2015-03-17 14:08:40 +08:00

477 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2014, Digital Mars 2000-2012, Andrei Alexandrescu 2008- and Jonathan M Davis 2011-.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
/// @nogc versions of or alternatives to Phobos functions that are not yet @nogc and
/// wrappers to simplify their use.
module dyaml.nogcutil;
import std.traits;
import std.typecons;
import std.typetuple;
import std.range;
/// A NoGC version of std.conv.parse for integer types.
/// Differences:
/// overflow parameter - bool set to true if there was integer overflow.
/// Asserts that at least one character was parsed instead of throwing an exception.
/// The caller must validate the inputs before calling parseNoGC.
Target parseNoGC(Target, Source)(ref Source s, uint radix, out bool overflow)
@safe pure nothrow @nogc
if (isSomeChar!(ElementType!Source) &&
isIntegral!Target && !is(Target == enum))
in { assert(radix >= 2 && radix <= 36); }
immutable uint beyond = (radix < 10 ? '0' : 'a'-10) + radix;
Target v = 0;
size_t atStart = true;
// We can safely foreach over individual code points.
// Even with UTF-8 any digit is ASCII and anything not ASCII (such as the start of
// a UTF-8 sequence) is not a digit.
foreach(i; 0 .. s.length)
dchar c = s[i];
// We can just take a char instead of decoding because anything non-ASCII is not
// going to be a decodable digit, i.e. we will end at such a byte.
if (c < '0' || c >= 0x80)
if (radix < 10)
if (c >= beyond)
if (c > '9')
c |= 0x20;//poorman's tolower
if (c < 'a' || c >= beyond) { break; }
c -= 'a'-10-'0';
auto blah = cast(Target) (v * radix + c - '0');
if (blah < v)
overflow = true;
return Target.max;
v = blah;
atStart = false;
assert(!atStart, "Nothing to parse in parse()");
return v;
/// Buils a message to a buffer similarly to writef/writefln, but without
/// using GC.
/// C snprintf would be better, but it isn't pure.
/// formattedWrite isn't completely @nogc yet (although it isn't GC-heavy).
/// The user has to ensure buffer is long enough - an assert checks that we don't run
/// out of space. Currently this can only write strings and dchars.
char[] printNoGC(S...)(char[] buffer, S args) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
auto appender = appenderNoGC(buffer);
foreach(arg; args)
alias A = typeof(arg);
static if(is(A == char[]) || is(A == string)) { appender.put(arg); }
else static if(is(Unqual!A == dchar)) { appender.putDChar(arg); }
else static assert(false, "printNoGC does not support " ~ A.stringof);
return appender.data;
/// A UFCS utility function to write a dchar to an AppenderNoGCFixed using writeDCharTo.
/// The char $(B must) be a valid dchar.
void putDChar(ref AppenderNoGCFixed!(char[], char) appender, dchar c)
@safe pure nothrow @nogc
char[4] dcharBuf;
if(c < 0x80)
dcharBuf[0] = cast(char)c;
appender.put(dcharBuf[0 .. 1]);
// Should be safe to use as the first thing Reader does is validate everything.
const bytes = encodeValidCharNoGC(dcharBuf, c);
appender.put(dcharBuf[0 .. bytes]);
/// Convenience function that returns an $(D AppenderNoGCFixed!A) using with $(D array)
/// for storage.
AppenderNoGCFixed!(E[]) appenderNoGC(A : E[], E)(A array)
return AppenderNoGCFixed!(E[])(array);
/// A gutted, NoGC version of std.array.appender.
/// Works on a fixed-size buffer.
struct AppenderNoGCFixed(A : T[], T)
import std.array;
private struct Data
size_t capacity;
Unqual!T[] arr;
bool canExtend = false;
private Data _data;
/// Construct an appender that will work with given buffer.
/// Data written to the appender will overwrite the buffer from the start.
this(T[] arr) @trusted pure nothrow
// initialize to a given array.
_data.arr = cast(Unqual!T[])arr[0 .. 0]; //trusted
_data.capacity = arr.length;
* Returns the capacity of the array (the maximum number of elements the
* managed array can accommodate before triggering a reallocation). If any
* appending will reallocate, $(D capacity) returns $(D 0).
@property size_t capacity() const @safe pure nothrow
return _data.capacity;
* Returns the managed array.
