952 lines
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WinAPI based event driver implementation.
This driver uses overlapped I/O to model asynchronous I/O operations
efficiently. The driver's event loop processes UI messages, so that
it integrates with GUI applications transparently.
module eventcore.drivers.winapi;
version (Windows):
import eventcore.driver;
import eventcore.drivers.timer;
import eventcore.internal.consumablequeue : ConsumableQueue;
import eventcore.internal.utils;
import taggedalgebraic;
import core.sys.windows.windows;
import core.sys.windows.winsock2;
import core.time : Duration;
import std.experimental.allocator;
import std.socket : Address;
static assert(HANDLE.sizeof <= FD.BaseType.sizeof);
static assert(FD(cast(int)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) == FD.init);
final class WinAPIEventDriver : EventDriver {
private {
WinAPIEventDriverCore m_core;
WinAPIEventDriverFiles m_files;
WinAPIEventDriverSockets m_sockets;
WinAPIEventDriverDNS m_dns;
LoopTimeoutTimerDriver m_timers;
WinAPIEventDriverEvents m_events;
WinAPIEventDriverSignals m_signals;
WinAPIEventDriverWatchers m_watchers;
static WinAPIEventDriver threadInstance;
@safe {
assert(threadInstance is null);
threadInstance = this;
import std.exception : enforce;
enforce(() @trusted { return WSAStartup(0x0202, &wd); } () == 0, "Failed to initialize WinSock");
m_signals = new WinAPIEventDriverSignals();
m_timers = new LoopTimeoutTimerDriver();
m_core = new WinAPIEventDriverCore(m_timers);
m_events = new WinAPIEventDriverEvents(m_core);
m_files = new WinAPIEventDriverFiles(m_core);
m_sockets = new WinAPIEventDriverSockets();
m_dns = new WinAPIEventDriverDNS();
m_watchers = new WinAPIEventDriverWatchers(m_core);
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
override @property WinAPIEventDriverCore core() { return m_core; }
override @property WinAPIEventDriverFiles files() { return m_files; }
override @property WinAPIEventDriverSockets sockets() { return m_sockets; }
override @property WinAPIEventDriverDNS dns() { return m_dns; }
override @property LoopTimeoutTimerDriver timers() { return m_timers; }
override @property WinAPIEventDriverEvents events() { return m_events; }
override @property shared(WinAPIEventDriverEvents) events() shared { return m_events; }
override @property WinAPIEventDriverSignals signals() { return m_signals; }
override @property WinAPIEventDriverWatchers watchers() { return m_watchers; }
override void dispose()
assert(threadInstance !is null);
threadInstance = null;
final class WinAPIEventDriverCore : EventDriverCore {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
private {
bool m_exit;
size_t m_waiterCount;
DWORD m_tid;
LoopTimeoutTimerDriver m_timers;
HANDLE[] m_registeredEvents;
void delegate() @safe nothrow[HANDLE] m_eventCallbacks;
HANDLE m_fileCompletionEvent;
HandleSlot[HANDLE] m_handles; // FIXME: use allocator based hash map
this(LoopTimeoutTimerDriver timers)
m_timers = timers;
m_tid = () @trusted { return GetCurrentThreadId(); } ();
m_fileCompletionEvent = () @trusted { return CreateEventW(null, false, false, null); } ();
override size_t waiterCount() { return m_waiterCount; }
override ExitReason processEvents(Duration timeout = Duration.max)
import std.algorithm : min;
import core.time : hnsecs, seconds;
if (m_exit) {
m_exit = false;
return ExitReason.exited;
bool got_event;
if (timeout <= 0.seconds) {
got_event = doProcessEvents(0.seconds);
got_event |= m_timers.process(currStdTime);
return got_event ? ExitReason.idle : ExitReason.timeout;
} else {
long now = currStdTime;
do {
auto nextto = min(m_timers.getNextTimeout(now), timeout);
got_event |= doProcessEvents(nextto);
long prev_step = now;
now = currStdTime;
got_event |= m_timers.process(now);
if (m_exit) {
m_exit = false;
return ExitReason.exited;
if (timeout != Duration.max)
timeout -= (now - prev_step).hnsecs;
} while (timeout > 0.seconds);
if (!waiterCount) return ExitReason.outOfWaiters;
if (got_event) return ExitReason.idle;
return ExitReason.timeout;
override void exit()
@trusted {
m_exit = true;
PostThreadMessageW(m_tid, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
override void clearExitFlag()
m_exit = false;
protected override void* rawUserData(StreamSocketFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system
assert(false, "TODO!");
protected override void* rawUserData(DatagramSocketFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system
assert(false, "TODO!");
private bool doProcessEvents(Duration max_wait)
import core.time : seconds;
import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
bool got_event;
if (max_wait > 0.seconds) {
DWORD timeout_msecs = max_wait == Duration.max ? INFINITE : cast(DWORD)min(max_wait.total!"msecs", DWORD.max);
auto ret = () @trusted { return MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(cast(DWORD)m_registeredEvents.length, m_registeredEvents.ptr,
if (ret >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && ret < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + m_registeredEvents.length) {
if (auto pc = m_registeredEvents[ret - WAIT_OBJECT_0] in m_eventCallbacks)
/*if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
got_event = true;
Win32TCPConnection[] to_remove;
foreach( fw; m_fileWriters.byKey )
if( fw.testFileWritten() )
to_remove ~= fw;
foreach( fw; to_remove )
MSG msg;
//uint cnt = 0;
while (() @trusted { return PeekMessageW(&msg, null, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); } ()) {
