module dyaml.testsuite; import dyaml; import dyaml.event; import std.algorithm; import std.conv; import std.file; import std.format; import std.json; import std.path; import std.range; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.typecons; import std.utf; auto dumpEventString(string str) @safe { string[] output; try { auto events = Loader.fromString(str).parse(); foreach (event; events) { string line; final switch ( { case EventID.scalar: line = "=VAL "; if (event.anchor != "") { line ~= text("&", event.anchor, " "); } if (event.tag != "") { line ~= text("<", event.tag, "> "); } switch(event.scalarStyle) { case ScalarStyle.singleQuoted: line ~= "'"; break; case ScalarStyle.doubleQuoted: line ~= '"'; break; case ScalarStyle.literal: line ~= "|"; break; case ScalarStyle.folded: line ~= ">"; break; default: line ~= ":"; break; } if (event.value != "") { line ~= text(event.value.substitute("\n", "\\n", `\`, `\\`, "\r", "\\r", "\t", "\\t", "\b", "\\b")); } break; case EventID.streamStart: line = "+STR"; break; case EventID.documentStart: line = "+DOC"; if (event.explicitDocument) { line ~= text(" ---"); } break; case EventID.mappingStart: line = "+MAP"; if (event.anchor != "") { line ~= text(" &", event.anchor); } if (event.tag != "") { line ~= text(" <", event.tag, ">"); } break; case EventID.sequenceStart: line = "+SEQ"; if (event.anchor != "") { line ~= text(" &", event.anchor); } if (event.tag != "") { line ~= text(" <", event.tag, ">"); } break; case EventID.streamEnd: line = "-STR"; break; case EventID.documentEnd: line = "-DOC"; if (event.explicitDocument) { line ~= " ..."; } break; case EventID.mappingEnd: line = "-MAP"; break; case EventID.sequenceEnd: line = "-SEQ"; break; case EventID.alias_: line = text("=ALI *", event.anchor); break; case EventID.invalid: assert(0, "Invalid EventID produced"); } output ~= line; } } catch (Exception) {} //Exceptions should just stop adding output return output.join("\n"); } enum TestState { success, skipped, failure } struct TestResult { string name; TestState state; string failMsg; const void toString(OutputRange)(ref OutputRange writer) if (isOutputRange!(OutputRange, char)) { ubyte statusColour; string statusString; final switch (state) { case TestState.success: statusColour = 32; statusString = "Succeeded"; break; case TestState.failure: statusColour = 31; statusString = "Failed"; break; case TestState.skipped: statusColour = 93; statusString = "Skipped"; break; } writer.formattedWrite!"[\033[%s;1m%s\033[0m] %s"(statusColour, statusString, name); if (state != TestState.success) { writer.formattedWrite!" (%s)"(failMsg.replace("\n", " ")); } } } TestResult runTests(string tml) @safe { TestResult output; output.state = TestState.success; auto splitFile = tml.splitter("\n--- "); = splitFile.front.findSplit("=== ")[2]; bool loadFailed, shouldFail; string failMsg; JSONValue json; Node[] nodes; string yamlString; Nullable!string compareYAMLString; Nullable!string events; ulong testsRun; void fail(string msg) @safe { output.state = TestState.failure; output.failMsg = msg; } void skip(string msg) @safe { output.state = TestState.skipped; output.failMsg = msg; } void parseYAML(string yaml) @safe { yamlString = yaml; try { nodes = Loader.fromString(yamlString).array; } catch (Exception e) { loadFailed = true; failMsg = e.msg; } } void compareLineByLine(const string a, const string b, const string msg) @safe { foreach (line1, line2; zip(a.lineSplitter, b.lineSplitter)) { if (line1 != line2) { fail(text(msg, " Got ", line1, ", expected ", line2)); break; } } } foreach (section; splitFile.drop(1)) { auto splitSection = section.findSplit("\n"); auto splitSectionHeader = splitSection[0].findSplit(":"); const splitSectionName = splitSectionHeader[0].findSplit("("); const sectionName = splitSectionName[0]; const sectionParams = splitSectionName[2].findSplit(")")[0]; string sectionData = splitSection[2]; if (sectionData != "") { //< means dedent. if (sectionParams.canFind("<")) { sectionData = sectionData[4..$].substitute("\n ", "\n", "", " ", "", "\t").toUTF8; } else { sectionData = sectionData.substitute("", " ", "", "\t").toUTF8; } //Not sure what + means. } switch(sectionName) { case "in-yaml": parseYAML(sectionData); break; case "in-json": json = parseJSON(sectionData); break; case "test-event": events = sectionData; break; case "error": shouldFail = true; testsRun++; break; case "out-yaml": compareYAMLString = sectionData; break; case "emit-yaml": // TODO: Figure out how/if to implement this //fail("Unhandled test - emit-yaml"); break; case "lex-token": // TODO: Should this be implemented? //fail("Unhandled test - lex-token"); break; case "from": break; case "tags": break; default: assert(false, text("Unhandled section ", sectionName, "in ",; } } if (!loadFailed && !compareYAMLString.isNull && !shouldFail) { Appender!string buf; dumper(buf).dump(); compareLineByLine(, compareYAMLString, "Dumped YAML mismatch"); testsRun++; } if (!loadFailed && !events.isNull && !shouldFail) { const compare = dumpEventString(yamlString); compareLineByLine(compare, events, "Event mismatch"); testsRun++; } if (loadFailed && !shouldFail) { fail(failMsg); } if (shouldFail && !loadFailed) { fail("Invalid YAML accepted"); } if ((testsRun == 0) && (output.state != TestState.failure)) { skip("No tests run"); } return output; } // Can't be @safe due to dirEntries() void main(string[] args) @system { string path = "yaml-test-suite/test"; void printResult(string id, TestResult result) { writeln(id, " ", result); } if (args.length > 1) { path = args[1]; } ulong total; ulong successes; foreach (file; dirEntries(path, "*.tml", SpanMode.shallow)) { auto result = runTests(readText(file)); if (result.state == TestState.success) { debug(verbose) printResult(file.baseName, result); successes++; } else { printResult(file.baseName, result); } total++; } writefln!"%d/%d tests passed"(successes, total); }