Ferdinand Majerech 2f3d782c84 Fixed compilation with DMD 2.068
Had to use a lot of @trusted as std.variant.VariantN is again less safe.
Will need to change that back once it gets safer, or at least isolate
code using it so that half of Node API doesn't need to be @trusted.
2015-08-23 09:09:24 +02:00

1854 lines
66 KiB

// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
/// Node of a YAML document. Used to read YAML data once it's loaded,
/// and to prepare data to emit.
module dyaml.node;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.datetime;
import std.exception;
import std.math;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.traits;
import std.typecons;
import std.variant;
import dyaml.event;
import dyaml.exception;
import dyaml.style;
import dyaml.tag;
/// Exception thrown at node related errors.
class NodeException : YAMLException
// Construct a NodeException.
// Params: msg = Error message.
// start = Start position of the node.
this(string msg, Mark start, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)
super(msg ~ "\nNode at: " ~ start.toString(), file, line);
private alias NodeException Error;
// Node kinds.
package enum NodeID : ubyte
/// Null YAML type. Used in nodes with _null values.
struct YAMLNull
/// Used for string conversion.
string toString() const pure @safe nothrow {return "null";}
// Merge YAML type, used to support "tag:yaml.org,2002:merge".
package struct YAMLMerge{}
// Base class for YAMLContainer - used for user defined YAML types.
package abstract class YAMLObject
// Get type of the stored value.
@property TypeInfo type() const pure @safe nothrow {assert(false);}
// Compare with another YAMLObject.
int cmp(const YAMLObject rhs) const @system {assert(false);};
// Stores a user defined YAML data type.
package class YAMLContainer(T) if (!Node.allowed!T): YAMLObject
// Stored value.
T value_;
// Get type of the stored value.
@property override TypeInfo type() const pure @safe nothrow {return typeid(T);}
// Get string representation of the container.
override string toString() @system
static if(!hasMember!(T, "toString"))
return super.toString();
return format("YAMLContainer(%s)", value_.toString());
// Compare with another YAMLObject.
override int cmp(const YAMLObject rhs) const @system
const typeCmp = type.opCmp(rhs.type);
if(typeCmp != 0){return typeCmp;}
// Const-casting here as Object opCmp is not const.
T* v1 = cast(T*)&value_;
T* v2 = cast(T*)&((cast(YAMLContainer)rhs).value_);
return (*v1).opCmp(*v2);
// Construct a YAMLContainer holding specified value.
this(T value) @trusted {value_ = value;}
// Key-value pair of YAML nodes, used in mappings.
private struct Pair
/// Key node.
Node key;
/// Value node.
Node value;
/// Construct a Pair from two values. Will be converted to Nodes if needed.
this(K, V)(K key, V value) @safe
static if(is(Unqual!K == Node)){this.key = key;}
else {this.key = Node(key);}
static if(is(Unqual!V == Node)){this.value = value;}
else {this.value = Node(value);}
/// Equality test with another Pair.
bool opEquals(const ref Pair rhs) const @safe
return cmp!(Yes.useTag)(rhs) == 0;
/// Assignment (shallow copy) by value.
void opAssign(Pair rhs) @safe nothrow
/// Assignment (shallow copy) by reference.
void opAssign(ref Pair rhs) @safe nothrow
key = rhs.key;
value = rhs.value;
// Comparison with another Pair.
// useTag determines whether or not we consider node tags
// in the comparison.
int cmp(Flag!"useTag" useTag)(ref const(Pair) rhs) const @safe
const keyCmp = key.cmp!useTag(rhs.key);
return keyCmp != 0 ? keyCmp
: value.cmp!useTag(rhs.value);
// @disable causes a linker error with DMD 2.054, so we temporarily use
// a private opCmp. Apparently this must also match the attributes of
// the Node's opCmp to avoid a linker error.
@disable int opCmp(ref Pair);
int opCmp(ref const(Pair) pair) const @safe
assert(false, "This should never be called");
/** YAML node.
* This is a pseudo-dynamic type that can store any YAML value, including a
* sequence or mapping of nodes. You can get data from a Node directly or
* iterate over it if it's a collection.
struct Node
alias Pair = .Pair;
// YAML value type.
alias Algebraic!(YAMLNull, YAMLMerge, bool, long, real, ubyte[], SysTime, string,
Node.Pair[], Node[], YAMLObject) Value;
// Can Value hold this type without wrapping it in a YAMLObject?
template allowed(T)
enum allowed = isIntegral!T ||
isFloatingPoint!T ||
isSomeString!T ||
// Stored value.
Value value_;
// Start position of the node.
Mark startMark_;
// Tag of the node.
Tag tag_;
// Node scalar style. Used to remember style this node was loaded with.
ScalarStyle scalarStyle = ScalarStyle.Invalid;
// Node collection style. Used to remember style this node was loaded with.
CollectionStyle collectionStyle = CollectionStyle.Invalid;
static assert(Value.sizeof <= 24, "Unexpected YAML value size");
static assert(Node.sizeof <= 48, "Unexpected YAML node size");
// If scalarCtorNothrow!T is true, scalar node ctor from T can be nothrow.
// Eventually we should simplify this and make all Node constructors except from
// user values nothrow (and think even about those user values). 2014-08-28
enum scalarCtorNothrow(T) =
(is(Unqual!T == string) || isIntegral!T || isFloatingPoint!T) ||
(Value.allowed!T && (!is(Unqual!T == Value) && !isSomeString!T && !isArray!T && !isAssociativeArray!T));
/** Construct a Node from a value.
