Ferdinand Majerech f1eab6a5da Updated changelog.
2014-08-06 16:55:30 +02:00

195 lines
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Breaking changes
As many people have been using D:YAML from git master since the 0.4 release, each change
is prefixed by the year the change was introduced.
- ``2014`` The ``cdc.d`` build script has been removed; dub is now the only 'official'
way to build D:YAML.
- ``2014`` Broke compatibility with all DMD versions before 2.066
- ``2014`` ``Loader`` API depending on ``std.stream`` is now deprecated and will be
removed in the next release.
- ``2014`` ``Loader.fromString(string)`` is now deprecated and replaced by
``Loader.fromString(char[])``, which will reuse and overwrite the input during
parsing. The string overload will be removed in the next release.
- ``2012`` Values in D:YAML are less 'dynamic-typed'. E.g. removing ``"42"`` won't
also remove ``42``. Such automatic conversion still happens e.g. in a foreach
over a mapping with a string key. The ``Node.as()`` method has a template
parameter to disable automatic conversion from strings to other types.
API improvements
- ``Loader`` is now, by default, constructed from a non-const buffer containing YAML
data instead of a ``std.stream.Stream``. D:YAML reuses and overwrites this buffer to
minimize memory allocations during parsing. Convenience API such as the ``Loader``
constructor from a filename is unchanged although it loads the file to a buffer
- ``Node.contains()`` method to check if a YAML sequence/mapping contains specified
value (as opposed to a key).
- ``Node.containsKey()`` method to check if a YAML mapping contains specified key.
- ``Node.isNull()`` property.
- ``Node operator in`` analogous to associative array ``in``.
- ``Loader.fromString()`` method as a quick wrapper to parse YAML from a string.
- ``dyaml.hacks`` module for potentially useful things YAML specification doesn't allow.
- Most of the API is ``@safe`` or at least ``@trusted``. Also ``pure`` and ``nothrow``
where possible.
- User-defined constructors can now also construct builtin YAML types.
- Input is now validated at Loader construction to detect invalid UTF sequences early
and to minimize internal exception handling during parsing.
Other improvements
- D:YAML now works with a UTF-8 buffer internally. This decreases memory usage for UTF-8
input, and UTF-32 inputs can be encoded into UTF-8 in-place without allocating.
UTF-16 inputs still need an allocation. This also gets rid of all dchar[]->char[]
conversions which were a significant source of GC allocations.
- Various optimizations in ``Reader``/``Scanner``, especially for mostly-ASCII files
containing plain scalars (most common YAML files). Measured speedup of ~80% when
parsing mostly-ASCII
files, slowdown of ~12% for mostly non-ASCII files (all tested files were UTF-8).
- Less GC usage during YAML node construction.
- ``Scanner`` is now mostly ``@nogc``; it never allocates memory for token values, using
slices into the input buffer instead.
- Custom, ``@nogc`` UTF decoding/encoding code based on ``std.utf`` to enable more use
of ``@nogc`` in D:YAML internals and to improve performance.
- Less memory allocations during scanning in general, including manual allocations.
- Default ``Constructor``/``Resolver`` are now only constructed if the user doesn't
specify their own.
- Replaced ``std.stream.EndianStream`` with
`tinyendian <https://github.com/kiith-sa/tinyendian>`_.
- D:YAML is now a DUB package.
- Removed static data structures such as default Constructor and Resolver.
- Compile-time checks for size of data structures that should be small.
- Better error messages.
- Various refactoring changes, using more 'modern' D features, better tests.
- Updated documentation, examples to reflect changes in 0.5.
- Updated the ``yaml_bench`` example/tool with options to keep the input file in memory
instead of reloading it for repeated parses, and to only benchmark scanning time
instead of the entire parser.
- The ``yaml_gen`` example/tool can now generate strings from user-specified alphabets
which may contain non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed mappings longer than 65535 lines.
- Removed a lot of ``in`` parameters that were used due to a misunderstanding of what
``in`` is supposed to do.
- Fixed ``real`` emitting.
- Fixed 32bit compilation (again).
- Various small bugfixes.
- **API BREAKING**: All structs and classes stored directly in YAML nodes
(aka custom YAML data types) now need to define the opCmp operator.
This is used for duplicate detection instead of AAs (which are broken)
and will allow efficient access to data in unordered maps.
- **API BREAKING**: Simplified the Constructor API. Constructor functions now
don't need to get Marks through parameters - any exceptions thrown by
the constructor functions are caught and wrapped along with Mark info.
- Various small improvements in the API documentation.
- Updated API documentation, tutorials and examples to match the changes.
- Small CDC (build script) improvements.
- Fixed compilation with DMD 2.057.
- Fixed a bug caused by std.regex changes that broke null value parsing.
- Fixed compilation on 32bit.
- Various small bugfixes.
- **API BREAKING**: Removed Node.getToVar as it turned out to be a premature
- **API BREAKING**: Constructor API for constructing custom YAML data types has
been improved to make it easier to load custom classes/structs. See the
custom types tutorial and Constructor API documentation.
- Node.opIndex now returns a reference to a node.
- Added a shortcut alias Node.as for Node.get . Node.as might eventually
replace Node.get (in a 1.0 release).
- User can now access a string representation of tag of a node.
- Nodes now remember their scalar and collection styles between loading and
dumping. These are not accessible to user. User can set output styles in
- Updated API documentation to reflect the new changes, added more examples
and overall made the documentation more readable.
- Improved error messages of exceptions.
- Drastically optimized scanning and parsing, decreasing parsing time to about
10% (no precise benchmark comparison with 0.2 at the moment).
- Eliminated most GC usage, improving speed and memory usage.
- Optimized Dumper for speed, especially when dumping many small files.
- Reader has been reimplemented to improve performance.
- Many other speed and memory optimizations.
- Added a profiling build target and a parsing/dumping benchmark.
- Added a random YAML file generator and a YAML file analyzer, as example
applications and for benchmarking.
- Added a "clean" target to example Makefiles.
- Got rid of all global state.
- Fixed compatibility issues with DMD 2.056.
- Fixed an Emitter bug which caused tags to always be emitted in full format.
- Fixed a bug that caused errors when loading documents with YAML version
- Fixed many const-correctness bugs.
- Minor bugfixes all over the code.
- Fixed many documentation bugs.
- Implemented YAML emitter, and related unittests/documentation.
- Tags are now stored in nodes, allowing D:YAML to be closer to the
- Loader API has been broken to make it more extensible in future -
Representer and Constructor are no more specified in the constructor,
and the load() shortcut functions have been removed, as all that's needed to
load a YAML document now is Loader("file.yaml").load() .
- Fixed many bugs in the parser, scanner, composer and constructor.