Jonathan M Davis 7a1e1ecce3 Another attempt at making d-yaml work with dub.
Creating a symlink in source to the dyaml directory does not actually
result in a symlink when another package grabs d-yaml as a dependency
via dub, and even if it did, it wouldn't work on Windows. So, this moves
the source into source so that it'll actually work, and cdc.d has been
adjusted accordingly so that building with it should still work.
2013-03-28 21:33:13 -07:00

937 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* Implements a class that processes YAML mappings, sequences and scalars into
* nodes. This can be used to implement custom data types. A tutorial can be
* found $(LINK2 ../tutorials/custom_types.html, here).
module dyaml.constructor;
import std.array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.base64;
import std.container;
import std.conv;
import std.datetime;
import std.exception;
import std.stdio;
import std.regex;
import std.string;
import std.typecons;
import std.utf;
import dyaml.node;
import dyaml.exception;
import dyaml.tag;
import dyaml.style;
* Exception thrown at constructor errors.
* Can be thrown by custom constructor functions.
package class ConstructorException : YAMLException
* Construct a ConstructorException.
* Params: msg = Error message.
* start = Start position of the error context.
* end = End position of the error context.
this(string msg, Mark start, Mark end, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)
super(msg ~ "\nstart: " ~ start.toString() ~ "\nend: " ~ end.toString(),
file, line);
private alias ConstructorException Error;
* Constructs YAML values.
* Each YAML scalar, sequence or mapping has a tag specifying its data type.
* Constructor uses user-specifyable functions to create a node of desired
* data type from a scalar, sequence or mapping.
* Each of these functions is associated with a tag, and can process either
* a scalar, a sequence, or a mapping. The constructor passes each value to
* the function with corresponding tag, which then returns the resulting value
* that can be stored in a node.
* If a tag is detected with no known constructor function, it is considered an error.
final class Constructor
///Constructor functions from scalars.
Node.Value delegate(ref Node)[Tag] fromScalar_;
///Constructor functions from sequences.
Node.Value delegate(ref Node)[Tag] fromSequence_;
///Constructor functions from mappings.
Node.Value delegate(ref Node)[Tag] fromMapping_;
* Construct a Constructor.
* If you don't want to support default YAML tags/data types, you can use
* defaultConstructors to disable constructor functions for these.
* Params: defaultConstructors = Use constructors for default YAML tags?
this(const Flag!"useDefaultConstructors" defaultConstructors = Yes.useDefaultConstructors)
@safe nothrow
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:null", &constructNull);
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:bool", &constructBool);
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:int", &constructLong);
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:float", &constructReal);
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:binary", &constructBinary);
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp", &constructTimestamp);
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", &constructString);
///In a mapping, the default value is kept as an entry with the '=' key.
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:value", &constructString);
addConstructorSequence("tag:yaml.org,2002:omap", &constructOrderedMap);
addConstructorSequence("tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs", &constructPairs);
addConstructorMapping("tag:yaml.org,2002:set", &constructSet);
addConstructorSequence("tag:yaml.org,2002:seq", &constructSequence);
addConstructorMapping("tag:yaml.org,2002:map", &constructMap);
addConstructorScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:merge", &constructMerge);
///Destroy the constructor.
pure @safe nothrow ~this()
fromScalar_ = null;
fromSequence_ = null;
fromMapping_ = null;
* Add a constructor function from scalar.
* The function must take a reference to $(D Node) to construct from.
* The node contains a string for scalars, $(Node[]) for sequences and
* $(Node.Pair[]) for mappings.
* Any exception thrown by this function will be caught by D:YAML and
* its message will be added to a $(YAMLException) that will also tell
* the user which type failed to construct, and position in the file.
* The value returned by this function will be stored in the resulting node.
* Only one constructor function can be set for one tag.