* Any type except for Node can be stored in a Node, but default YAML
* types (integers, floats, strings, timestamps, etc.) will be stored
* more efficiently. To create a node representing a null value,
* construct it from YAMLNull.
* Note that to emit any non-default types you store
* in a node, you need a Representer to represent them in YAML -
* otherwise emitting will fail.
* Params: value = Value to store in the node.
* tag = Overrides tag of the node when emitted, regardless
* of tag determined by Representer. Representer uses
* this to determine YAML data type when a D data type
* maps to multiple different YAML data types. Tag must
* be in full form, e.g. "tag:yaml.org,2002:int", not
* a shortcut, like "!!int".
this(T)(T value, const string tag = null) @trusted
if(!scalarCtorNothrow!T && (!isArray!T && !isAssociativeArray!T))
tag_ = Tag(tag);
// No copyconstruction.
static assert(!is(Unqual!T == Node));
enum unexpectedType = "Unexpected type in the non-nothrow YAML node constructor";
static if(isSomeString!T) { value_ = Value(value.to!string); }
else static if(is(Unqual!T == Value)) { value_ = Value(value); }
else static if(Value.allowed!T) { static assert(false, unexpectedType); }
// User defined type.
else { value_ = userValue(value); }
/// Ditto.
// Overload for types where we can make this nothrow.
this(T)(T value, const string tag = null) @trusted pure nothrow
tag_ = Tag(tag);
// We can easily store ints, floats, strings.
static if(isIntegral!T) { value_ = Value(cast(long)value); }
else static if(isFloatingPoint!T) { value_ = Value(cast(real)value); }
// User defined type or plain string.
else { value_ = Value(value); }
auto node = Node(42);
assert(node.isScalar && !node.isSequence &&
!node.isMapping && !node.isUserType);
assert(node.as!int == 42 && node.as!float == 42.0f && node.as!string == "42");
auto node = Node(new class{int a = 5;});
auto node = Node("string");
assert(node.as!string == "string");
/** Construct a node from an _array.
* If _array is an _array of nodes or pairs, it is stored directly.
* Otherwise, every value in the array is converted to a node, and
* those nodes are stored.
* Params: array = Values to store in the node.
* tag = Overrides tag of the node when emitted, regardless
* of tag determined by Representer. Representer uses
* this to determine YAML data type when a D data type
* maps to multiple different YAML data types.
* This is used to differentiate between YAML sequences
* ("!!seq") and sets ("!!set"), which both are
* internally represented as an array_ of nodes. Tag
* must be in full form, e.g. "tag:yaml.org,2002:set",
* not a shortcut, like "!!set".
* Examples:
* --------------------
* // Will be emitted as a sequence (default for arrays)
* auto seq = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
* // Will be emitted as a set (overriden tag)
* auto set = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "tag:yaml.org,2002:set");
* --------------------
this(T)(T[] array, const string tag = null) @trusted
if (!isSomeString!(T[]))
tag_ = Tag(tag);
// Construction from raw node or pair array.
static if(is(Unqual!T == Node) || is(Unqual!T == Node.Pair))
value_ = Value(array);
// Need to handle byte buffers separately.
else static if(is(Unqual!T == byte) || is(Unqual!T == ubyte))
value_ = Value(cast(ubyte[]) array);
Node[] nodes;
foreach(ref value; array){nodes ~= Node(value);}
value_ = Value(nodes);
with(Node([1, 2, 3]))
assert(!isScalar() && isSequence && !isMapping && !isUserType);
assert(length == 3);
assert(opIndex(2).as!int == 3);
// Will be emitted as a sequence (default for arrays)
auto seq = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// Will be emitted as a set (overriden tag)
auto set = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "tag:yaml.org,2002:set");
/** Construct a node from an associative _array.
* If keys and/or values of _array are nodes, they stored directly.
* Otherwise they are converted to nodes and then stored.
* Params: array = Values to store in the node.
* tag = Overrides tag of the node when emitted, regardless
* of tag determined by Representer. Representer uses
* this to determine YAML data type when a D data type
* maps to multiple different YAML data types.
* This is used to differentiate between YAML unordered
* mappings ("!!map"), ordered mappings ("!!omap"), and
* pairs ("!!pairs") which are all internally
* represented as an _array of node pairs. Tag must be
* in full form, e.g. "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap", not a
* shortcut, like "!!omap".
* Examples:
* --------------------
* // Will be emitted as an unordered mapping (default for mappings)
* auto map = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"]);
* // Will be emitted as an ordered map (overriden tag)
* auto omap = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap");
* // Will be emitted as pairs (overriden tag)
* auto pairs = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs");
* --------------------
this(K, V)(V[K] array, const string tag = null) @trusted
tag_ = Tag(tag);
Node.Pair[] pairs;
foreach(key, ref value; array){pairs ~= Pair(key, value);}
value_ = Value(pairs);
int[string] aa;
aa["1"] = 1;
aa["2"] = 2;
assert(!isScalar() && !isSequence && isMapping && !isUserType);
assert(length == 2);
assert(opIndex("2").as!int == 2);
// Will be emitted as an unordered mapping (default for mappings)
auto map = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"]);
// Will be emitted as an ordered map (overriden tag)
auto omap = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap");
// Will be emitted as pairs (overriden tag)
auto pairs = Node([1 : "a", 2 : "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs");
/** Construct a node from arrays of _keys and _values.
* Constructs a mapping node with key-value pairs from
* _keys and _values, keeping their order. Useful when order
* is important (ordered maps, pairs).
