94 lines
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94 lines
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A `select` based event driver implementation.
This driver works on all BSD socket compatible operating systems, including
Windows. It has a good performance for small numbers of cuncurrently open
files/sockets, but is not suited for larger amounts.
module eventcore.drivers.select;
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
public import eventcore.drivers.posix;
import eventcore.internal.utils;
import core.time : Duration;
version (Posix) {
import core.sys.posix.sys.time : timeval;
import core.sys.posix.sys.select;
version (Windows) {
import core.sys.windows.winsock2;
alias SelectEventDriver = PosixEventDriver!SelectEventLoop;
final class SelectEventLoop : PosixEventLoop {
@safe: nothrow:
override bool doProcessEvents(Duration timeout)
//assert(Fiber.getThis() is null, "processEvents may not be called from within a fiber!");
//scope (failure) assert(false); import std.stdio; writefln("%.3f: process %s ms", Clock.currAppTick.usecs * 1e-3, timeout.total!"msecs");
//scope (success) writefln("%.3f: process out", Clock.currAppTick.usecs * 1e-3);
auto ts = timeout.toTimeVal;
fd_set readfds, writefds, statusfds;
() @trusted {
} ();
enumerateFDs!(EventType.read)((fd) @trusted { FD_SET(fd, &readfds); });
enumerateFDs!(EventType.write)((fd) @trusted { FD_SET(fd, &writefds); });
enumerateFDs!(EventType.status)((fd) @trusted { FD_SET(fd, &statusfds); });
//print("Wait for event... %s", timeout);
//writefln("%.3f: select in", Clock.currAppTick.usecs * 1e-3);
auto ret = () @trusted { return select(this.maxFD+1, &readfds, &writefds, &statusfds, timeout == Duration.max ? null : &ts); } ();
//writefln("%.3f: select out", Clock.currAppTick.usecs * 1e-3);
//print("Done wait for event...");
if (ret > 0) {
enumerateFDs!(EventType.read)((fd) @trusted {
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &readfds))
enumerateFDs!(EventType.write)((fd) @trusted {
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &writefds))
enumerateFDs!(EventType.status)((fd) @trusted {
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &statusfds))
return true;
} else return false;
override void dispose()
override void registerFD(FD fd, EventMask mask)
override void unregisterFD(FD fd)
override void updateFD(FD fd, EventMask mask)
private timeval toTimeVal(Duration dur)
timeval tvdur;
dur.split!("seconds", "usecs")(tvdur.tv_sec, tvdur.tv_usec);
return tvdur;