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2017-11-20 11:31:41 +00:00
/++ dub.sdl:
name "test"
dependency "eventcore" path=".."
module test;
import eventcore.core;
import eventcore.internal.utils : print;
import core.thread : Thread;
import core.time : Duration, msecs;
import std.file : exists, remove, rename, rmdirRecurse, mkdir;
import std.format : format;
import std.functional : toDelegate;
import std.path : baseName, buildPath, dirName;
import std.stdio : File, writefln;
import std.array : replace;
bool s_done;
int s_cnt = 0;
enum testDir = "watcher_test";
WatcherID watcher;
FileChange[] pendingChanges;
void main()
if (exists(testDir))
// test non-recursive watcher
watcher = eventDriver.watchers.watchDirectory(testDir, false, toDelegate(&testCallback));
assert(watcher != WatcherID.invalid);
Thread.sleep(1000.msecs); // some watcher implementations need time to initialize
testFile( "file1.dat");
testFile( "file2.dat");
testFile( "dira/file1.dat", false);
testFile( "dirb/file1.dat", false);
testFile( "file1.dat", false);
testRemoveDir("dira", false);
testCreateDir("dira", false);
// test recursive watcher
watcher = eventDriver.watchers.watchDirectory(testDir, true, toDelegate(&testCallback));
assert(watcher != WatcherID.invalid);
Thread.sleep(100.msecs); // some watcher implementations need time to initialize
testFile( "file1.dat");
testFile( "file2.dat");
testFile( "dira/file1.dat");
testFile( "dirb/file1.dat");
testRename( "dirb", "dirc");
testFile( "dirc/file2.dat");
testFile( "file1.dat", false);
testFile( "dira/file1.dat", false);
testFile( "dirc/file1.dat", false);
testRemoveDir("dirc", false);
testRemoveDir("dira", false);
// make sure that no watchers are registered anymore
auto er = eventDriver.core.processEvents(10.msecs);
assert(er == ExitReason.outOfWaiters);
void testCallback(WatcherID w, in ref FileChange ch)
@safe nothrow {
assert(w == watcher, "Wrong watcher generated a change");
pendingChanges ~= ch;
void expectChange(FileChange ch, bool expect_change)
import std.datetime : Clock, UTC;
auto starttime = Clock.currTime(UTC());
again: while (!pendingChanges.length) {
auto er = eventDriver.core.processEvents(10.msecs);
switch (er) {
default: assert(false, format("Unexpected event loop exit code: %s", er));
case ExitReason.idle: break;
case ExitReason.timeout:
case ExitReason.outOfWaiters:
assert(!expect_change, "No watcher left, but expected change.");
if (!pendingChanges.length && Clock.currTime(UTC()) - starttime >= 2000.msecs) {
assert(!expect_change, format("Got no change, expected %s.", ch));
auto pch = pendingChanges[0];
// adjust for Windows behavior
pch.directory = pch.directory.replace("\\", "/");
pch.name = pch.name.replace("\\", "/");
pendingChanges = pendingChanges[1 .. $];
if (pch.kind == FileChangeKind.modified && (pch.name == "dira" || pch.name == "dirb"))
goto again;
// test all field excep the isDir one, which does not work on all systems
assert(pch.kind == ch.kind && pch.baseDirectory == ch.baseDirectory &&
pch.directory == ch.directory && pch.name == ch.name,
format("Unexpected change: %s vs %s", pch, ch));
void testFile(string name, bool expect_change = true)
print("test %s CREATE %s", name, expect_change);
auto fil = File(buildPath(testDir, name), "wt");
expectChange(fchange(FileChangeKind.added, name, false), expect_change);
print("test %s MODIFY %s", name, expect_change);
expectChange(fchange(FileChangeKind.modified, name, false), expect_change);
print("test %s DELETE %s", name, expect_change);
remove(buildPath(testDir, name));
expectChange(fchange(FileChangeKind.removed, name, false), expect_change);
void testCreateDir(string name, bool expect_change = true)
print("test %s CREATEDIR %s", name, expect_change);
mkdir(buildPath(testDir, name));
expectChange(fchange(FileChangeKind.added, name, true), expect_change);
void testRemoveDir(string name, bool expect_change = true)
print("test %s DELETEDIR %s", name, expect_change);
rmdirRecurse(buildPath(testDir, name));
expectChange(fchange(FileChangeKind.removed, name, true), expect_change);
void testRename(string from, string to, bool expect_change = true)
print("test %s RENAME %s %s", from, to, expect_change);
rename(buildPath(testDir, from), buildPath(testDir, to));
expectChange(fchange(FileChangeKind.removed, from, true), expect_change);
expectChange(fchange(FileChangeKind.added, to, true), expect_change);
FileChange fchange(FileChangeKind kind, string name, bool is_dir)
auto dn = dirName(name);
if (dn == ".") dn = "";
return FileChange(kind, testDir, dn, baseName(name), is_dir);
2017-11-20 11:31:41 +00:00