* keys and values must have equal length.
* If _keys and/or _values are nodes, they are stored directly/
* Otherwise they are converted to nodes and then stored.
* Params: keys = Keys of the mapping, from first to last pair.
* values = Values of the mapping, from first to last pair.
* tag = Overrides tag of the node when emitted, regardless
* of tag determined by Representer. Representer uses
* this to determine YAML data type when a D data type
* maps to multiple different YAML data types.
* This is used to differentiate between YAML unordered
* mappings ("!!map"), ordered mappings ("!!omap"), and
* pairs ("!!pairs") which are all internally
* represented as an array of node pairs. Tag must be
* in full form, e.g. "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap", not a
* shortcut, like "!!omap".
* Examples:
* --------------------
* // Will be emitted as an unordered mapping (default for mappings)
* auto map = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"]);
* // Will be emitted as an ordered map (overriden tag)
* auto omap = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap");
* // Will be emitted as pairs (overriden tag)
* auto pairs = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs");
* --------------------
this(K, V)(K[] keys, V[] values, const string tag = null) @trusted
if(!(isSomeString!(K[]) || isSomeString!(V[])))
assert(keys.length == values.length,
"Lengths of keys and values arrays to construct "
"a YAML node from don't match");
tag_ = Tag(tag);
Node.Pair[] pairs;
foreach(i; 0 .. keys.length){pairs ~= Pair(keys[i], values[i]);}
value_ = Value(pairs);
with(Node(["1", "2"], [1, 2]))
assert(!isScalar() && !isSequence && isMapping && !isUserType);
assert(length == 2);
assert(opIndex("2").as!int == 2);
// Will be emitted as an unordered mapping (default for mappings)
auto map = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"]);
// Will be emitted as an ordered map (overriden tag)
auto omap = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap");
// Will be emitted as pairs (overriden tag)
auto pairs = Node([1, 2], ["a", "b"], "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs");
/// Is this node valid (initialized)?
@property bool isValid() const @safe pure nothrow
return value_.hasValue;
/// Is this node a scalar value?
@property bool isScalar() const @safe nothrow
return !(isMapping || isSequence);
/// Is this node a sequence?
@property bool isSequence() const @safe nothrow
return isType!(Node[]);
/// Is this node a mapping?
@property bool isMapping() const @safe nothrow
return isType!(Pair[]);
/// Is this node a user defined type?
@property bool isUserType() const @safe nothrow
return isType!YAMLObject;
/// Is this node null?
@property bool isNull() const @safe nothrow
return isType!YAMLNull;
/// Return tag of the node.
@property string tag() const @safe nothrow {return tag_.get;}
/** Equality test.
* If T is Node, recursively compares all subnodes.
* This might be quite expensive if testing entire documents.
* If T is not Node, gets a value of type T from the node and tests
* equality with that.
* To test equality with a null YAML value, use YAMLNull.
* Params: rhs = Variable to test equality with.
* Returns: true if equal, false otherwise.
bool opEquals(T)(const auto ref T rhs) const @safe
return equals!(Yes.useTag)(rhs);
auto node = Node(42);
assert(node == 42);
assert(node != "42");
assert(node != "43");
auto node2 = Node(YAMLNull());
assert(node2 == YAMLNull());
/// Shortcut for get().
alias get as;
/** Get the value of the node as specified type.
* If the specifed type does not match type in the node,
* conversion is attempted. The stringConversion template
* parameter can be used to disable conversion from non-string
* types to strings.
* Numeric values are range checked, throwing if out of range of
* requested type.
* Timestamps are stored as std.datetime.SysTime.
* Binary values are decoded and stored as ubyte[].
* To get a null value, use get!YAMLNull . This is to
* prevent getting null values for types such as strings or classes.
* $(BR)$(B Mapping default values:)
* $(PBR
* The '=' key can be used to denote the default value of a mapping.
* This can be used when a node is scalar in early versions of a program,
* but is replaced by a mapping later. Even if the node is a mapping, the
* get method can be used as if it was a scalar if it has a default value.
* This way, new YAML files where the node is a mapping can still be read
* by old versions of the program, which expect the node to be a scalar.
* )
* Examples:
* Automatic type conversion:
* --------------------
* auto node = Node(42);
* assert(node.as!int == 42);
* assert(node.as!string == "42");
* assert(node.as!double == 42.0);
* --------------------
* Returns: Value of the node as specified type.
* Throws: NodeException if unable to convert to specified type, or if
* the value is out of range of requested type.
@property T get(T, Flag!"stringConversion" stringConversion = Yes.stringConversion)()
@trusted if(!is(T == const))
if(isType!T){return value_.get!T;}
/// Must go before others, as even string/int/etc could be stored in a YAMLObject.
static if(!allowed!T) if(isUserType)
auto object = as!YAMLObject;
if(object.type is typeid(T))
return (cast(YAMLContainer!T)object).value_;
throw new Error("Node stores unexpected type: " ~ object.type.toString() ~
". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_);
// If we're getting from a mapping and we're not getting Node.Pair[],
// we're getting the default value.
if(isMapping){return this["="].as!(T, stringConversion);}
static if(isSomeString!T)
static if(!stringConversion)
if(isString){return to!T(value_.get!string);}
throw new Error("Node stores unexpected type: " ~ type.toString() ~
". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_);
// Try to convert to string.
return value_.coerce!T();
catch(VariantException e)
throw new Error("Unable to convert node value to string", startMark_);
static if(isFloatingPoint!T)
/// Can convert int to float.
if(isInt()) {return to!T(value_.get!(const long));}
else if(isFloat()){return to!T(value_.get!(const real));}
else static if(isIntegral!T) if(isInt())
const temp = value_.get!(const long);
enforce(temp >= T.min && temp <= T.max,
new Error("Integer value of type " ~ typeid(T).toString() ~
" out of range. Value: " ~ to!string(temp), startMark_));
return to!T(temp);
throw new Error("Node stores unexpected type: " ~ type.toString() ~
". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString(), startMark_);
assert(false, "This code should never be reached");
/// Ditto.
