ensures T is integral. checkSequenceIndex(index); static if(isIntegral!T) { auto nodes = value_.get!(Node[]); moveAll(nodes[index + 1 .. $], nodes[index .. $ - 1]); nodes.length = nodes.length - 1; value_ = Value(nodes); return; } assert(false); } else if(isMapping()) { const idx = findPair(index); if(idx >= 0) { auto pairs = get!(Node.Pair[])(); moveAll(pairs[idx + 1 .. $], pairs[idx .. $ - 1]); pairs.length = pairs.length - 1; value_ = Value(pairs); } return; } throw new Error("Trying to remove an element from a scalar node", startMark_); } unittest { writeln("D:YAML Node removeAt unittest"); with(Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 3])) { removeAt(3); assertThrown!NodeException(removeAt("3")); assert(length == 4); assert(opIndex(3).as!int == 3); } with(Node(["1", "2", "3"], [4, 5, 6])) { //no integer 2 key, so don't remove anything removeAt(2); assert(length == 3); removeAt("2"); assert(length == 2); add(YAMLNull(), "nullval"); assert(length == 3); removeAt(YAMLNull()); assert(length == 2); } } ///Compare with another _node. const int opCmp(ref const Node node) { return cmp!true(node); } //Compute hash of the node. const hash_t toHash() { const tagHash = tag_.isNull ? 0 : tag_.toHash(); //Variant toHash is not const at the moment, so we need to const-cast. return tagHash + (cast(Value)value_).toHash(); } package: /* * Construct a node from raw data. * * Params: value = Value of the node. * startMark = Start position of the node in file. * tag = Tag of the node. * scalarStyle = Scalar style of the node. * collectionStyle = Collection style of the node. * * Returns: Constructed node. */ static Node rawNode(Value value, in Mark startMark, in Tag tag, in ScalarStyle scalarStyle, in CollectionStyle collectionStyle) { Node node; node.value_ = value; node.startMark_ = startMark; node.tag_ = tag; node.scalarStyle = scalarStyle; node.collectionStyle = collectionStyle; return node; } //Construct Node.Value from user defined type. static Value userValue(T)(T value) { return Value(cast(YAMLObject)new YAMLContainer!T(value)); } /* * Equality test with any value. * * useTag determines whether or not to consider tags in node-node comparisons. */ bool equals(bool useTag, T)(ref T rhs) const { static if(is(Unqual!T == Node)) { return cmp!useTag(rhs) == 0; } else { try { auto stored = get!(const(Unqual!T), No.stringConversion); //Need to handle NaNs separately. static if(isFloatingPoint!T) { return rhs == stored || (isNaN(rhs) && isNaN(stored)); } else { return rhs == get!(const(Unqual!T)); } } catch(NodeException e){return false;} } } /* * Comparison with another node. * * Used for ordering in mappings and for opEquals. * * useTag determines whether or not to consider tags in the comparison. */ int cmp(bool useTag)(const ref Node rhs) const { //Compare tags - if equal or both null, we need to compare further. static if(useTag) { const tagCmp = tag_.isNull ? rhs.tag_.isNull ? 0 : -1 : rhs.tag_.isNull ? 1 : tag_.opCmp(rhs.tag_); if(tagCmp != 0){return tagCmp;} } static int cmp(T1, T2)(T1 a, T2 b) { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; } //Compare validity: if both valid, we have to compare further. const v1 = isValid; const v2 = rhs.isValid; if(!v1){return v2 ? -1 : 0;} if(!v2){return 1;} const typeCmp = type.opCmp(rhs.type); if(typeCmp != 0){return typeCmp;} static int compareCollections(T)(const ref Node lhs, const ref Node rhs) { const c1 = lhs.value_.get!(const T); const c2 = rhs.value_.get!(const T); if(c1 is c2){return 0;} if(c1.length != c2.length) { return cmp(c1.length, c2.length); } //Equal lengths, compare items. foreach(i; 0 .. c1.length) { const itemCmp = c1[i].cmp!useTag(c2[i]); if(itemCmp != 0){return itemCmp;} } return 0; } if(isSequence){return compareCollections!(Node[])(this, rhs);} if(isMapping) {return compareCollections!(Pair[])(this, rhs);} if(isString) { return std.algorithm.cmp(value_.get!(const string), rhs.value_.get!(const string)); } if(isInt) { return cmp(value_.get!(const long), rhs.value_.get!(const long)); } if(isBool) { const b1 = value_.get!(const bool); const b2 = rhs.value_.get!(const bool); return b1 ? b2 ? 0 : 1 : b2 ? -1 : 0; } if(isBinary) { const b1 = value_.get!(const ubyte[]); const b2 = rhs.value_.get!(const ubyte[]); return std.algorithm.cmp(b1, b2); } if(isNull) { return 0; } //Floats need special handling for NaNs . //We consider NaN to be lower than any float. if(isFloat) { const r1 = value_.get!(const real); const r2 = rhs.value_.get!(const real); if(isNaN(r1)) { return isNaN(r2) ? 0 : -1; } if(isNaN(r2)) { return 1; } //Fuzzy equality. if(r1 <= r2 + real.epsilon && r1 >= r2 - real.epsilon) { return 0; } return cmp(r1, r2); } else if(isTime) { const t1 = value_.get!