* Structs and classes must implement the $(D opCmp()) operator for D:YAML
* support. The signature of the operator that must be implemented
* is $(D const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)) for structs where
* $(I MyStruct) is the struct type, and $(D int opCmp(Object o)) for
* classes. Note that the class $(D opCmp()) should not alter the compared
* values - it is not const for compatibility reasons.
* Params: tag = Tag for the function to handle.
* ctor = Constructor function.
* Example:
* --------------------
* import std.string;
* import yaml;
* struct MyStruct
* {
* int x, y, z;
* //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
* //This is used for ordering in mappings.
* const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
* {
* if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
* if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
* if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
* return 0;
* }
* }
* MyStruct constructMyStructScalar(ref Node node)
* {
* //Guaranteed to be string as we construct from scalar.
* //!mystruct x:y:z
* auto parts = node.as!string().split(":");
* //If this throws, the D:YAML will handle it and throw a YAMLException.
* return MyStruct(to!int(parts[0]), to!int(parts[1]), to!int(parts[2]));
* }
* void main()
* {
* auto loader = Loader("file.yaml");
* auto constructor = new Constructor;
* constructor.addConstructorScalar("!mystruct", &constructMyStructScalar);
* loader.constructor = constructor;
* Node node = loader.load();
* }
* --------------------
void addConstructorScalar(T)(const string tag, T function(ref Node) ctor)
@safe nothrow
const t = Tag(tag);
auto deleg = addConstructor!T(t, ctor);
(*delegates!string)[t] = deleg;
* Add a constructor function from sequence.
* See_Also: addConstructorScalar
* Example:
* --------------------
* import std.string;
* import yaml;
* struct MyStruct
* {
* int x, y, z;
* //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
* //This is used for ordering in mappings.
* const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
* {
* if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
* if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
* if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
* return 0;
* }
* }
* MyStruct constructMyStructSequence(ref Node node)
* {
* //node is guaranteed to be sequence.
* //!mystruct [x, y, z]
* return MyStruct(node[0].as!int, node[1].as!int, node[2].as!int);
* }
* void main()
* {
* auto loader = Loader("file.yaml");
* auto constructor = new Constructor;
* constructor.addConstructorSequence("!mystruct", &constructMyStructSequence);
* loader.constructor = constructor;
* Node node = loader.load();
* }
* --------------------
void addConstructorSequence(T)(const string tag, T function(ref Node) ctor)
@safe nothrow
const t = Tag(tag);
auto deleg = addConstructor!T(t, ctor);
(*delegates!(Node[]))[t] = deleg;
* Add a constructor function from a mapping.
* See_Also: addConstructorScalar
* Example:
* --------------------
* import std.string;
* import yaml;
* struct MyStruct
* {
* int x, y, z;
* //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
* //This is used for ordering in mappings.
* const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
* {
* if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
* if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
* if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
* return 0;
* }
* }
* MyStruct constructMyStructMapping(ref Node node)
* {
* //node is guaranteed to be mapping.
* //!mystruct {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
* return MyStruct(node["x"].as!int, node["y"].as!int, node["z"].as!int);
* }
* void main()
* {
* auto loader = Loader("file.yaml");
* auto constructor = new Constructor;
* constructor.addConstructorMapping("!mystruct", &constructMyStructMapping);
* loader.constructor = constructor;
* Node node = loader.load();
* }
* --------------------
void addConstructorMapping(T)(const string tag, T function(ref Node) ctor)
@safe nothrow
const t = Tag(tag);
auto deleg = addConstructor!T(t, ctor);
(*delegates!(Node.Pair[]))[t] = deleg;
* Construct a node.
* Params: start = Start position of the node.
* end = End position of the node.
* tag = Tag (data type) of the node.
* value = Value to construct node from (string, nodes or pairs).
* style = Style of the node (scalar or collection style).
* Returns: Constructed node.
