2012-12-11 16:06:20 +00:00

703 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
module dyaml.reader;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import core.stdc.string;
import core.thread;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.stdio;
import std.stream;
import std.string;
import std.system;
import std.utf;
import dyaml.fastcharsearch;
import dyaml.encoding;
import dyaml.exception;
///Exception thrown at Reader errors.
class ReaderException : YAMLException
this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)
@safe nothrow
super("Error reading stream: " ~ msg, file, line);
///Lazily reads and decodes data from stream, only storing as much as needed at any moment.
final class Reader
//Input stream.
EndianStream stream_;
//Allocated space for buffer_.
dchar[] bufferAllocated_ = null;
//Buffer of currently loaded characters.
dchar[] buffer_ = null;
//Current position within buffer. Only data after this position can be read.
uint bufferOffset_ = 0;
//Index of the current character in the stream.
size_t charIndex_ = 0;
//Current line in file.
uint line_;
//Current column in file.
uint column_;
//Decoder reading data from file and decoding it to UTF-32.
UTFFastDecoder decoder_;
* Construct an AbstractReader.
* Params: stream = Input stream. Must be readable and seekable.
* Throws: ReaderException if the stream is invalid.
this(Stream stream) @trusted
assert(stream.readable && stream.seekable,
"Can't read YAML from a stream that is not readable and seekable");
stream_ = new EndianStream(stream);
decoder_ = UTFFastDecoder(stream_);
@trusted nothrow ~this()
//Delete the buffer, if allocated.
if(bufferAllocated_ is null){return;}
buffer_ = bufferAllocated_ = null;
* Get character at specified index relative to current position.
* Params: index = Index of the character to get relative to current position
* in the stream.
* Returns: Character at specified position.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
dchar peek(size_t index = 0) @trusted
if(buffer_.length < bufferOffset_ + index + 1)
updateBuffer(index + 1);
if(buffer_.length <= bufferOffset_ + index)
throw new ReaderException("Trying to read past the end of the stream");
return buffer_[bufferOffset_ + index];
* Get specified number of characters starting at current position.
* Note: This gets only a "view" into the internal buffer,
* which WILL get invalidated after other Reader calls.
* Params: length = Number of characters to get.
* Returns: Characters starting at current position or an empty slice if out of bounds.
const(dstring) prefix(size_t length) @safe
return slice(0, length);
* Get a slice view of the internal buffer.
* Note: This gets only a "view" into the internal buffer,
* which WILL get invalidated after other Reader calls.
* Params: start = Start of the slice relative to current position.
* end = End of the slice relative to current position.
* Returns: Slice into the internal buffer or an empty slice if out of bounds.
const(dstring) slice(size_t start, size_t end) @trusted
if(buffer_.length <= bufferOffset_ + end)
end += bufferOffset_;
start += bufferOffset_;
end = min(buffer_.length, end);
return end > start ? cast(dstring)buffer_[start .. end] : "";
* Get the next character, moving stream position beyond it.
* Returns: Next character.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
dchar get() @safe
const result = peek();
return result;
* Get specified number of characters, moving stream position beyond them.
* Params: length = Number or characters to get.
* Returns: Characters starting at current position.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
dstring get(size_t length) @safe
auto result = prefix(length).idup;
return result;
* Move current position forward.
* Params: length = Number of characters to move position forward.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
void forward(size_t length = 1) @trusted
if(buffer_.length <= bufferOffset_ + length + 1)
updateBuffer(length + 1);
mixin FastCharSearch!"\n\u0085\u2028\u2029"d search;
while(length > 0)
const c = buffer_[bufferOffset_];
//New line.
if(search.canFind(c) || (c == '\r' && buffer_[bufferOffset_] != '\n'))
column_ = 0;
else if(c != '\uFEFF'){++column_;}
///Get a string describing current stream position, used for error messages.
@property final Mark mark() const pure @safe nothrow {return Mark(line_, column_);}
///Get current line number.
@property final uint line() const pure @safe nothrow {return line_;}
///Get current column number.
@property final uint column() const pure @safe nothrow {return column_;}
///Get index of the current character in the stream.
@property final size_t charIndex() const pure @safe nothrow {return charIndex_;}
///Get encoding of the input stream.