@property T get(T, Flag!"stringConversion" stringConversion = Yes.stringConversion)() const
@trusted if(is(T == const))
if(isType!(Unqual!T)){return value_.get!T;}
/// Must go before others, as even string/int/etc could be stored in a YAMLObject.
static if(!allowed!(Unqual!T)) if(isUserType)
auto object = as!(const YAMLObject);
if(object.type is typeid(T))
return (cast(const YAMLContainer!(Unqual!T))object).value_;
throw new Error("Node has unexpected type: " ~ object.type.toString() ~
". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_);
// If we're getting from a mapping and we're not getting Node.Pair[],
// we're getting the default value.
if(isMapping){return indexConst("=").as!( T, stringConversion);}
static if(isSomeString!T)
static if(!stringConversion)
if(isString){return to!T(value_.get!(const string));}
throw new Error("Node stores unexpected type: " ~ type.toString() ~
". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString(), startMark_);
// Try to convert to string.
// NOTE: We are casting away const here
return (cast(Value)value_).coerce!T();
catch(VariantException e)
throw new Error("Unable to convert node value to string", startMark_);
static if(isFloatingPoint!T)
/// Can convert int to float.
if(isInt()) {return to!T(value_.get!(const long));}
else if(isFloat()){return to!T(value_.get!(const real));}
else static if(isIntegral!T) if(isInt())
const temp = value_.get!(const long);
enforce(temp >= T.min && temp <= T.max,
new Error("Integer value of type " ~ typeid(T).toString() ~
" out of range. Value: " ~ to!string(temp), startMark_));
return to!T(temp);
throw new Error("Node stores unexpected type: " ~ type.toString() ~
". Expected: " ~ typeid(T).toString, startMark_);
/** If this is a collection, return its _length.
* Otherwise, throw NodeException.
* Returns: Number of elements in a sequence or key-value pairs in a mapping.
* Throws: NodeException if this is not a sequence nor a mapping.
@property size_t length() const @trusted
if(isSequence) {return value_.get!(const Node[]).length;}
else if(isMapping){return value_.get!(const Pair[]).length;}
throw new Error("Trying to get length of a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node",
/** Get the element at specified index.
* If the node is a sequence, index must be integral.
* If the node is a mapping, return the value corresponding to the first
* key equal to index. containsKey() can be used to determine if a mapping
* has a specific key.
* To get element at a null index, use YAMLNull for index.
* Params: index = Index to use.
* Returns: Value corresponding to the index.
* Throws: NodeException if the index could not be found,
* non-integral index is used with a sequence or the node is
* not a collection.
ref Node opIndex(T)(T index) @trusted
static if(isIntegral!T)
return cast(Node)value_.get!(Node[])[index];
else if(isMapping)
auto idx = findPair(index);
if(idx >= 0)
return cast(Node)value_.get!(Pair[])[idx].value;
string msg = "Mapping index not found" ~ (isSomeString!T ? ": " ~ to!string(index) : "");
throw new Error(msg, startMark_);
throw new Error("Trying to index a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node", startMark_);
writeln("D:YAML Node opIndex unittest");
alias Node.Value Value;
alias Node.Pair Pair;
Node narray = Node([11, 12, 13, 14]);
Node nmap = Node(["11", "12", "13", "14"], [11, 12, 13, 14]);
assert(narray[0].as!int == 11);
assert(null !is collectException(narray[42]));
assert(nmap["11"].as!int == 11);
assert(nmap["14"].as!int == 14);
writeln("D:YAML Node opIndex unittest");
alias Node.Value Value;
alias Node.Pair Pair;
Node narray = Node([11, 12, 13, 14]);
Node nmap = Node(["11", "12", "13", "14"], [11, 12, 13, 14]);
assert(narray[0].as!int == 11);
assert(null !is collectException(narray[42]));
assert(nmap["11"].as!int == 11);
assert(nmap["14"].as!int == 14);
assert(null !is collectException(nmap["42"]));
nmap.add(YAMLNull(), "Nothing");
assert(narray[4].as!YAMLNull == YAMLNull());
assert(nmap[YAMLNull()].as!string == "Nothing");
/** Determine if a collection contains specified value.
* If the node is a sequence, check if it contains the specified value.
* If it's a mapping, check if it has a value that matches specified value.
* Params: rhs = Item to look for. Use YAMLNull to check for a null value.
* Returns: true if rhs was found, false otherwise.
* Throws: NodeException if the node is not a collection.
bool contains(T)(T rhs) const @safe
return contains_!(T, No.key, "contains")(rhs);
/** Determine if a mapping contains specified key.
* Params: rhs = Key to look for. Use YAMLNull to check for a null key.
* Returns: true if rhs was found, false otherwise.
