2014-07-19 04:17:18 +02:00

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// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* YAML node _representer. Prepares YAML nodes for output. A tutorial can be
* found $(LINK2 ../tutorials/custom_types.html, here).
* Code based on $(LINK2 http://www.pyyaml.org, PyYAML).
module dyaml.representer;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.base64;
import std.container;
import std.conv;
import std.datetime;
import std.exception;
import std.format;
import std.math;
import std.stream;
import std.typecons;
import std.string;
import dyaml.exception;
import dyaml.node;
import dyaml.serializer;
import dyaml.style;
import dyaml.tag;
///Exception thrown on Representer errors.
class RepresenterException : YAMLException
mixin ExceptionCtors;
* Represents YAML nodes as scalar, sequence and mapping nodes ready for output.
* This class is used to add support for dumping of custom data types.
* It can also override default node formatting styles for output.
final class Representer
///Representer functions indexed by types.
Node function(ref Node, Representer)[TypeInfo] representers_;
///Default style for scalar nodes.
ScalarStyle defaultScalarStyle_ = ScalarStyle.Invalid;
///Default style for collection nodes.
CollectionStyle defaultCollectionStyle_ = CollectionStyle.Invalid;
@disable bool opEquals(ref Representer);
@disable int opCmp(ref Representer);
* Construct a Representer.
* Params: useDefaultRepresenters = Use default representer functions
* for default YAML types? This can be
* disabled to use custom representer
* functions for default types.
this(const Flag!"useDefaultRepresenters" useDefaultRepresenters = Yes.useDefaultRepresenters)
@safe pure
///Destroy the Representer.
pure @safe nothrow ~this()
representers_ = null;
///Set default _style for scalars. If style is $(D ScalarStyle.Invalid), the _style is chosen automatically.
@property void defaultScalarStyle(ScalarStyle style) pure @safe nothrow
defaultScalarStyle_ = style;
///Set default _style for collections. If style is $(D CollectionStyle.Invalid), the _style is chosen automatically.
@property void defaultCollectionStyle(CollectionStyle style) pure @safe nothrow
defaultCollectionStyle_ = style;
* Add a function to represent nodes with a specific data type.
* The representer function takes references to a $(D Node) storing the data
* type and to the $(D Representer). It returns the represented node and may
* throw a $(D RepresenterException). See the example for more information.
* Only one function may be specified for one data type. Default data
* types already have representer functions unless disabled in the
* $(D Representer) constructor.
* Structs and classes must implement the $(D opCmp()) operator for D:YAML
* support. The signature of the operator that must be implemented
* is $(D const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)) for structs where
* $(I MyStruct) is the struct type, and $(D int opCmp(Object o)) for
* classes. Note that the class $(D opCmp()) should not alter the compared
* values - it is not const for compatibility reasons.
* Params: representer = Representer function to add.
* Examples:
* Representing a simple struct:
* --------------------
* import std.string;
* import dyaml.all;
* struct MyStruct
* {
* int x, y, z;
* //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
* //This is used for ordering in mappings.
* const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
* {
* if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
* if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
* if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
* return 0;
* }
* }
* Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
* {
* //The node is guaranteed to be MyStruct as we add representer for MyStruct.
* auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
* //Using custom scalar format, x:y:z.
* auto scalar = format("%s:%s:%s", value.x, value.y, value.z);
* //Representing as a scalar, with custom tag to specify this data type.
* return representer.representScalar("!mystruct.tag", scalar);
* }
* void main()
* {
* auto dumper = Dumper("file.yaml");
* auto representer = new Representer;
* representer.addRepresenter!MyStruct(&representMyStruct);
* dumper.representer = representer;
* dumper.dump(Node(MyStruct(1,2,3)));
* }
* --------------------
* Representing a class:
* --------------------
* import std.string;
* import dyaml.all;
* class MyClass
* {
* int x, y, z;
* this(int x, int y, int z)
* {
* this.x = x;
* this.y = y;
* this.z = z;
* }
* //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
* //This is used for ordering in mappings.
