Jonathan M Davis 7a1e1ecce3 Another attempt at making d-yaml work with dub.
Creating a symlink in source to the dyaml directory does not actually
result in a symlink when another package grabs d-yaml as a dependency
via dub, and even if it did, it wouldn't work on Windows. So, this moves
the source into source so that it'll actually work, and cdc.d has been
adjusted accordingly so that building with it should still work.
2013-03-28 21:33:13 -07:00

151 lines
4.4 KiB

// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* YAML tokens.
* Code based on PyYAML: http://www.pyyaml.org
module dyaml.token;
import std.conv;
import dyaml.encoding;
import dyaml.exception;
import dyaml.reader;
import dyaml.style;
///Token types.
enum TokenID : ubyte
Invalid = 0, /// Invalid (uninitialized) token
Directive, /// DIRECTIVE
DocumentStart, /// DOCUMENT-START
DocumentEnd, /// DOCUMENT-END
StreamStart, /// STREAM-START
StreamEnd, /// STREAM-END
BlockSequenceStart, /// BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START
BlockMappingStart, /// BLOCK-MAPPING-START
BlockEnd, /// BLOCK-END
FlowSequenceStart, /// FLOW-SEQUENCE-START
FlowMappingStart, /// FLOW-MAPPING-START
FlowSequenceEnd, /// FLOW-SEQUENCE-END
FlowMappingEnd, /// FLOW-MAPPING-END
Key, /// KEY
Value, /// VALUE
BlockEntry, /// BLOCK-ENTRY
FlowEntry, /// FLOW-ENTRY
Alias, /// ALIAS
Anchor, /// ANCHOR
Tag, /// TAG
Scalar /// SCALAR
* Token produced by scanner.
* 32 bytes on 64-bit.
struct Token
@disable int opCmp(ref Token);
///Value of the token, if any.
string value;
///Start position of the token in file/stream.
Mark startMark;
///End position of the token in file/stream.
Mark endMark;
///Token type.
TokenID id;
///Style of scalar token, if this is a scalar token.
ScalarStyle style;
///Encoding, if this is a stream start token.
Encoding encoding;
///Get string representation of the token ID.
@property string idString() const @trusted {return to!string(id);}
* Construct a directive token.
* Params: start = Start position of the token.
* end = End position of the token.
* value = Value of the token.
Token directiveToken(const Mark start, const Mark end, const string value) pure @safe nothrow
return Token(value, start, end, TokenID.Directive);
* Construct a simple (no value) token with specified type.
* Params: id = Type of the token.
* start = Start position of the token.
* end = End position of the token.
Token simpleToken(TokenID id)(const Mark start, const Mark end) pure @safe nothrow
return Token(null, start, end, id);
* Construct a stream start token.
* Params: start = Start position of the token.
* end = End position of the token.
* encoding = Encoding of the stream.
Token streamStartToken(const Mark start, const Mark end, const Encoding encoding) pure @safe nothrow
return Token(null, start, end, TokenID.StreamStart, ScalarStyle.Invalid, encoding);
///Aliases for construction of simple token types.
alias simpleToken!(TokenID.StreamEnd) streamEndToken;
alias simpleToken!(TokenID.BlockSequenceStart) blockSequenceStartToken;
alias simpleToken!(TokenID.BlockMappingStart) blockMappingStartToken;
alias simpleToken!(TokenID.BlockEnd) blockEndToken;
alias simpleToken!(TokenID.Key) keyToken;
alias simpleToken!(TokenID.Value) valueToken;
alias simpleToken!(TokenID.BlockEntry) blockEntryToken;
alias simpleToken!(TokenID.FlowEntry) flowEntryToken;
* Construct a simple token with value with specified type.
* Params: id = Type of the token.
* start = Start position of the token.
* end = End position of the token.
* value = Value of the token.
Token simpleValueToken(TokenID id)(const Mark start, const Mark end, string value) pure @safe nothrow
return Token(value, start, end, id);
///Alias for construction of tag token.
alias simpleValueToken!(TokenID.Tag) tagToken;
alias simpleValueToken!(TokenID.Alias) aliasToken;
alias simpleValueToken!(TokenID.Anchor) anchorToken;
* Construct a scalar token.
* Params: start = Start position of the token.
* end = End position of the token.
* value = Value of the token.
* style = Style of the token.
Token scalarToken(const Mark start, const Mark end, const string value, in ScalarStyle style) pure @safe nothrow
return Token(value, start, end, TokenID.Scalar, style);