* Throws: NodeException if the node is not a mapping.
bool containsKey(T)(T rhs) const @safe
return contains_!(T, Yes.key, "containsKey")(rhs);
// Unittest for contains() and containsKey().
writeln("D:YAML Node contains/containsKey unittest");
auto seq = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
auto seq2 = Node(["1", "2"]);
auto map = Node(["1", "2", "3", "4"], [1, 2, 3, 4]);
map.add("Nothing", YAMLNull());
map.add(YAMLNull(), "Nothing");
auto map2 = Node([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]);
// scalar
auto mapNan = Node([1.0, 2, double.nan], [1, double.nan, 5]);
/// Assignment (shallow copy) by value.
void opAssign(Node rhs) @safe nothrow
/// Assignment (shallow copy) by reference.
void opAssign(ref Node rhs) @trusted nothrow
// Value opAssign doesn't really throw, so force it to nothrow.
alias Value delegate(Value) nothrow valueAssignNothrow;
startMark_ = rhs.startMark_;
tag_ = rhs.tag_;
scalarStyle = rhs.scalarStyle;
collectionStyle = rhs.collectionStyle;
// Unittest for opAssign().
auto seq = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
auto assigned = seq;
assert(seq == assigned,
"Node.opAssign() doesn't produce an equivalent copy");
/** Set element at specified index in a collection.
* This method can only be called on collection nodes.
* If the node is a sequence, index must be integral.
* If the node is a mapping, sets the _value corresponding to the first
* key matching index (including conversion, so e.g. "42" matches 42).
* If the node is a mapping and no key matches index, a new key-value
* pair is added to the mapping. In sequences the index must be in
* range. This ensures behavior siilar to D arrays and associative
* arrays.
* To set element at a null index, use YAMLNull for index.
* Params: index = Index of the value to set.
* Throws: NodeException if the node is not a collection, index is out
* of range or if a non-integral index is used on a sequence node.
void opIndexAssign(K, V)(V value, K index) @trusted
// This ensures K is integral.
static if(isIntegral!K)
auto nodes = value_.get!(Node[]);
static if(is(Unqual!V == Node)){nodes[index] = value;}
else {nodes[index] = Node(value);}
value_ = Value(nodes);
else if(isMapping())
const idx = findPair(index);
if(idx < 0){add(index, value);}
auto pairs = as!(Node.Pair[])();
static if(is(Unqual!V == Node)){pairs[idx].value = value;}
else {pairs[idx].value = Node(value);}
value_ = Value(pairs);
throw new Error("Trying to index a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node", startMark_);
writeln("D:YAML Node opIndexAssign unittest");
with(Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 3]))
opIndexAssign(42, 3);
assert(length == 5);
assert(opIndex(3).as!int == 42);
opIndexAssign(YAMLNull(), 0);
assert(opIndex(0) == YAMLNull());
with(Node(["1", "2", "3"], [4, 5, 6]))
opIndexAssign(42, "3");
opIndexAssign(123, 456);
assert(length == 4);
assert(opIndex("3").as!int == 42);
assert(opIndex(456).as!int == 123);
opIndexAssign(43, 3);
//3 and "3" should be different
assert(length == 5);
assert(opIndex("3").as!int == 42);
assert(opIndex(3).as!int == 43);
opIndexAssign(YAMLNull(), "2");
assert(opIndex("2") == YAMLNull());
/** Foreach over a sequence, getting each element as T.
* If T is Node, simply iterate over the nodes in the sequence.
* Otherwise, convert each node to T during iteration.
* Throws: NodeException if the node is not a sequence or an
* element could not be converted to specified type.
int opApply(T)(int delegate(ref T) dg) @trusted
new Error("Trying to sequence-foreach over a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node",
int result = 0;
foreach(ref node; get!(Node[]))
static if(is(Unqual!T == Node))
result = dg(node);
T temp = node.as!T;
result = dg(temp);
return result;
writeln("D:YAML Node opApply unittest 1");
alias Node.Value Value;
alias Node.Pair Pair;
Node n1 = Node(Value(cast(long)11));
Node n2 = Node(Value(cast(long)12));
Node n3 = Node(Value(cast(long)13));
Node n4 = Node(Value(cast(long)14));
Node narray = Node([n1, n2, n3, n4]);
int[] array, array2;
foreach(int value; narray)
array ~= value;
foreach(Node node; narray)
array2 ~= node.as!int;
assert(array == [11, 12, 13, 14]);
assert(array2 == [11, 12, 13, 14]);
/** Foreach over a mapping, getting each key/value as K/V.
* If the K and/or V is Node, simply iterate over the nodes in the mapping.
* Otherwise, convert each key/value to T during iteration.
* Throws: NodeException if the node is not a mapping or an
* element could not be converted to specified type.
int opApply(K, V)(int delegate(ref K, ref V) dg) @trusted
new Error("Trying to mapping-foreach over a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node",
int result = 0;
foreach(ref pair; get!(Node.Pair[]))
static if(is(Unqual!K == Node) && is(Unqual!V == Node))
result = dg(pair.key, pair.value);
else static if(is(Unqual!K == Node))
V tempValue = pair.value.as!V;
result = dg(pair.key, tempValue);
else static if(is(Unqual!V == Node))
K tempKey = pair.key.as!K;
result = dg(tempKey, pair.value);
K tempKey = pair.key.as!K;
V tempValue = pair.value.as!V;
result = dg(tempKey, tempValue);
return result;
writeln("D:YAML Node opApply unittest 2");
alias Node.Value Value;
alias Node.Pair Pair;
Node n1 = Node(cast(long)11);
Node n2 = Node(cast(long)12);
Node n3 = Node(cast(long)13);
Node n4 = Node(cast(long)14);
Node k1 = Node("11");
Node k2 = Node("12");
Node k3 = Node("13");
Node k4 = Node("14");
Node nmap1 = Node([Pair(k1, n1),
Pair(k2, n2),
Pair(k3, n3),
Pair(k4, n4)]);
int[string] expected = ["11" : 11,
"12" : 12,
"13" : 13,
"14" : 14];
int[string] array;
foreach(string key, int value; nmap1)
array[key] = value;
assert(array == expected);
Node nmap2 = Node([Pair(k1, Node(cast(long)5)),
Pair(k2, Node(true)),
Pair(k3, Node(cast(real)1.0)),
Pair(k4, Node("yarly"))]);
foreach(string key, Node value; nmap2)
case "11": assert(value.as!int == 5 ); break;
case "12": assert(value.as!bool == true ); break;
case "13": assert(value.as!float == 1.0 ); break;
case "14": assert(value.as!string == "yarly"); break;
default: assert(false);
/** Add an element to a sequence.