* override int opCmp(Object o)
* {
* MyClass s = cast(MyClass)o;
* if(s is null){return -1;}
* if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
* if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
* if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
* return 0;
* }
* ///Useful for Node.as!string .
* override string toString()
* {
* return format("MyClass(%s, %s, %s)", x, y, z);
* }
* }
* //Same as representMyStruct.
* Node representMyClass(ref Node node, Representer representer)
* {
* //The node is guaranteed to be MyClass as we add representer for MyClass.
* auto value = node.as!MyClass;
* //Using custom scalar format, x:y:z.
* auto scalar = format("%s:%s:%s", value.x, value.y, value.z);
* //Representing as a scalar, with custom tag to specify this data type.
* return representer.representScalar("!myclass.tag", scalar);
* }
* void main()
* {
* auto dumper = Dumper("file.yaml");
* auto representer = new Representer;
* representer.addRepresenter!MyClass(&representMyClass);
* dumper.representer = representer;
* dumper.dump(Node(new MyClass(1,2,3)));
* }
* --------------------
void addRepresenter(T)(Node function(ref Node, Representer) representer)
@trusted pure
assert((typeid(T) in representers_) is null,
"Representer function for data type " ~ T.stringof ~
" already specified. Can't specify another one");
representers_[typeid(T)] = representer;
//If profiling shows a bottleneck on tag construction in these 3 methods,
//we'll need to take Tag directly and have string based wrappers for
//user code.
* Represent a _scalar with specified _tag.
* This is used by representer functions that produce scalars.
* Params: tag = Tag of the _scalar.
* scalar = Scalar value.
* style = Style of the _scalar. If invalid, default _style will be used.
* If the node was loaded before, previous _style will always be used.
* Returns: The represented node.
* Example:
* --------------------
* struct MyStruct
* {
* int x, y, z;
* //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
* //This is used for ordering in mappings.
* const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
* {
* if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
* if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
* if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
* return 0;
* }
* }
* Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
* {
* auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
* auto scalar = format("%s:%s:%s", value.x, value.y, value.z);
* return representer.representScalar("!mystruct.tag", scalar);
* }
* --------------------
Node representScalar(string tag, string scalar,
ScalarStyle style = ScalarStyle.Invalid) @safe
if(style == ScalarStyle.Invalid){style = defaultScalarStyle_;}
return Node.rawNode(Node.Value(scalar), Mark(), Tag(tag), style,
* Represent a _sequence with specified _tag, representing children first.
* This is used by representer functions that produce sequences.
* Params: tag = Tag of the _sequence.
* sequence = Sequence of nodes.
* style = Style of the _sequence. If invalid, default _style will be used.
* If the node was loaded before, previous _style will always be used.
* Returns: The represented node.
* Throws: $(D RepresenterException) if a child could not be represented.
* Example:
* --------------------
* struct MyStruct
* {
* int x, y, z;
* //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
* //This is used for ordering in mappings.
* const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
* {
* if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
* if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
* if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
* return 0;
* }
* }
* Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
* {
* auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
* auto nodes = [Node(value.x), Node(value.y), Node(value.z)];
* //use flow style
* return representer.representSequence("!mystruct.tag", nodes,
* CollectionStyle.Flow);
* }
* --------------------
Node representSequence(string tag, Node[] sequence,
CollectionStyle style = CollectionStyle.Invalid) @trusted
Node[] value;
value.length = sequence.length;
auto bestStyle = CollectionStyle.Flow;
foreach(idx, ref item; sequence)
value[idx] = representData(item);
const isScalar = value[idx].isScalar;
const s = value[idx].scalarStyle;
if(!isScalar || (s != ScalarStyle.Invalid && s != ScalarStyle.Plain))
bestStyle = CollectionStyle.Block;
if(style == CollectionStyle.Invalid)
style = defaultCollectionStyle_ != CollectionStyle.Invalid
? defaultCollectionStyle_
: bestStyle;
return Node.rawNode(Node.Value(value), Mark(), Tag(tag),
ScalarStyle.Invalid, style);
* Represent a mapping with specified _tag, representing children first.
* This is used by representer functions that produce mappings.
