Cameron Ross a0ac38fbd7 make Loader interface a bit more consistent (#124)
make Loader interface a bit more consistent
merged-on-behalf-of: BBasile <BBasile@users.noreply.github.com>
2018-05-31 09:02:21 +02:00

135 lines
3 KiB

module dyaml.stream;
interface YStream
void writeExact(const void* buffer, size_t size);
void writeExact(const void[] buffer) @safe;
size_t write(const(ubyte)[] buffer) @safe;
size_t write(const(char)[] str) @safe;
void flush() @safe;
@property bool writeable() @safe;
class YMemoryStream : YStream
ubyte[] data;
void writeExact(const void* buffer, size_t size)
data ~= cast(ubyte[])buffer[0 .. size];
void writeExact(const void[] buffer) @trusted
data ~= cast(ubyte[])buffer;
size_t write(const(ubyte)[] buffer) @safe
data ~= buffer;
return buffer.length;
size_t write(const(char)[] str) @safe
return write(cast(const(ubyte)[])str);
void flush() @safe {}
@property bool writeable() @safe { return true; }
class YFile : YStream
static import std.stdio;
std.stdio.File file;
this(string fn) @safe
this.file = std.stdio.File(fn, "w");
this(std.stdio.File file) @safe
this.file = file;
@system unittest
import std.stdio : File;
auto stream = new YFile(File.tmpfile);
stream.write("Test writing to tmpFile through YFile stream\n");
void writeExact(const void* buffer, size_t size)
this.file.rawWrite(cast(const) buffer[0 .. size]);
void writeExact(const void[] buffer) @trusted
size_t write(const(ubyte)[] buffer) @trusted
return buffer.length;
size_t write(const(char)[] str) @trusted
return write(cast(ubyte[])str);
void flush() @safe
@property bool writeable() @safe { return true; }
@safe unittest
import dyaml.dumper, dyaml.loader, dyaml.node;
import std.file : readText, remove;
string test = "Hello World : [Hello, World]\n" ~
"Answer: 42";
//Read the input.
Node expected = Loader.fromString(test).load();
assert(expected["Hello World"][0] == "Hello");
assert(expected["Hello World"][1] == "World");
assert(expected["Answer"].as!int == 42);
//Dump the loaded document to output.yaml.
// Load the file and verify that it was saved correctly.
Node actual = Loader.fromFile("output.yaml").load();
assert(actual["Hello World"][0] == "Hello");
assert(actual["Hello World"][1] == "World");
assert(actual["Answer"].as!int == 42);
assert(actual == expected);
// Clean up.
@safe unittest // #88, #89
import dyaml.dumper, dyaml.loader;
import std.file : remove, read;
enum fn = "output.yaml";
scope (exit) fn.remove;
auto dumper = Dumper(fn);
dumper.YAMLVersion = null; // supress directive
dumper.dump(Loader.fromString("Hello world").load);
assert (fn.read()[0..3] == "Hel");