* This method can only be called on sequence nodes.
* If value is a node, it is copied to the sequence directly. Otherwise
* value is converted to a node and then stored in the sequence.
* $(P When emitting, all values in the sequence will be emitted. When
* using the !!set tag, the user needs to ensure that all elements in
* the sequence are unique, otherwise $(B invalid) YAML code will be
* emitted.)
* Params: value = Value to _add to the sequence.
void add(T)(T value) @trusted
new Error("Trying to add an element to a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node", startMark_));
auto nodes = get!(Node[])();
static if(is(Unqual!T == Node)){nodes ~= value;}
else {nodes ~= Node(value);}
value_ = Value(nodes);
writeln("D:YAML Node add unittest 1");
with(Node([1, 2, 3, 4]))
assert(opIndex(4).as!float == 5.0f);
/** Add a key-value pair to a mapping.
* This method can only be called on mapping nodes.
* If key and/or value is a node, it is copied to the mapping directly.
* Otherwise it is converted to a node and then stored in the mapping.
* $(P It is possible for the same key to be present more than once in a
* mapping. When emitting, all key-value pairs will be emitted.
* This is useful with the "!!pairs" tag, but will result in
* $(B invalid) YAML with "!!map" and "!!omap" tags.)
* Params: key = Key to _add.
* value = Value to _add.
void add(K, V)(K key, V value) @trusted
new Error("Trying to add a key-value pair to a " ~
nodeTypeString ~ " node",
auto pairs = get!(Node.Pair[])();
pairs ~= Pair(key, value);
value_ = Value(pairs);
writeln("D:YAML Node add unittest 2");
with(Node([1, 2], [3, 4]))
add(5, "6");
assert(opIndex(5).as!string == "6");
/** Determine whether a key is in a mapping, and access its value.
* This method can only be called on mapping nodes.
* Params: key = Key to search for.
* Returns: A pointer to the value (as a Node) corresponding to key,
* or null if not found.
* Note: Any modification to the node can invalidate the returned
* pointer.
* See_Also: contains
Node* opBinaryRight(string op, K)(K key) @system
if (op == "in")
enforce(isMapping, new Error("Trying to use 'in' on a " ~
nodeTypeString ~ " node", startMark_));
auto idx = findPair(key);
if(idx < 0)
return null;
return &(get!(Node.Pair[])[idx].value);
writeln(`D:YAML Node opBinaryRight!"in" unittest`);
auto mapping = Node(["foo", "baz"], ["bar", "qux"]);
assert("bad" !in mapping && ("bad" in mapping) is null);
Node* foo = "foo" in mapping;
assert(foo !is null);
assert(*foo == Node("bar"));
assert(foo.get!string == "bar");
*foo = Node("newfoo");
assert(mapping["foo"] == Node("newfoo"));
/** Remove first (if any) occurence of a value in a collection.
* This method can only be called on collection nodes.
* If the node is a sequence, the first node matching value is removed.
* If the node is a mapping, the first key-value pair where _value
* matches specified value is removed.
* Params: rhs = Value to _remove.
* Throws: NodeException if the node is not a collection.
void remove(T)(T rhs) @trusted
remove_!(T, No.key, "remove")(rhs);
writeln("D:YAML Node remove unittest");
with(Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 3]))
assert(length == 4);
assert(opIndex(2).as!int == 4);
assert(opIndex(3).as!int == 3);
assert(length == 5);
assert(length == 4);
with(Node(["1", "2", "3"], [4, 5, 6]))
assert(length == 2);
add("nullkey", YAMLNull());
assert(length == 3);
assert(length == 2);
/** Remove element at the specified index of a collection.
* This method can only be called on collection nodes.
* If the node is a sequence, index must be integral.
* If the node is a mapping, remove the first key-value pair where
* key matches index.
* If the node is a mapping and no key matches index, nothing is removed
* and no exception is thrown. This ensures behavior siilar to D arrays
* and associative arrays.
* Params: index = Index to remove at.
* Throws: NodeException if the node is not a collection, index is out
* of range or if a non-integral index is used on a sequence node.
void removeAt(T)(T index) @trusted
remove_!(T, Yes.key, "removeAt")(index);
writeln("D:YAML Node removeAt unittest");
with(Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 3]))
assert(length == 4);
assert(opIndex(3).as!int == 3);
with(Node(["1", "2", "3"], [4, 5, 6]))
// no integer 2 key, so don't remove anything
assert(length == 3);
assert(length == 2);
add(YAMLNull(), "nullval");
assert(length == 3);
assert(length == 2);
/// Compare with another _node.
int opCmp(ref const Node node) const @safe
return cmp!(Yes.useTag)(node);
// Compute hash of the node.
hash_t toHash() @safe nothrow const
const tagHash = tag_.isNull ? 0 : tag_.toHash();
// Variant toHash is not const at the moment, so we need to const-cast.
return tagHash + value_.toHash();
writeln("Node(42).toHash(): ", Node(42).toHash());
// Construct a node from raw data.
