/++ dub.sdl: name "test" dependency "eventcore" path=".." +/ module test; import eventcore.core; import eventcore.socket; import std.socket : parseAddress; import core.time : Duration, msecs; ubyte[256] s_rbuf; bool s_done; void main() { // (hopefully) non-existant host, so that the connection times out auto baddr = parseAddress("", 1); auto sock = eventDriver.sockets.connectStream(baddr, null, (sock, status) { assert(false, "Connection callback should not have been called."); }); assert(sock != StreamSocketFD.invalid, "Expected connection to be in progress."); assert(eventDriver.sockets.getConnectionState(sock) == ConnectionState.connecting); auto tm = eventDriver.timers.create(); eventDriver.timers.set(tm, 100.msecs, 0.msecs); eventDriver.timers.wait(tm, (tm) { assert(eventDriver.sockets.getConnectionState(sock) == ConnectionState.connecting); eventDriver.sockets.cancelConnectStream(sock); eventDriver.sockets.releaseRef(sock); s_done = true; }); ExitReason er; do er = eventDriver.core.processEvents(Duration.max); while (er == ExitReason.idle); assert(er == ExitReason.outOfWaiters); assert(s_done); s_done = false; }