Node node(T, U)(const Mark start, const Mark end, const Tag tag,
T value, U style) @trusted
if((is(T : string) || is(T == Node[]) || is(T == Node.Pair[])) &&
(is(U : CollectionStyle) || is(U : ScalarStyle)))
static type = is(T : string) ? "scalar" :
is(T == Node[]) ? "sequence" :
is(T == Node.Pair[]) ? "mapping" :
enforce((tag in *delegates!T) !is null,
new Error("No constructor function from " ~ type ~
" for tag " ~ tag.get(), start, end));
Node node = Node(value);
static if(is(U : ScalarStyle))
return Node.rawNode((*delegates!T)[tag](node), start, tag,
style, CollectionStyle.Invalid);
else static if(is(U : CollectionStyle))
return Node.rawNode((*delegates!T)[tag](node), start, tag,
ScalarStyle.Invalid, style);
else static assert(false);
catch(Exception e)
throw new Error("Error constructing " ~ typeid(T).toString()
~ ":\n" ~ e.msg, start, end);
* Add a constructor function.
* Params: tag = Tag for the function to handle.
* ctor = Constructor function.
auto addConstructor(T)(const Tag tag, T function(ref Node) ctor)
@trusted nothrow
assert((tag in fromScalar_) is null &&
(tag in fromSequence_) is null &&
(tag in fromMapping_) is null,
"Constructor function for tag " ~ tag.get ~ " is already "
"specified. Can't specify another one.");
return (ref Node n)
static if(Node.allowed!T){return Node.value(ctor(n));}
else {return Node.userValue(ctor(n));}
//Get the array of constructor functions for scalar, sequence or mapping.
auto delegates(T)() pure @safe nothrow
static if(is(T : string)) {return &fromScalar_;}
else static if(is(T : Node[])) {return &fromSequence_;}
else static if(is(T : Node.Pair[])){return &fromMapping_;}
else static assert(false);
///Construct a _null _node.
YAMLNull constructNull(ref Node node)
return YAMLNull();
///Construct a merge _node - a _node that merges another _node into a mapping.
YAMLMerge constructMerge(ref Node node)
return YAMLMerge();
///Construct a boolean _node.
bool constructBool(ref Node node)
static yes = ["yes", "true", "on"];
static no = ["no", "false", "off"];
string value = node.as!string().toLower();
if(yes.canFind(value)){return true;}
if(no.canFind(value)) {return false;}
throw new Exception("Unable to parse boolean value: " ~ value);
///Construct an integer (long) _node.
long constructLong(ref Node node)
string value = node.as!string().replace("_", "");
const char c = value[0];
const long sign = c != '-' ? 1 : -1;
if(c == '-' || c == '+')
value = value[1 .. $];
enforce(value != "", new Exception("Unable to parse float value: " ~ value));
long result;
if(value == "0") {result = cast(long)0;}
else if(value.startsWith("0b")){result = sign * to!int(value[2 .. $], 2);}
else if(value.startsWith("0x")){result = sign * to!int(value[2 .. $], 16);}
else if(value[0] == '0') {result = sign * to!int(value, 8);}
else if(value.canFind(":"))
long val = 0;
long base = 1;
foreach_reverse(digit; value.split(":"))
val += to!long(digit) * base;
base *= 60;
result = sign * val;
else{result = sign * to!long(value);}
catch(ConvException e)
throw new Exception("Unable to parse integer value: " ~ value);
return result;
long getLong(string str)
auto node = Node(str);
return constructLong(node);
string canonical = "685230";
string decimal = "+685_230";
string octal = "02472256";
string hexadecimal = "0x_0A_74_AE";
string binary = "0b1010_0111_0100_1010_1110";
string sexagesimal = "190:20:30";
assert(685230 == getLong(canonical));
assert(685230 == getLong(decimal));
assert(685230 == getLong(octal));
assert(685230 == getLong(hexadecimal));
assert(685230 == getLong(binary));
assert(685230 == getLong(sexagesimal));
///Construct a floating point (real) _node.