// Params: value = Value of the node.
// startMark = Start position of the node in file.
// tag = Tag of the node.
// scalarStyle = Scalar style of the node.
// collectionStyle = Collection style of the node.
// Returns: Constructed node.
static Node rawNode(Value value, const Mark startMark, const Tag tag,
const ScalarStyle scalarStyle,
const CollectionStyle collectionStyle) @trusted
Node node;
node.value_ = value;
node.startMark_ = startMark;
node.tag_ = tag;
node.scalarStyle = scalarStyle;
node.collectionStyle = collectionStyle;
return node;
// Construct Node.Value from user defined type.
static Value userValue(T)(T value) @trusted nothrow
return Value(cast(YAMLObject)new YAMLContainer!T(value));
// Construct Node.Value from a type it can store directly (after casting if needed)
static Value value(T)(T value) @system nothrow if(allowed!T)
static if(Value.allowed!T)
return Value(value);
else static if(isIntegral!T)
return Value(cast(long)(value));
else static if(isFloatingPoint!T)
return Value(cast(real)(value));
else static if(isSomeString!T)
return Value(to!string(value));
else static assert(false, "Unknown value type. Is value() in sync with allowed()?");
// Equality test with any value.
// useTag determines whether or not to consider tags in node-node comparisons.
bool equals(Flag!"useTag" useTag, T)(ref T rhs) const @safe
static if(is(Unqual!T == Node))
return cmp!useTag(rhs) == 0;
auto stored = get!(const(Unqual!T), No.stringConversion);
// Need to handle NaNs separately.
static if(isFloatingPoint!T)
return rhs == stored || (isNaN(rhs) && isNaN(stored));
return rhs == get!(const(Unqual!T));
catch(NodeException e){return false;}
// Comparison with another node.
// Used for ordering in mappings and for opEquals.
// useTag determines whether or not to consider tags in the comparison.
int cmp(Flag!"useTag" useTag)(const ref Node rhs) const @trusted
// Compare tags - if equal or both null, we need to compare further.
static if(useTag)
const tagCmp = tag_.isNull ? rhs.tag_.isNull ? 0 : -1
: rhs.tag_.isNull ? 1 : tag_.opCmp(rhs.tag_);
if(tagCmp != 0){return tagCmp;}
static int cmp(T1, T2)(T1 a, T2 b)
return a > b ? 1 :
a < b ? -1 :
// Compare validity: if both valid, we have to compare further.
const v1 = isValid;
const v2 = rhs.isValid;
if(!v1){return v2 ? -1 : 0;}
if(!v2){return 1;}
const typeCmp = type.opCmp(rhs.type);
if(typeCmp != 0){return typeCmp;}
static int compareCollections(T)(const ref Node lhs, const ref Node rhs)
const c1 = lhs.value_.get!(const T);
const c2 = rhs.value_.get!(const T);
if(c1 is c2){return 0;}
if(c1.length != c2.length)
return cmp(c1.length, c2.length);
// Equal lengths, compare items.
foreach(i; 0 .. c1.length)
const itemCmp = c1[i].cmp!useTag(c2[i]);
if(itemCmp != 0){return itemCmp;}
return 0;
if(isSequence){return compareCollections!(Node[])(this, rhs);}
if(isMapping) {return compareCollections!(Pair[])(this, rhs);}
return std.algorithm.cmp(value_.get!(const string),
rhs.value_.get!(const string));
return cmp(value_.get!(const long), rhs.value_.get!(const long));
const b1 = value_.get!(const bool);
const b2 = rhs.value_.get!(const bool);
return b1 ? b2 ? 0 : 1
: b2 ? -1 : 0;
const b1 = value_.get!(const ubyte[]);
const b2 = rhs.value_.get!(const ubyte[]);
return std.algorithm.cmp(b1, b2);
return 0;
// Floats need special handling for NaNs .
// We consider NaN to be lower than any float.
const r1 = value_.get!(const real);
const r2 = rhs.value_.get!(const real);
return isNaN(r2) ? 0 : -1;
return 1;
// Fuzzy equality.
if(r1 <= r2 + real.epsilon && r1 >= r2 - real.epsilon)
return 0;
return cmp(r1, r2);
else if(isTime)
const t1 = value_.get!(const SysTime);
const t2 = rhs.value_.get!(const SysTime);
return cmp(t1, t2);
else if(isUserType)
return value_.get!(const YAMLObject).cmp(rhs.value_.get!(const YAMLObject));
assert(false, "Unknown type of node for comparison : " ~ type.toString());
// Get a string representation of the node tree. Used for debugging.
// Params: level = Level of the node in the tree.
// Returns: String representing the node tree.
@property string debugString(uint level = 0) @trusted
string indent;
foreach(i; 0 .. level){indent ~= " ";}
if(!isValid){return indent ~ "invalid";}
string result = indent ~ "sequence:\n";
foreach(ref node; get!(Node[]))
result ~= node.debugString(level + 1);
return result;
string result = indent ~ "mapping:\n";
foreach(ref pair; get!(Node.Pair[]))
result ~= indent ~ " pair\n";
result ~= pair.key.debugString(level + 2);
result ~= pair.value.debugString(level + 2);
return result;
return indent ~ "scalar(" ~
(convertsTo!string ? get!string : type.toString()) ~ ")\n";
// Get type of the node value (YAMLObject for user types).
