Ferdinand Majerech 2c9d464389 Reader was reimplemented.
After experiments with loading the whole file at once, and
with decoding and parsing in separate thread, lazy reader
turned to be the fastest/least memory intensive solution.
Characters are now decoded in small batches.
This improved parsing speed by ~20%.

No global state anymore. Anchors are now zero terminated strings
and TagDirectives are a simple array. Event structure was changed
to prevent size increase.
Minor fixes and improvements.
2011-11-16 03:10:29 +01:00

198 lines
7.3 KiB

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<!-- Generated by Ddoc from dyaml/loader.d -->
<p>Class used to load YAML documents.</p>
<dl><dt class="d_decl">struct <a name="Loader"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">Loader</span>;
<dd><p>Loads YAML documents from files or streams.
<p>User specified Constructor and/or Resolver can be used to support new
tags / data types.
<b>Examples:</b><div class="pbr">Load single YAML document from a file:
<pre class="d_code"> <span class="d_keyword">auto</span> rootNode = <span class="d_psymbol">Loader</span>(<span class="d_string">"file.yaml"</span>).load();
Load all YAML documents from a file:
<pre class="d_code"> <span class="d_keyword">auto</span> nodes = <span class="d_psymbol">Loader</span>(<span class="d_string">"file.yaml"</span>).loadAll();
Iterate over YAML documents in a file, lazily loading them:
<pre class="d_code"> <span class="d_keyword">auto</span> loader = <span class="d_psymbol">Loader</span>(<span class="d_string">"file.yaml"</span>);
<span class="d_keyword">foreach</span>(<span class="d_keyword">ref</span> node; loader)
Load YAML from memory:
<pre class="d_code"> <span class="d_keyword">import</span> std.stream;
<span class="d_keyword">import</span> std.stdio;
string yaml_input = <span class="d_string">"red: '#ff0000'\n"</span>
<span class="d_string">"green: '#00ff00'\n"</span>
<span class="d_string">"blue: '#0000ff'"</span>;
<span class="d_keyword">auto</span> colors = <span class="d_psymbol">Loader</span>(<span class="d_keyword">new</span> MemoryStream(<span class="d_keyword">cast</span>(<span class="d_keyword">char</span>[])yaml_input)).load();
<span class="d_keyword">foreach</span>(string color, string value; colors)
writeln(color, <span class="d_string">" is "</span>, value, <span class="d_string">" in HTML/CSS"</span>);
Use a custom constructor/resolver to support custom data types and/or implicit tags:
<pre class="d_code"> <span class="d_keyword">auto</span> constructor = <span class="d_keyword">new</span> Constructor();
<span class="d_keyword">auto</span> resolver = <span class="d_keyword">new</span> Resolver();
<span class="d_comment">//Add constructor functions / resolver expressions here...
<span class="d_keyword">auto</span> loader = <span class="d_psymbol">Loader</span>(<span class="d_string">"file.yaml"</span>);
loader.constructor = constructor;
loader.resolver = resolver;
<span class="d_keyword">auto</span> rootNode = loader.load(node);
<dl><dt class="d_decl">this(string <b>filename</b>);
<dd><p>Construct a Loader to load YAML from a file.
<b>Parameters:</b><div class="pbr"><table class=parms><tr><td valign=top>string <b>filename</b></td>
<td valign=top>Name of the file to load from.</td></tr>
<b>Throws:</b><div class="pbr">YAMLException if the file could not be opened or read.</div>
<dt class="d_decl">this(Stream <b>stream</b>);
<dd><p>Construct a Loader to load YAML from a stream.
<b>Parameters:</b><div class="pbr"><table class=parms><tr><td valign=top>Stream <b>stream</b></td>
<td valign=top>Stream to read from. Must be readable and seekable.</td></tr>
<b>Throws:</b><div class="pbr">YAMLException if <b>stream</b> could not be read.</div>
<dt class="d_decl">@property void <a name="name"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">name</span>(string <a name="name"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">name</span>);
<dd><p>Set stream name. Used in debugging messages.</p>
<dt class="d_decl">@property void <a name="resolver"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">resolver</span>(Resolver <a name="resolver"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">resolver</span>);
<dd><p>Specify custom Resolver to use.</p>
<dt class="d_decl">@property void <a name="constructor"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">constructor</span>(Constructor <a name="constructor"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">constructor</span>);
<dd><p>Specify custom Constructor to use.</p>
<dt class="d_decl">Node <a name="load"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">load</span>();
<dd><p>Load single YAML document.
<p>If none or more than one YAML document is found, this throws a YAMLException.
This can only be called once; this is enforced by contract.
<b>Returns:</b><div class="pbr">Root node of the document.
<b>Throws:</b><div class="pbr">YAMLException if there wasn't exactly one document
or on a YAML parsing error.</div>
<dt class="d_decl">Node[] <a name="loadAll"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">loadAll</span>();
<dd><p>Load all YAML documents.
<p>This is just a shortcut that iterates over all documents and returns
them all at once. Calling <a name="loadAll"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">loadAll</span> after iterating over the node or
vice versa will not return any documents, as they have all been parsed
This can only be called once; this is enforced by contract.
<b>Returns:</b><div class="pbr">Array of root nodes of all documents in the file/stream.
<b>Throws:</b><div class="pbr">YAMLException on a parsing error.</div>
<dt class="d_decl">int <a name="opApply"></a><span class="ddoc_psymbol">opApply</span>(int delegate(ref Node) <b>dg</b>);
<dd><p>Foreach over YAML documents.
<p>Parses documents lazily, when they are needed.
Foreach over a Loader can only be used once; this is enforced by contract.
<b>Throws:</b><div class="pbr">YAMLException on a parsing error.</div>
<div id="copyright">
Copyright &copy; Ferdinand Majerech 2011. Based on <a href="http://www.pyyaml.org">PyYAML</a> by Kirill Simonov. |
Page generated by Autodoc and <a href="http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/ddoc.html">Ddoc</a>.