* Params: tag = Tag of the mapping.
* pairs = Key-value _pairs of the mapping.
* style = Style of the mapping. If invalid, default _style will be used.
* If the node was loaded before, previous _style will always be used.
* Returns: The represented node.
* Throws: $(D RepresenterException) if a child could not be represented.
* Example:
* --------------------
* struct MyStruct
* {
* int x, y, z;
* //Any D:YAML type must have a custom opCmp operator.
* //This is used for ordering in mappings.
* const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s)
* {
* if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
* if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
* if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
* return 0;
* }
* }
* Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
* {
* auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
* auto pairs = [Node.Pair("x", value.x),
* Node.Pair("y", value.y),
* Node.Pair("z", value.z)];
* return representer.representMapping("!mystruct.tag", pairs);
* }
* --------------------
Node representMapping(string tag, Node.Pair[] pairs,
CollectionStyle style = CollectionStyle.Invalid) @trusted
Node.Pair[] value;
value.length = pairs.length;
auto bestStyle = CollectionStyle.Flow;
foreach(idx, ref pair; pairs)
value[idx] = Node.Pair(representData(pair.key), representData(pair.value));
const keyScalar = value[idx].key.isScalar;
const valScalar = value[idx].value.isScalar;
const keyStyle = value[idx].key.scalarStyle;
const valStyle = value[idx].value.scalarStyle;
if(!keyScalar ||
(keyStyle != ScalarStyle.Invalid && keyStyle != ScalarStyle.Plain))
bestStyle = CollectionStyle.Block;
if(!valScalar ||
(valStyle != ScalarStyle.Invalid && valStyle != ScalarStyle.Plain))
bestStyle = CollectionStyle.Block;
if(style == CollectionStyle.Invalid)
style = defaultCollectionStyle_ != CollectionStyle.Invalid
? defaultCollectionStyle_
: bestStyle;
return Node.rawNode(Node.Value(value), Mark(), Tag(tag),
ScalarStyle.Invalid, style);
//Represent a node based on its type, and return the represented result.
Node representData(ref Node data) @system
//User types are wrapped in YAMLObject.
auto type = data.isUserType ? data.as!YAMLObject.type : data.type;
enforce((type in representers_) !is null,
new RepresenterException("No representer function for type "
~ type.toString() ~ " , cannot represent."));
Node result = representers_[type](data, this);
//Override tag if specified.
if(!data.tag_.isNull()){result.tag_ = data.tag_;}
//Remember style if this was loaded before.
if(data.scalarStyle != ScalarStyle.Invalid)
result.scalarStyle = data.scalarStyle;
if(data.collectionStyle != CollectionStyle.Invalid)
result.collectionStyle = data.collectionStyle;
return result;
//Represent a node, serializing with specified Serializer.
void represent(ref Serializer serializer, ref Node node) @trusted
auto data = representData(node);
///Represent a _null _node as a _null YAML value.
Node representNull(ref Node node, Representer representer) @safe
return representer.representScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:null", "null");
///Represent a string _node as a string scalar.
Node representString(ref Node node, Representer representer) @safe
string value = node.as!string;
return value is null
? representNull(node, representer)
: representer.representScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", value);
///Represent a bytes _node as a binary scalar.
Node representBytes(ref Node node, Representer representer) @system
const ubyte[] value = node.as!(ubyte[]);
if(value is null){return representNull(node, representer);}
return representer.representScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:binary",
///Represent a bool _node as a bool scalar.
Node representBool(ref Node node, Representer representer) @safe
return representer.representScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:bool",
node.as!bool ? "true" : "false");
///Represent a long _node as an integer scalar.
Node representLong(ref Node node, Representer representer) @system
return representer.representScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:int",
///Represent a real _node as a floating point scalar.
Node representReal(ref Node node, Representer representer) @system
real f = node.as!real;
string value = isNaN(f) ? ".nan":
f == real.infinity ? ".inf":
f == -1.0 * real.infinity ? "-.inf":
{auto a = appender!string();
formattedWrite(a, "%12f", f);
return a.data.strip();}();
return representer.representScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:float", value);
///Represent a SysTime _node as a timestamp.