@property inout(T)[] data() inout @trusted pure nothrow
/* @trusted operation:
* casting Unqual!T[] to inout(T)[]
return cast(typeof(return))(_data.arr);
// ensure we can add nelems elements, resizing as necessary
private void ensureAddable(size_t nelems) @safe pure nothrow
assert(_data.capacity >= _data.arr.length + nelems,
"AppenderFixed ran out of space");
void put(U)(U[] items) if (is(Unqual!U == T))
// make sure we have enough space, then add the items
immutable len = _data.arr.length;
immutable newlen = len + items.length;
auto bigDataFun() @trusted nothrow { return _data.arr.ptr[0 .. newlen];}
auto bigData = bigDataFun();
alias UT = Unqual!T;
bigData[len .. newlen] = items[];
//We do this at the end, in case of exceptions
_data.arr = bigData;
// only allow overwriting data on non-immutable and non-const data
static if (isMutable!T)
* Clears the managed array. This allows the elements of the array to be reused
* for appending.
* Note that clear is disabled for immutable or const element types, due to the
* possibility that $(D AppenderNoGCFixed) might overwrite immutable data.
void clear() @safe pure nothrow
_data.arr = ()@trusted{ return _data.arr.ptr[0 .. 0]; }();
/// Clear is not available for const/immutable data.
@disable void clear();
char[256] buffer;
auto appender = appenderNoGC(buffer[]);
appender.put("found unsupported escape character: ");
assert(appender.data == "found unsupported escape character: aá");
/// Result of a validateUTF8NoGC call.
struct ValidateResult
/// Is the validated string valid?
bool valid;
/// Number of characters in the string.
/// If the string is not valid, this is the number of valid characters before
/// hitting the first invalid sequence.
size_t characterCount;
/// If the string is not valid, error message with details is here.
string msg;
/// Validate a UTF-8 string, checking if it is well-formed Unicode.
/// See_Also: ValidateResult
ValidateResult validateUTF8NoGC(const(char[]) str) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
immutable len = str.length;
size_t characterCount;
outer: for (size_t index = 0; index < len; )
if(str[index] < 0x80)
auto decoded = decodeUTF8NoGC!(No.validated)(str, index);
if(decoded.errorMessage !is null)
return ValidateResult(false, characterCount, decoded.errorMessage);
return ValidateResult(true, characterCount);
/// @nogc version of std.utf.decode() for char[].
/// The caller $(B must) handle ASCII (< 0x80) characters manually; this is asserted to
/// force code using this function to be efficient.
/// Params:
/// validated = If ture, assume str is a valid UTF-8 string and don't generate any
/// error-checking code. If validated is true, str $(B must) be a valid
/// character, otherwise undefined behavior will occur. Also affects the
/// return type.
/// str = Will decode the first code point from this string.
/// index = Index in str where the code point starts. Will be updated to point to
/// the next code point.
/// Returns: If validated is true, the decoded character.
/// Otherwise a struct with a 'decoded' member - the decoded character, and a
/// 'string errorMessage' member that is null on success and otherwise stores
/// the error message.
auto decodeUTF8NoGC(Flag!"validated" validated)(const(char[]) str, ref size_t index)
@trusted pure nothrow @nogc
static if(!validated) struct Result
dchar decoded;
string errorMessage;
else alias Result = dchar;
/// Dchar bitmask for different numbers of UTF-8 code units.