@property final Encoding encoding() const pure @safe nothrow {return decoder_.encoding;}
* Update buffer to be able to read length characters after buffer offset.
* If there are not enough characters in the stream, it will get
* as many as possible.
* Params: length = Number of characters we need to read.
* Throws: ReaderException if trying to read past the end of the stream
* or if invalid data is read.
void updateBuffer(in size_t length) @system
//Get rid of unneeded data in the buffer.
if(bufferOffset_ > 0)
size_t bufferLength = buffer_.length - bufferOffset_;
memmove(buffer_.ptr, buffer_.ptr + bufferOffset_,
bufferLength * dchar.sizeof);
buffer_ = buffer_[0 .. bufferLength];
bufferOffset_ = 0;
//Load chars in batches of at most 1024 bytes (256 chars)
while(buffer_.length <= bufferOffset_ + length)
if(buffer_.length == 0 || buffer_[$ - 1] != '\0')
bufferReserve(buffer_.length + 1);
buffer_ = bufferAllocated_[0 .. buffer_.length + 1];
buffer_[$ - 1] = '\0';
* Load more characters to the buffer.
* Params: chars = Recommended number of characters to load.
* More characters might be loaded.
* Less will be loaded if not enough available.
* Throws: ReaderException on Unicode decoding error,
* if nonprintable characters are detected, or
* if there is an error reading from the stream.
void loadChars(size_t chars) @system
const oldLength = buffer_.length;
const oldPosition = stream_.position;
bufferReserve(buffer_.length + chars);
buffer_ = bufferAllocated_[0 .. buffer_.length + chars];
buffer_ = buffer_[0 .. $ - chars];
enforce(printable(buffer_[oldLength .. $]),
new ReaderException("Special unicode characters are not allowed"));
try for(size_t c = 0; chars && !decoder_.done;)
const slice = decoder_.getDChars(chars);
buffer_[oldLength + c .. oldLength + c + slice.length] = slice;
c += slice.length;
chars -= slice.length;
catch(Exception e)
handleLoadCharsException(e, oldPosition);
//Handle an exception thrown in loadChars method of any Reader.
void handleLoadCharsException(Exception e, ulong oldPosition) @system
try{throw e;}
catch(UTFException e)
const position = stream_.position;
throw new ReaderException(format("Unicode decoding error between bytes %s and %s : %s",
oldPosition, position, e.msg));
catch(ReadException e)
throw new ReaderException(e.msg);
//Code shared by loadEntireFile methods.
void loadEntireFile_() @system
const maxChars = decoder_.maxChars;
bufferReserve(maxChars + 1);
if(buffer_.length == 0 || buffer_[$ - 1] != '\0')
buffer_ = bufferAllocated_[0 .. buffer_.length + 1];
buffer_[$ - 1] = '\0';
//Ensure there is space for at least capacity characters in bufferAllocated_.
void bufferReserve(in size_t capacity) @system nothrow
if(bufferAllocated_ !is null && bufferAllocated_.length >= capacity){return;}
//Handle first allocation as well as reallocation.
auto ptr = bufferAllocated_ !is null
? realloc(bufferAllocated_.ptr, capacity * dchar.sizeof)
: malloc(capacity * dchar.sizeof);
bufferAllocated_ = (cast(dchar*)ptr)[0 .. capacity];
buffer_ = bufferAllocated_[0 .. buffer_.length];
alias UTFBlockDecoder!512 UTFFastDecoder;
///Decodes streams to UTF-32 in blocks.
struct UTFBlockDecoder(size_t bufferSize_) if (bufferSize_ % 2 == 0)
//UTF-8 codepoint strides (0xFF are codepoints that can't start a sequence).
static immutable ubyte[256] utf8Stride =
//Encoding of the input stream.
Encoding encoding_;
//Maximum number of characters that might be in the stream.
size_t maxChars_;
//Bytes available in the stream.
size_t available_;
//Input stream.