@property TypeInfo type() const @trusted nothrow
alias TypeInfo delegate() const nothrow nothrowType;
return (cast(nothrowType)&value_.type)();
// Determine if the value stored by the node is of specified type.
// This only works for default YAML types, not for user defined types.
@property bool isType(T)() const @safe nothrow
return this.type is typeid(Unqual!T);
// Is the value a bool?
alias isType!bool isBool;
// Is the value a raw binary buffer?
alias isType!(ubyte[]) isBinary;
// Is the value an integer?
alias isType!long isInt;
// Is the value a floating point number?
alias isType!real isFloat;
// Is the value a string?
alias isType!string isString;
// Is the value a timestamp?
alias isType!SysTime isTime;
// Does given node have the same type as this node?
bool hasEqualType(const ref Node node) const @safe
return this.type is node.type;
// Return a string describing node type (sequence, mapping or scalar)
@property string nodeTypeString() const @safe nothrow
assert(isScalar || isSequence || isMapping, "Unknown node type");
return isScalar ? "scalar" :
isSequence ? "sequence" :
isMapping ? "mapping" : "";
// Determine if the value can be converted to specified type.
@property bool convertsTo(T)() const @safe nothrow
if(isType!T){return true;}
// Every type allowed in Value should be convertible to string.
static if(isSomeString!T) {return true;}
else static if(isFloatingPoint!T){return isInt() || isFloat();}
else static if(isIntegral!T) {return isInt();}
else {return false;}
// Implementation of contains() and containsKey().
bool contains_(T, Flag!"key" key, string func)(T rhs) const @trusted
static if(!key) if(isSequence)
foreach(ref node; value_.get!(const Node[]))
if(node == rhs){return true;}
return false;
return findPair!(T, key)(rhs) >= 0;
throw new Error("Trying to use " ~ func ~ "() on a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node",
// Implementation of remove() and removeAt()
void remove_(T, Flag!"key" key, string func)(T rhs) @system
enforce(isSequence || isMapping,
new Error("Trying to " ~ func ~ "() from a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node",
static void removeElem(E, I)(ref Node node, I index)
auto elems = node.value_.get!(E[]);
moveAll(elems[cast(size_t)index + 1 .. $], elems[cast(size_t)index .. $ - 1]);
elems.length = elems.length - 1;
node.value_ = Value(elems);
static long getIndex(ref Node node, ref T rhs)
foreach(idx, ref elem; node.get!(Node[]))
if(elem.convertsTo!T && elem.as!(T, No.stringConversion) == rhs)
return idx;
return -1;
const index = select!key(rhs, getIndex(this, rhs));
// This throws if the index is not integral.
static if(isIntegral!(typeof(index))){removeElem!Node(this, index);}
else {assert(false, "Non-integral sequence index");}
else if(isMapping())
const index = findPair!(T, key)(rhs);
if(index >= 0){removeElem!Pair(this, index);}
// Get index of pair with key (or value, if key is false) matching index.
sizediff_t findPair(T, Flag!"key" key = Yes.key)(const ref T index) const @trusted
const pairs = value_.get!(const Pair[])();
const(Node)* node;
foreach(idx, ref const(Pair) pair; pairs)
static if(key){node = &pair.key;}
else {node = &pair.value;}
bool typeMatch = (isFloatingPoint!T && (node.isInt || node.isFloat)) ||
(isIntegral!T && node.isInt) ||
(isSomeString!T && node.isString) ||
if(typeMatch && *node == index)
return idx;
return -1;
// Check if index is integral and in range.
void checkSequenceIndex(T)(T index) const @trusted
"checkSequenceIndex() called on a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node");
static if(!isIntegral!T)
throw new Error("Indexing a sequence with a non-integral type.", startMark_);
enforce(index >= 0 && index < value_.get!(const Node[]).length,
new Error("Sequence index out of range: " ~ to!string(index),
// Const version of opIndex.
ref const(Node) indexConst(T)(T index) const @trusted
static if(isIntegral!T)
return value_.get!(const Node[])[index];
else if(isMapping)
auto idx = findPair(index);
if(idx >= 0)
return value_.get!(const Pair[])[idx].value;
string msg = "Mapping index not found" ~ (isSomeString!T ? ": " ~ to!string(index) : "");
throw new Error(msg, startMark_);
throw new Error("Trying to index a " ~ nodeTypeString ~ " node", startMark_);
// Merge a pair into an array of pairs based on merge rules in the YAML spec.
// The new pair will only be added if there is not already a pair
// with the same key.
// Params: pairs = Appender managing the array of pairs to merge into.
// toMerge = Pair to merge.
void merge(ref Appender!(Node.Pair[]) pairs, ref Node.Pair toMerge) @trusted
foreach(ref pair; pairs.data)
if(pair.key == toMerge.key){return;}
// Merge pairs into an array of pairs based on merge rules in the YAML spec.
// Any new pair will only be added if there is not already a pair
// with the same key.
// Params: pairs = Appender managing the array of pairs to merge into.
// toMerge = Pairs to merge.
void merge(ref Appender!(Node.Pair[]) pairs, Node.Pair[] toMerge) @trusted
bool eq(ref Node.Pair a, ref Node.Pair b){return a.key == b.key;}
foreach(ref pair; toMerge) if(!canFind!eq(pairs.data, pair))