enum bitMask = tuple((1 << 7) - 1, (1 << 11) - 1, (1 << 16) - 1, (1 << 21) - 1);
auto pstr = str.ptr + index;
immutable length = str.length - index;
ubyte fst = pstr[0];
assert(fst & 0x80);
enum invalidUTFMsg = "Invalid UTF-8 sequence";
static if(!validated) { enum invalidUTF = Result(cast(dchar)int.max, invalidUTFMsg); }
// starter must have at least 2 first bits set
static if(validated)
assert((fst & 0b1100_0000) == 0b1100_0000, invalidUTFMsg);
else if((fst & 0b1100_0000) != 0b1100_0000)
return invalidUTF;
ubyte tmp = void;
dchar d = fst; // upper control bits are masked out later
fst <<= 1;
foreach (i; TypeTuple!(1, 2, 3))
static if(validated) { assert(i != length, "Decoding out of bounds"); }
else if(i == length) { return Result(cast(dchar)int.max, "Decoding out of bounds"); }
tmp = pstr[i];
static if(validated) { assert((tmp & 0xC0) == 0x80, invalidUTFMsg); }
else if((tmp & 0xC0) != 0x80) { return invalidUTF; }
d = (d << 6) | (tmp & 0x3F);
fst <<= 1;
if (!(fst & 0x80)) // no more bytes
d &= bitMask[i]; // mask out control bits
// overlong, could have been encoded with i bytes
static if(validated) { assert((d & ~bitMask[i - 1]) != 0, invalidUTFMsg); }
else if((d & ~bitMask[i - 1]) == 0) { return invalidUTF; }
// check for surrogates only needed for 3 bytes
static if (i == 2)
static if(validated) { assert(isValidDchar(d), invalidUTFMsg); }
else if(!isValidDchar(d)) { return invalidUTF; }
index += i + 1;
static if (i == 3)
static if(validated) { assert(d <= dchar.max, invalidUTFMsg); }
else if(d > dchar.max) { return invalidUTF; }
return Result(d);
static if(validated) { assert(false, invalidUTFMsg); }
else { return invalidUTF; }
/// @nogc version of std.utf.decode() for char[], but assumes str is valid UTF-8.
/// The caller $(B must) handle ASCII (< 0x80) characters manually; this is asserted to
/// force code using this function to be efficient.
/// Params:
/// str = Will decode the first code point from this string. Must be valid UTF-8,
/// otherwise undefined behavior WILL occur.
/// index = Index in str where the code point starts. Will be updated to point to the
/// next code point.
alias decodeValidUTF8NoGC = decodeUTF8NoGC!(Yes.validated);
/// @nogc version of std.utf.encode() for char[].
/// The caller $(B must) handle ASCII (< 0x80) characters manually; this is asserted to
/// force code using this function to be efficient.
/// Params:
/// validated = If true, asssume c is a valid, non-surrogate UTF-32 code point and don't
/// generate any error-checking code. If validated is true, c $(B must) be
/// a valid character, otherwise undefined behavior will occur. Also affects
/// the return type.
/// buf = Buffer to write the encoded result to.
/// c = Character to encode.
/// Returns: If validated is true, number of bytes the encoded character takes up in buf.
/// Otherwise a struct with a 'bytes' member specifying the number of bytes of
/// the endocded character, and a 'string errorMessage' member that is null
/// if there was no error and otherwise stores the error message.
auto encodeCharNoGC(Flag!"validated" validated)(ref char[4] buf, dchar c)
@safe pure nothrow @nogc
static if(!validated) struct Result
size_t bytes;
string errorMessage;
else alias Result = size_t;
// Force the caller to optimize ASCII (the 1-byte case)
assert(c >= 0x80, "Caller should explicitly handle ASCII chars");
if (c <= 0x7FF)
buf[0] = cast(char)(0xC0 | (c >> 6));
buf[1] = cast(char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
return Result(2);
if (c <= 0xFFFF)
static if(validated)
assert(0xD800 > c || c > 0xDFFF,
"Supposedly valid code point is a surrogate code point");
else if(0xD800 <= c && c <= 0xDFFF)
return Result(size_t.max, "Can't encode a surrogate code point in UTF-8");
buf[0] = cast(char)(0xE0 | (c >> 12));
buf[1] = cast(char)(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F));
buf[2] = cast(char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
return Result(3);
if (c <= 0x10FFFF)
buf[0] = cast(char)(0xF0 | (c >> 18));
buf[1] = cast(char)(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F));
buf[2] = cast(char)(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F));
buf[3] = cast(char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
return Result(4);
static if(!validated)
return Result(size_t.max, "Can't encode an invalid code point in UTF-8");
assert(false, "Supposedly valid code point is invalid");
/// @nogc version of std.utf.encode() for char[], but assumes c is a valid UTF-32 char.
/// The caller $(B must) handle ASCII (< 0x80) characters manually; this is asserted to
/// force code using this function to be efficient.
/// Params:
/// buf = Buffer to write the encoded result to.
/// c = Character to encode. Must be valid UTF-32, otherwise undefined behavior
/// $(D will) occur.
/// Returns: Number of bytes the encoded character takes up in buf.
alias encodeValidCharNoGC = encodeCharNoGC!(Yes.validated);
/// @nogc version of std.utf.isValidDchar
bool isValidDchar(dchar c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return c < 0xD800 || (c > 0xDFFF && c <= 0x10FFFF);