(const SysTime); const t2 = rhs.value_.get!(const SysTime); return cmp(t1, t2); } else if(isUserType) { return value_.get!(const YAMLObject).cmp(rhs.value_.get!(const YAMLObject)); } assert(false, "Unknown type of node for comparison : " ~ type.toString); } /* * Get a string representation of the node tree. Used for debugging. * * Params: level = Level of the node in the tree. * * Returns: String representing the node tree. */ @property string debugString(uint level = 0) { string indent; foreach(i; 0 .. level){indent ~= " ";} if(!isValid){return indent ~ "invalid";} if(isSequence) { string result = indent ~ "sequence:\n"; foreach(ref node; get!(Node[])) { result ~= node.debugString(level + 1); } return result; } if(isMapping) { string result = indent ~ "mapping:\n"; foreach(ref pair; get!(Node.Pair[])) { result ~= indent ~ " pair\n"; result ~= pair.key.debugString(level + 2); result ~= pair.value.debugString(level + 2); } return result; } if(isScalar) { return indent ~ "scalar(" ~ (convertsTo!string ? get!string : type.toString) ~ ")\n"; } assert(false); } //Get type of the node value (YAMLObject for user types). @property TypeInfo type() const {return value_.type;} /* * Determine if the value stored by the node is of specified type. * * This only works for default YAML types, not for user defined types. */ @property bool isType(T)() const {return value_.type is typeid(Unqual!T);} private: //Is the value a bool? alias isType!bool isBool; //Is the value a raw binary buffer? alias isType!(ubyte[]) isBinary; //Is the value an integer? alias isType!long isInt; //Is the value a floating point number? alias isType!real isFloat; //Is the value a string? alias isType!string isString; //Is the value a timestamp? alias isType!SysTime isTime; //Is the value a null value? alias isType!YAMLNull isNull; //Does given node have the same type as this node? bool hasEqualType(const ref Node node) const { return value_.type is node.value_.type; } //Determine if the value can be converted to specified type. bool convertsTo(T)() const { if(isType!T){return true;} //Every type allowed in Value should be convertible to string. static if(isSomeString!T) {return true;} else static if(isFloatingPoint!T){return isInt() || isFloat();} else static if(isIntegral!T) {return isInt();} else {return false;} } //Get index of pair with key (or value, if value is true) matching index. sizediff_t findPair(T, bool value = false)(const ref T index) const { const pairs = value_.get!(const Pair[])(); const(Node)* node; foreach(idx, ref const(Pair) pair; pairs) { static if(value){node = &pair.value;} else{node = &pair.key;} bool typeMatch = (isFloatingPoint!T && (node.isInt || node.isFloat)) || (isIntegral!T && node.isInt) || (isSomeString!T && node.isString) || (node.isType!T); if(typeMatch && *node == index) { return idx; } } return -1; } //Check if index is integral and in range. void checkSequenceIndex(T)(T index) const { static if(!isIntegral!T) { throw new Error("Indexing a sequence with a non-integral type.", startMark_); } else { enforce(index >= 0 && index < value_.get!(const Node[]).length, new Error("Sequence index out of range: " ~ to!string(index), startMark_)); } } //Const version of opIndex. ref const(Node) indexConst(T)(T index) const { if(isSequence) { checkSequenceIndex(index); static if(isIntegral!T) { return value_.get!(const Node[])[index]; } assert(false); } else if(isMapping) { auto idx = findPair(index); if(idx >= 0) { return value_.get!(const Pair[])[idx].value; } string msg = "Mapping index not found" ~ (isSomeString!T ? ": " ~ to!string(index) : ""); throw new Error(msg, startMark_); } throw new Error("Trying to index node that does not support indexing", startMark_); } } package: /* * Merge a pair into an array of pairs based on merge rules in the YAML spec. * * The new pair will only be added if there is not already a pair * with the same key. * * Params: pairs = Array of pairs to merge into. * toMerge = Pair to merge. */ void merge(ref Node.Pair[] pairs, ref Node.Pair toMerge) { foreach(ref pair; pairs) { if(pair.key == toMerge.key){return;} } pairs ~= toMerge; } /* * Merge pairs into an array of pairs based on merge rules in the YAML spec. * * Any new pair will only be added if there is not already a pair * with the same key. * * Params: pairs = Array of pairs to merge into. * toMerge = Pairs to merge. */ void merge(ref Node.Pair[] pairs, Node.Pair[] toMerge) { bool eq(ref Node.Pair a, ref Node.Pair b){return a.key == b.key;} //Preallocating to limit GC reallocations. auto len = pairs.length; pairs.length = len + toMerge.length; foreach(ref pair; toMerge) if(!canFind!eq(pairs, pair)) { pairs[len++] = pair; } pairs.length = len; }