real constructReal(ref Node node)
string value = node.as!string().replace("_", "").toLower();
const char c = value[0];
const real sign = c != '-' ? 1.0 : -1.0;
if(c == '-' || c == '+')
value = value[1 .. $];
enforce(value != "" && value != "nan" && value != "inf" && value != "-inf",
new Exception("Unable to parse float value: " ~ value));
real result;
if (value == ".inf"){result = sign * real.infinity;}
//Not a Number.
else if(value == ".nan"){result = real.nan;}
else if(value.canFind(":"))
real val = 0.0;
real base = 1.0;
foreach_reverse(digit; value.split(":"))
val += to!real(digit) * base;
base *= 60.0;
result = sign * val;
//Plain floating point.
else{result = sign * to!real(value);}
catch(ConvException e)
throw new Exception("Unable to parse float value: \"" ~ value ~ "\"");
return result;
bool eq(real a, real b, real epsilon = 0.2)
return a >= (b - epsilon) && a <= (b + epsilon);
real getReal(string str)
auto node = Node(str);
return constructReal(node);
string canonical = "6.8523015e+5";
string exponential = "685.230_15e+03";
string fixed = "685_230.15";
string sexagesimal = "190:20:30.15";
string negativeInf = "-.inf";
string NaN = ".NaN";
assert(eq(685230.15, getReal(canonical)));
assert(eq(685230.15, getReal(exponential)));
assert(eq(685230.15, getReal(fixed)));
assert(eq(685230.15, getReal(sexagesimal)));
assert(eq(-real.infinity, getReal(negativeInf)));
assert(to!string(getReal(NaN)) == "nan");
///Construct a binary (base64) _node.
ubyte[] constructBinary(ref Node node)
string value = node.as!string;
//For an unknown reason, this must be nested to work (compiler bug?).
try{return Base64.decode(value.removechars("\n"));}
catch(Exception e)
throw new Exception("Unable to decode base64 value: " ~ e.msg);
catch(UTFException e)
throw new Exception("Unable to decode base64 value: " ~ e.msg);
ubyte[] test = cast(ubyte[])"The Answer: 42";
char[] buffer;
buffer.length = 256;
string input = cast(string)Base64.encode(test, buffer);
auto node = Node(input);
auto value = constructBinary(node);
assert(value == test);
///Construct a timestamp (SysTime) _node.
SysTime constructTimestamp(ref Node node)
string value = node.as!string;
auto YMDRegexp = regex("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)");
auto HMSRegexp = regex("^[Tt \t]+([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(\\.[0-9]*)?");
auto TZRegexp = regex("^[ \t]*Z|([-+][0-9][0-9]?)(:[0-9][0-9])?");
//First, get year, month and day.
auto matches = match(value, YMDRegexp);
new Exception("Unable to parse timestamp value: " ~ value));
auto captures = matches.front.captures;
const year = to!int(captures[1]);
const month = to!int(captures[2]);
const day = to!int(captures[3]);
//If available, get hour, minute, second and fraction, if present.
value = matches.front.post;
matches = match(value, HMSRegexp);
return SysTime(DateTime(year, month, day), UTC());
captures = matches.front.captures;
const hour = to!int(captures[1]);
const minute = to!int(captures[2]);
const second = to!int(captures[3]);
const hectonanosecond = cast(int)(to!real("0" ~ captures[4]) * 10000000);
//If available, get timezone.