EndianStream stream_;
//Buffer used to store raw UTF-8 or UTF-16 code points.
char[bufferSize_] rawBuffer8_;
wchar[bufferSize_ / 2] rawBuffer16_;
//Used space (in items) in rawBuffer8_/rawBuffer16_.
size_t rawUsed_;
//Space used by buffer_.
dchar[bufferSize_] bufferSpace_;
//Buffer of decoded, UTF-32 characters. This is a slice into bufferSpace_.
dchar[] buffer_;
///Construct a UTFBlockDecoder decoding a stream.
this(EndianStream stream) @system
stream_ = stream;
available_ = stream_.available;
//Handle files short enough not to have a BOM.
if(available_ < 2)
encoding_ = Encoding.UTF_8;
maxChars_ = 0;
if(available_ == 1)
bufferSpace_[0] = stream_.getc();
buffer_ = bufferSpace_[0 .. 1];
maxChars_ = 1;
char[] rawBuffer8;
wchar[] rawBuffer16;
//readBOM will determine and set stream endianness.
case -1:
//readBOM() eats two more bytes in this case so get them back.
const wchar bytes = stream_.getcw();
rawBuffer8_[0 .. 2] = [cast(ubyte)(bytes % 256), cast(ubyte)(bytes / 256)];
rawUsed_ = 2;
goto case 0;
case 0:
maxChars_ = available_;
encoding_ = Encoding.UTF_8;
case 1, 2:
maxChars_ = available_ / 2;
//readBOM() eats two more bytes in this case so get them back.
encoding_ = Encoding.UTF_16;
rawBuffer16_[0] = stream_.getcw();
rawUsed_ = 1;
enforce(available_ % 2 == 0,
new ReaderException("Odd byte count in an UTF-16 stream"));
case 3, 4:
maxChars_ = available_ / 4;
encoding_ = Encoding.UTF_32;
enforce(available_ % 4 == 0,
new ReaderException("Byte count in an UTF-32 stream not divisible by 4"));
default: assert(false, "Unknown UTF BOM");
available_ = stream_.available;
///Get maximum number of characters that might be in the stream.
@property size_t maxChars() const pure @safe nothrow {return maxChars_;}
///Get encoding we're decoding from.
@property Encoding encoding() const pure @safe nothrow {return encoding_;}
///Are we done decoding?
@property bool done() const pure @safe nothrow
return rawUsed_ == 0 && buffer_.length == 0 && available_ == 0;
///Get next character.
dchar getDChar() @system
const result = buffer_[0];
buffer_ = buffer_[1 .. $];
return result;
assert(available_ > 0 || rawUsed_ > 0);
return getDChar();
///Get as many characters as possible, but at most maxChars. Slice returned will be invalidated in further calls.
const(dchar[]) getDChars(size_t maxChars = size_t.max) @system
const slice = min(buffer_.length, maxChars);
const result = buffer_[0 .. slice];
buffer_ = buffer_[slice .. $];
return result;
assert(available_ > 0 || rawUsed_ > 0);
return getDChars(maxChars);
//Read and decode characters from file and store them in the buffer.
void updateBuffer() @system
assert(buffer_.length == 0);
final switch(encoding_)
case Encoding.UTF_8:
const bytes = min(bufferSize_ - rawUsed_, available_);
//Current length of valid data in rawBuffer8_.
const rawLength = rawUsed_ + bytes;
stream_.readExact(rawBuffer8_.ptr + rawUsed_, bytes);
available_ -= bytes;
decodeRawBuffer(rawBuffer8_, rawLength);
case Encoding.UTF_16:
const words = min((bufferSize_ / 2) - rawUsed_, available_ / 2);
//Current length of valid data in rawBuffer16_.
const rawLength = rawUsed_ + words;
foreach(c; rawUsed_ .. rawLength)
available_ -= 2;
decodeRawBuffer(rawBuffer16_, rawLength);
case Encoding.UTF_32:
const chars = min(bufferSize_ / 4, available_ / 4);
foreach(c; 0 .. chars)
available_ -= 4;
buffer_ = bufferSpace_[0 .. chars];
//Decode contents of a UTF-8 or UTF-16 raw buffer.
void decodeRawBuffer(C)(C[] buffer, const size_t length) pure @system
//End of part of rawBuffer8_ that contains
//complete characters and can be decoded.
const end = endOfLastUTFSequence(buffer, length);
//If end is 0, there are no full UTF-8 chars.
