#!/usr/bin/env dub /+ dub.sdl: name "test" dependency "eventcore" path=".." +/ module test; import core.time : Duration, msecs; import eventcore.core; import std.conv; import std.datetime; import std.process : thisProcessID; import std.stdio; version (Windows) { void main() { writefln("Skipping SIGCHLD coalesce test on Windows."); } } else: import core.sys.posix.sys.wait : waitpid, WNOHANG; int numProc; void main(string[] args) { // child mode if (args.length == 2) { import core.thread : Thread; writefln("Child: %s (%s) from %s", args[1], (args[1].to!long - Clock.currStdTime).hnsecs, thisProcessID); Thread.sleep((args[1].to!long - Clock.currStdTime).hnsecs); return; } auto tm = eventDriver.timers.create(); eventDriver.timers.set(tm, 5.seconds, 0.msecs); eventDriver.timers.wait(tm, (tm) @trusted { assert(false, "Test hung."); }); // attempt to let all child processes finish in exactly 1 second to force // signal coalescing auto targettime = Clock.currTime(UTC()) + 1.seconds; auto procs = new Process[](20); foreach (i, ref p; procs) { p = eventDriver.processes.spawn( ["./test", targettime.stdTime.to!string], ProcessStdinFile(ProcessRedirect.inherit), ProcessStdoutFile(ProcessRedirect.inherit), ProcessStderrFile(ProcessRedirect.inherit), null, ProcessConfig.none, null ); assert(p != Process.init); writeln("Started child: ", p.pid); numProc++; } foreach (p; procs) { eventDriver.processes.wait(p.pid, (ProcessID pid, int res) nothrow { numProc--; try writefln("Child %s exited with %s", pid, res); catch(Exception){} }); } do eventDriver.core.processEvents(Duration.max); while (numProc); foreach (p; procs) assert(waitpid(cast(int)p.pid, null, WNOHANG) == -1); }