value = matches.front.post;
matches = match(value, TZRegexp);
if(matches.empty || matches.front.captures[0] == "Z")
return SysTime(DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second),
FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(hectonanosecond), UTC());
captures = matches.front.captures;
int sign = 1;
int tzHours = 0;
if(captures[1][0] == '-'){sign = -1;}
tzHours = to!int(captures[1][1 .. $]);
const tzMinutes = (!captures[2].empty) ? to!int(captures[2][1 .. $]) : 0;
const tzOffset = sign * (60 * tzHours + tzMinutes);
return SysTime(DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second),
new SimpleTimeZone(tzOffset));
catch(ConvException e)
throw new Exception("Unable to parse timestamp value " ~ value ~ " : " ~ e.msg);
catch(DateTimeException e)
throw new Exception("Invalid timestamp value " ~ value ~ " : " ~ e.msg);
assert(false, "This code should never be reached");
writeln("D:YAML construction timestamp unittest");
string timestamp(string value)
auto node = Node(value);
return constructTimestamp(node).toISOString();
string canonical = "2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z";
string iso8601 = "2001-12-14t21:59:43.10-05:00";
string spaceSeparated = "2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5";
string noTZ = "2001-12-15 2:59:43.10";
string noFraction = "2001-12-15 2:59:43";
string ymd = "2002-12-14";
assert(timestamp(canonical) == "20011215T025943.1Z");
//avoiding float conversion errors
assert(timestamp(iso8601) == "20011214T215943.0999999-05:00" ||
timestamp(iso8601) == "20011214T215943.1-05:00");
assert(timestamp(spaceSeparated) == "20011214T215943.0999999-05:00" ||
timestamp(spaceSeparated) == "20011214T215943.1-05:00");
assert(timestamp(noTZ) == "20011215T025943.0999999Z" ||
timestamp(noTZ) == "20011215T025943.1Z");
assert(timestamp(noFraction) == "20011215T025943Z");
assert(timestamp(ymd) == "20021214T000000Z");
///Construct a string _node.
string constructString(ref Node node)
return node.as!string;
///Convert a sequence of single-element mappings into a sequence of pairs.
Node.Pair[] getPairs(string type, Node[] nodes)
Node.Pair[] pairs;
foreach(ref node; nodes)
enforce(node.isMapping && node.length == 1,
new Exception("While constructing " ~ type ~
", expected a mapping with single element"));
pairs ~= node.as!(Node.Pair[]);
return pairs;
///Construct an ordered map (ordered sequence of key:value pairs without duplicates) _node.
Node.Pair[] constructOrderedMap(ref Node node)
auto pairs = getPairs("ordered map", node.as!(Node[]));
//Detect duplicates.
//TODO this should be replaced by something with deterministic memory allocation.
auto keys = redBlackTree!Node();
foreach(ref pair; pairs)
enforce(!(pair.key in keys),
new Exception("Duplicate entry in an ordered map: "
~ pair.key.debugString()));
return pairs;
writeln("D:YAML construction ordered map unittest");
alias Node.Pair Pair;
Node[] alternateTypes(uint length)
Node[] pairs;
foreach(long i; 0 .. length)
auto pair = (i % 2) ? Pair(to!string(i), i)
: Pair(i, to!string(i));
pairs ~= Node([pair]);
return pairs;
Node[] sameType(uint length)
Node[] pairs;
foreach(long i; 0 .. length)
auto pair = Pair(to!string(i), i);
pairs ~= Node([pair]);
return pairs;
bool hasDuplicates(Node[] nodes)
auto node = Node(nodes);
return null !is collectException(constructOrderedMap(node));
assert(hasDuplicates(alternateTypes(8) ~ alternateTypes(2)));
assert(hasDuplicates(sameType(64) ~ sameType(16)));
assert(hasDuplicates(alternateTypes(64) ~ alternateTypes(16)));
///Construct a pairs (ordered sequence of key: value pairs allowing duplicates) _node.
Node.Pair[] constructPairs(ref Node node)
return getPairs("pairs", node.as!(Node[]));
///Construct a set _node.
Node[] constructSet(ref Node node)
auto pairs = node.as!(Node.Pair[]);
//In future, the map here should be replaced with something with deterministic
//memory allocation if possible.