//This can happen at the end of file if there is an incomplete UTF-8 sequence.
enforce(end > 0,
new ReaderException("Invalid UTF-8 character at the end of stream"));
decodeUTF(buffer[0 .. end]);
//After decoding, any code points not decoded go to the start of raw buffer.
rawUsed_ = length - end;
foreach(i; 0 .. rawUsed_){buffer[i] = buffer[i + end];}
//Determine the end of last UTF-8 or UTF-16 sequence in a raw buffer.
size_t endOfLastUTFSequence(C)(const C[] buffer, const size_t max)
pure @system nothrow
static if(is(C == char))
for(long end = max - 1; end >= 0; --end)
const s = utf8Stride[buffer[cast(size_t)end]];
if(s != 0xFF)
//If stride goes beyond end of the buffer (max), return end.
//Otherwise the last sequence ends at max, so we can return that.
//(Unless there is an invalid code point, which is
//caught at decoding)
return (s > max - end) ? cast(size_t)end : max;
return 0;
size_t end = 0;
while(end < max)
const s = stride(buffer, end);
if(s + end > max){break;}
end += s;
return end;
//Decode a UTF-8 or UTF-16 buffer (with no incomplete sequences at the end).
void decodeUTF(C)(const C[] source) pure @system
size_t bufpos = 0;
const srclength = source.length;
for(size_t srcpos = 0; srcpos < srclength;)
const c = source[srcpos];
if(c < 0x80)
bufferSpace_[bufpos++] = c;
bufferSpace_[bufpos++] = decode(source, srcpos);
buffer_ = bufferSpace_[0 .. bufpos];
* Determine if all characters in an array are printable.
* Params: chars = Characters to check.
* Returns: True if all the characters are printable, false otherwise.
bool printable(const ref dchar[] chars) pure @safe nothrow
foreach(c; chars)
if(!((c == 0x09 || c == 0x0A || c == 0x0D || c == 0x85) ||
(c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E) ||
(c >= 0xA0 && c <= '\uD7FF') ||
(c >= '\uE000' && c <= '\uFFFD')))
return false;
return true;
void testEndian(R)()
writeln(typeid(R).toString() ~ ": endian unittest");
void endian_test(ubyte[] data, Encoding encoding_expected, Endian endian_expected)
Reader reader = new R(new MemoryStream(data));
assert(reader.encoding == encoding_expected);
assert(reader.stream_.endian == endian_expected);
ubyte[] little_endian_utf_16 = [0xFF, 0xFE, 0x7A, 0x00];
ubyte[] big_endian_utf_16 = [0xFE, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x7A];
endian_test(little_endian_utf_16, Encoding.UTF_16, Endian.littleEndian);
endian_test(big_endian_utf_16, Encoding.UTF_16, Endian.bigEndian);
void testPeekPrefixForward(R)()
writeln(typeid(R).toString() ~ ": peek/prefix/forward unittest");
ubyte[] data = ByteOrderMarks[BOM.UTF8] ~ cast(ubyte[])"data";
Reader reader = new R(new MemoryStream(data));
assert(reader.peek() == 'd');
assert(reader.peek(1) == 'a');
assert(reader.peek(2) == 't');
assert(reader.peek(3) == 'a');
assert(reader.peek(4) == '\0');
assert(reader.prefix(4) == "data");
assert(reader.prefix(6) == "data\0");
assert(reader.peek(1) == 'a');
void testUTF(R)()
writeln(typeid(R).toString() ~ ": UTF formats unittest");
dchar[] data = cast(dchar[])"data";
void utf_test(T)(T[] data, BOM bom)
ubyte[] bytes = ByteOrderMarks[bom] ~
(cast(ubyte*)data.ptr)[0 .. data.length * T.sizeof];
Reader reader = new R(new MemoryStream(bytes));
assert(reader.peek() == 'd');
assert(reader.peek(1) == 'a');
assert(reader.peek(2) == 't');
assert(reader.peek(3) == 'a');
utf_test!char(to!(char[])(data), BOM.UTF8);
utf_test!wchar(to!(wchar[])(data), endian == Endian.bigEndian ? BOM.UTF16BE : BOM.UTF16LE);
utf_test(data, endian == Endian.bigEndian ? BOM.UTF32BE : BOM.UTF32LE);