/++ dub.sdl: name "http-server-example" description "Simple pseudo HTTP server suitable for benchmarking" dependency "eventcore" path=".." +/ module http_server_example; import eventcore.core; import eventcore.internal.utils; import std.functional : toDelegate; import std.socket : InternetAddress; import std.exception : enforce; import core.time : Duration; void main() { print("Starting up..."); auto addr = new InternetAddress("", 8080); auto listener = eventDriver.sockets.listenStream(addr, toDelegate(&onClientConnect)); enforce(listener != StreamListenSocketFD.invalid, "Failed to listen for connections."); print("Listening for requests on port 8080..."); while (eventDriver.core.waiterCount) eventDriver.core.processEvents(Duration.max); } void onClientConnect(StreamListenSocketFD listener, StreamSocketFD client, scope RefAddress) @trusted /*@nogc*/ nothrow { import core.stdc.stdlib; auto handler = cast(ClientHandler*)calloc(1, ClientHandler.sizeof); handler.client = client; handler.handleConnection(); } struct ClientHandler { @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow: alias LineCallback = void delegate(ubyte[]); StreamSocketFD client; ubyte[1024] linebuf = void; size_t linefill = 0; LineCallback onLine; @disable this(this); void handleConnection() { //import core.thread; //() @trusted { print("Connection %d %s", client, cast(void*)Thread.getThis()); } (); readLine(&onRequestLine); } void readLine(LineCallback on_line) { onLine = on_line; if (linefill >= 2) onReadData(client, IOStatus.ok, 0); else eventDriver.sockets.read(client, linebuf[linefill .. $], IOMode.once, &onReadData); } void onRequestLine(ubyte[] ln) { //print("Request: %s", cast(char[])ln); if (ln.length == 0) { //print("Error: empty request line"); eventDriver.sockets.shutdown(client, true, true); eventDriver.sockets.releaseRef(client); } readLine(&onHeaderLine); } void onHeaderLine(ubyte[] ln) { if (ln.length == 0) { auto reply = cast(const(ubyte)[])"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 13\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=10\r\n\r\nHello, World!"; eventDriver.sockets.write(client, reply, IOMode.all, &onWriteFinished); } else readLine(&onHeaderLine); } void onWriteFinished(StreamSocketFD fd, IOStatus status, size_t len) { readLine(&onRequestLine); } void onReadData(StreamSocketFD, IOStatus status, size_t bytes_read) { import std.algorithm : countUntil; if (status != IOStatus.ok) { print("Client disconnect"); eventDriver.sockets.shutdown(client, true, true); eventDriver.sockets.releaseRef(client); return; } linefill += bytes_read; assert(linefill <= linebuf.length); auto idx = linebuf[0 .. linefill].countUntil(cast(const(ubyte)[])"\r\n"); if (idx >= 0) { assert(linefill + idx <= linebuf.length, "Not enough space to buffer the incoming line."); linebuf[linefill .. linefill + idx] = linebuf[0 .. idx]; foreach (i; 0 .. linefill - idx - 2) linebuf[i] = linebuf[idx+2+i]; linefill -= idx + 2; onLine(linebuf[linefill + idx + 2 .. linefill + idx + 2 + idx]); } else if (linebuf.length - linefill > 0) { eventDriver.sockets.read(client, linebuf[linefill .. $], IOMode.once, &onReadData); } else { // ERROR: header line too long print("Header line too long"); eventDriver.sockets.shutdown(client, true, true); eventDriver.sockets.releaseRef(client); } } }