Node representSysTime(ref Node node, Representer representer) @system
return representer.representScalar("tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp",
///Represent a sequence _node as sequence/set.
Node representNodes(ref Node node, Representer representer) @safe
auto nodes = node.as!(Node[]);
if(node.tag_ == Tag("tag:yaml.org,2002:set"))
///YAML sets are mapping with null values.
Node.Pair[] pairs;
pairs.length = nodes.length;
Node dummy;
foreach(idx, ref key; nodes)
pairs[idx] = Node.Pair(key, representNull(dummy, representer));
return representer.representMapping(node.tag_.get, pairs);
return representer.representSequence("tag:yaml.org,2002:seq", nodes);
///Represent a mapping _node as map/ordered map/pairs.
Node representPairs(ref Node node, Representer representer) @system
auto pairs = node.as!(Node.Pair[]);
bool hasDuplicates(Node.Pair[] pairs)
//TODO this should be replaced by something with deterministic memory allocation.
auto keys = redBlackTree!Node();
foreach(ref pair; pairs)
if(pair.key in keys){return true;}
return false;
Node[] mapToSequence(Node.Pair[] pairs)
Node[] nodes;
nodes.length = pairs.length;
foreach(idx, ref pair; pairs)
nodes[idx] = representer.representMapping("tag:yaml.org,2002:map", [pair]);
return nodes;
if(node.tag_ == Tag("tag:yaml.org,2002:omap"))
new RepresenterException("Duplicate entry in an ordered map"));
return representer.representSequence(node.tag_.get, mapToSequence(pairs));
else if(node.tag_ == Tag("tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs"))
return representer.representSequence(node.tag_.get, mapToSequence(pairs));
new RepresenterException("Duplicate entry in an unordered map"));
return representer.representMapping("tag:yaml.org,2002:map", pairs);
//These should really all be encapsulated in unittests.
import dyaml.dumper;
struct MyStruct
int x, y, z;
const int opCmp(ref const MyStruct s) const pure @safe nothrow
if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
return 0;
Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer) @system
//The node is guaranteed to be MyStruct as we add representer for MyStruct.
auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
//Using custom scalar format, x:y:z.
auto scalar = format("%s:%s:%s", value.x, value.y, value.z);
//Representing as a scalar, with custom tag to specify this data type.
return representer.representScalar("!mystruct.tag", scalar);
Node representMyStructSeq(ref Node node, Representer representer) @safe
auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
auto nodes = [Node(value.x), Node(value.y), Node(value.z)];
return representer.representSequence("!mystruct.tag", nodes);
Node representMyStructMap(ref Node node, Representer representer) @safe
auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
auto pairs = [Node.Pair("x", value.x),
Node.Pair("y", value.y),
Node.Pair("z", value.z)];
return representer.representMapping("!mystruct.tag", pairs);
class MyClass
int x, y, z;
this(int x, int y, int z) pure @safe nothrow
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
override int opCmp(Object o) pure @safe nothrow
MyClass s = cast(MyClass)o;
if(s is null){return -1;}
if(x != s.x){return x - s.x;}
if(y != s.y){return y - s.y;}
if(z != s.z){return z - s.z;}
return 0;
///Useful for Node.as!string .
override string toString() @trusted
return format("MyClass(%s, %s, %s)", x, y, z);
//Same as representMyStruct.
Node representMyClass(ref Node node, Representer representer) @system
//The node is guaranteed to be MyClass as we add representer for MyClass.
auto value = node.as!MyClass;
//Using custom scalar format, x:y:z.
auto scalar = format("%s:%s:%s", value.x, value.y, value.z);
//Representing as a scalar, with custom tag to specify this data type.
return representer.representScalar("!myclass.tag", scalar);
foreach(r; [&representMyStruct,
auto dumper = Dumper(new MemoryStream());
auto representer = new Representer;
dumper.representer = representer;
auto dumper = Dumper(new MemoryStream());
auto representer = new Representer;
dumper.representer = representer;
dumper.dump(Node(new MyClass(1,2,3)));