Ferdinand Majerech 283c42bf8f Initial commit.
2011-08-16 14:53:13 +02:00

325 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* Composes nodes from YAML events provided by parser.
* Code based on PyYAML: http://www.pyyaml.org
module dyaml.composer;
import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.typecons;
import dyaml.constructor;
import dyaml.event;
import dyaml.node;
import dyaml.parser;
import dyaml.resolver;
import dyaml.exception;
* Marked exception thrown at composer errors.
* See_Also: MarkedYAMLException
class ComposerException : MarkedYAMLException
this(string context, Mark contextMark, string problem, Mark problemMark)
super(context, contextMark, problem, problemMark);
this(string problem, Mark problemMark){super(problem, problemMark);}
///Composes YAML documents from events provided by a Parser.
final class Composer
///Parser providing YAML events.
Parser parser_;
///Resolver resolving tags (data types).
Resolver resolver_;
///Constructor constructing YAML values.
Constructor constructor_;
///Nodes associated with anchors. Used by YAML aliases.
Node[string] anchors_;
* Construct a composer.
* Params: parser = Parser to provide YAML events.
* resolver = Resolver to resolve tags (data types).
* constructor = Constructor to construct nodes.
this(Parser parser, Resolver resolver, Constructor constructor)
parser_ = parser;
resolver_ = resolver;
constructor_ = constructor;
///Destroy the composer.
parser_ = null;
resolver_ = null;
constructor_ = null;
anchors_ = null;
* Determine if there are any nodes left.
* Must be called before loading as it handles the stream start event.
bool checkNode()
//Drop the STREAM-START event.
//True if there are more documents available.
return !parser_.checkEvent(EventID.StreamEnd);
///Get a YAML document as a node (the root of the document).
Node getNode()
//Get the root node of the next document.
"Trying to get a node from Composer when there is no node to "
"get. use checkNode() to determine if there is a node.");
return composeDocument();
///Get single YAML document, throwing if there is more than one document.
Node getSingleNode()
"Trying to get a node from Composer when there is no node to "
"get. use checkNode() to determine if there is a node.");
Node document = composeDocument();
//Ensure that the stream contains no more documents.
new ComposerException("Expected single document in the stream, "
"but found another document: ",
//Drop the STREAM-END event.
return document;
///Compose a YAML document and return its root node.
Node composeDocument()
//Drop the DOCUMENT-START event.
//Compose the root node.
Node node = composeNode();
//Drop the DOCUMENT-END event.
//Clear anchors.
Node[string] empty;
anchors_ = empty;
return node;
///Compose a node.
Node composeNode()
Event event = parser_.getEvent();
const anchor = event.anchor;
enforce((anchor in anchors_) !is null,
new ComposerException("Found undefined alias: " ~ anchor,
//If the node referenced by the anchor is uninitialized,
//it's not finished, i.e. we're currently composing it
//and trying to use it recursively here.
enforce(anchors_[anchor] != Node(),
new ComposerException("Found recursive alias: " ~ anchor,
return anchors_[anchor];
Event event = parser_.peekEvent();
const anchor = event.anchor;
if(anchor !is null && (anchor in anchors_) !is null)
throw new ComposerException("Found duplicate anchor: " ~ anchor,
Node result;
//Associate the anchor, if any, with an uninitialized node.
//used to detect duplicate and recursive anchors.
if(anchor !is null){anchors_[anchor] = Node();}
result = composeScalarNode();
else if(parser_.checkEvent(EventID.SequenceStart))
result = composeSequenceNode();
else if(parser_.checkEvent(EventID.MappingStart))
result = composeMappingNode();
else{assert(false, "This code should never be reached");}
if(anchor !is null){anchors_[anchor] = result;}
return result;
///Compose a scalar node.
Node composeScalarNode()
Event event = parser_.getEvent();
const tag = resolver_.resolve(NodeID.Scalar, event.tag, event.value,
Node node = constructor_.node(event.startMark, event.endMark, tag,
return node;
///Compose a sequence node.
Node composeSequenceNode()
Event startEvent = parser_.getEvent();
const tag = resolver_.resolve(NodeID.Sequence, startEvent.tag, null,
Node[] children;
children ~= composeNode();
Node node = constructor_.node(startEvent.startMark, parser_.getEvent().endMark,
tag, children);
return node;
* Flatten a node, merging it with nodes referenced through YAMLMerge data type.
* Node must be a mapping or a sequence of mappings.
* Params: root = Node to flatten.
* startMark = Start position of the node.
* endMark = End position of the node.
* Returns: Flattened mapping as pairs.
Node.Pair[] flatten(ref Node root, in Mark startMark, in Mark endMark)
Node.Pair[] result;
Node[] toMerge;
foreach(ref Node key, ref Node value; root)
if(key.isType!YAMLMerge){toMerge ~= value;}
else{merge(result, Node.Pair(key, value));}
foreach(node; toMerge)
merge(result, flatten(node, startMark, endMark));
else if(root.isSequence)
//Must be a sequence of mappings.
foreach(ref Node node; root)
//this is Composer, but the code is related to constructor
new ConstructorException("While constructing a mapping, " ~
"expected a mapping for merging, but found"
~ node.value_.type.toString() ~
"NOTE: line/column shows topmost parent "
"to which the content is being merged",
startMark, endMark));
merge(result, flatten(node, startMark, endMark));
//this is Composer, but the code is related to constructor
throw new ConstructorException("While constructing a mapping, " ~
"expected a mapping or a list of mappings for "
"merging, but found: "
~ root.value_.type.toString() ~
"NOTE: line/column shows topmost parent "
"to which the content is being merged",
startMark, endMark);
return result;
///Compose a mapping node.
Node composeMappingNode()
Event startEvent = parser_.getEvent();
string tag = resolver_.resolve(NodeID.Mapping, startEvent.tag, null,
Node.Pair[] children;
Tuple!(Node, Mark)[] toMerge;
auto pair = Node.Pair(composeNode(), composeNode());
//Need to flatten and merge the node referred by YAMLMerge.
toMerge ~= tuple(pair.value, cast(Mark)parser_.peekEvent().endMark);
//Not YAMLMerge, just add the pair.
merge(children, pair);
foreach(node; toMerge)
merge(children, flatten(node[0], startEvent.startMark, node[1]));
Node node = constructor_.node(startEvent.startMark, parser_.getEvent().endMark,
tag, children);
return node;