//Detect duplicates.
ubyte[Node] map;
Node[] nodes;
foreach(ref pair; pairs)
enforce((pair.key in map) is null,
new Exception("Duplicate entry in a set"));
map[pair.key] = 0;
nodes ~= pair.key;
return nodes;
writeln("D:YAML construction set unittest");
Node.Pair[] set(uint length)
Node.Pair[] pairs;
foreach(long i; 0 .. length)
pairs ~= Node.Pair(to!string(i), YAMLNull());
return pairs;
auto DuplicatesShort = set(8) ~ set(2);
auto noDuplicatesShort = set(8);
auto DuplicatesLong = set(64) ~ set(4);
auto noDuplicatesLong = set(64);
bool eq(Node.Pair[] a, Node[] b)
if(a.length != b.length){return false;}
foreach(i; 0 .. a.length)
if(a[i].key != b[i])
return false;
return true;
auto nodeDuplicatesShort = Node(DuplicatesShort.dup);
auto nodeNoDuplicatesShort = Node(noDuplicatesShort.dup);
auto nodeDuplicatesLong = Node(DuplicatesLong.dup);
auto nodeNoDuplicatesLong = Node(noDuplicatesLong.dup);
assert(null !is collectException(constructSet(nodeDuplicatesShort)));
assert(null is collectException(constructSet(nodeNoDuplicatesShort)));
assert(null !is collectException(constructSet(nodeDuplicatesLong)));
assert(null is collectException(constructSet(nodeNoDuplicatesLong)));
///Construct a sequence (array) _node.
Node[] constructSequence(ref Node node)
return node.as!(Node[]);
///Construct an unordered map (unordered set of key:value _pairs without duplicates) _node.
Node.Pair[] constructMap(ref Node node)
auto pairs = node.as!(Node.Pair[]);
//Detect duplicates.
//TODO this should be replaced by something with deterministic memory allocation.
auto keys = redBlackTree!Node();
foreach(ref pair; pairs)
enforce(!(pair.key in keys),
new Exception("Duplicate entry in a map: "
~ pair.key.debugString()));
return pairs;
import std.stream;
import dyaml.loader;
struct MyStruct
int x, y, z;
const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s) const pure @safe nothrow
if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
return 0;
MyStruct constructMyStructScalar(ref Node node)
//Guaranteed to be string as we construct from scalar.
auto parts = node.as!string().split(":");
return MyStruct(to!int(parts[0]), to!int(parts[1]), to!int(parts[2]));
MyStruct constructMyStructSequence(ref Node node)
//node is guaranteed to be sequence.
return MyStruct(node[0].as!int, node[1].as!int, node[2].as!int);
MyStruct constructMyStructMapping(ref Node node)
//node is guaranteed to be mapping.
return MyStruct(node["x"].as!int, node["y"].as!int, node["z"].as!int);
char[] data = cast(char[])"!mystruct 1:2:3";
auto loadStream = new MemoryStream(data);
auto loader = Loader(loadStream);
auto constructor = new Constructor;
constructor.addConstructorScalar("!mystruct", &constructMyStructScalar);
loader.constructor = constructor;
Node node = loader.load();
assert(node.as!MyStruct == MyStruct(1, 2, 3));
char[] data = cast(char[])"!mystruct [1, 2, 3]";
auto loadStream = new MemoryStream(data);
auto loader = Loader(loadStream);
auto constructor = new Constructor;
constructor.addConstructorSequence("!mystruct", &constructMyStructSequence);
loader.constructor = constructor;
Node node = loader.load();
assert(node.as!MyStruct == MyStruct(1, 2, 3));
char[] data = cast(char[])"!mystruct {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}";
auto loadStream = new MemoryStream(data);
auto loader = Loader(loadStream);
auto constructor = new Constructor;
constructor.addConstructorMapping("!mystruct", &constructMyStructMapping);
loader.constructor = constructor;
Node node = loader.load();
assert(node.as!MyStruct == MyStruct(1, 2, 3));