if( msg.message == WM_QUIT ) {
m_exit = true;
return false;
() @trusted {
} ();
got_event = true;
// process timers every now and then so that they don't get stuck
//if (++cnt % 10 == 0) processTimers();
return got_event;
private void registerEvent(HANDLE event, void delegate() @safe nothrow callback = null)
m_registeredEvents ~= event;
if (callback) m_eventCallbacks[event] = callback;
private SlotType* setupSlot(SlotType)(HANDLE h)
assert(h !in m_handles, "Handle already in use.");
HandleSlot s;
s.refCount = 1;
s.specific = SlotType.init;
m_handles[h] = s;
return () @trusted { return &m_handles[h].specific.get!SlotType(); } ();
private void freeSlot(HANDLE h)
assert(h in m_handles, "Handle not in use - cannot free.");
final class WinAPIEventDriverSockets : EventDriverSockets {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
override StreamSocketFD connectStream(scope Address peer_address, scope Address bind_address, ConnectCallback on_connect)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override StreamListenSocketFD listenStream(scope Address bind_address, AcceptCallback on_accept)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void waitForConnections(StreamListenSocketFD sock, AcceptCallback on_accept)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override ConnectionState getConnectionState(StreamSocketFD sock)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override bool getLocalAddress(StreamSocketFD sock, scope RefAddress dst)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void setTCPNoDelay(StreamSocketFD socket, bool enable)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void setKeepAlive(StreamSocketFD socket, bool enable)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void read(StreamSocketFD socket, ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode, IOCallback on_read_finish)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void write(StreamSocketFD socket, const(ubyte)[] buffer, IOMode mode, IOCallback on_write_finish)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void waitForData(StreamSocketFD socket, IOCallback on_data_available)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void shutdown(StreamSocketFD socket, bool shut_read = true, bool shut_write = true)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void cancelRead(StreamSocketFD socket)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void cancelWrite(StreamSocketFD socket)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override DatagramSocketFD createDatagramSocket(scope Address bind_address, scope Address target_address)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override bool setBroadcast(DatagramSocketFD socket, bool enable)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void receive(DatagramSocketFD socket, ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode, DatagramIOCallback on_receive_finish)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void cancelReceive(DatagramSocketFD socket)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void send(DatagramSocketFD socket, const(ubyte)[] buffer, IOMode mode, Address target_address, DatagramIOCallback on_send_finish)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void cancelSend(DatagramSocketFD socket)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void addRef(SocketFD descriptor)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override bool releaseRef(SocketFD descriptor)
assert(false, "TODO!");
final class WinAPIEventDriverDNS : EventDriverDNS {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
DNSLookupID lookupHost(string name, DNSLookupCallback on_lookup_finished)
assert(false, "TODO!");
void cancelLookup(DNSLookupID handle)
assert(false, "TODO!");
final class WinAPIEventDriverFiles : EventDriverFiles {
@safe /*@nogc*/ nothrow:
private {
WinAPIEventDriverCore m_core;
this(WinAPIEventDriverCore core)
m_core = core;
override FileFD open(string path, FileOpenMode mode)
import std.utf : toUTF16z;
auto access = mode == FileOpenMode.readWrite || mode == FileOpenMode.createTrunc ? (GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ) :
mode == FileOpenMode.append ? GENERIC_WRITE : GENERIC_READ;
auto shareMode = mode == FileOpenMode.read ? FILE_SHARE_READ : 0;
auto creation = mode == FileOpenMode.createTrunc ? CREATE_ALWAYS : mode == FileOpenMode.append? OPEN_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING;
auto handle = () @trusted {
scope (failure) assert(false);
return CreateFileW(path.toUTF16z, access, shareMode, null, creation,
} ();
auto errorcode = GetLastError();
return FileFD.invalid;
if (mode == FileOpenMode.createTrunc && errorcode == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
BOOL ret = SetEndOfFile(handle);
if (!ret) {
return FileFD.init;
return adopt(cast(int)handle);
override FileFD adopt(int system_handle)
auto handle = () @trusted { return cast(HANDLE)system_handle; } ();
if (!() @trusted { return GetHandleInformation(handle, &f); } ())
return FileFD.init;
auto s = m_core.setupSlot!FileSlot(handle);
s.read.handle = s.write.handle = handle;
return FileFD(system_handle);
override void close(FileFD file)
auto h = idToHandle(file);
auto slot = () @trusted { return &m_core.m_handles[h].file(); } ();
if (slot.read.handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
slot.read.handle = slot.write.handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
override ulong getSize(FileFD file)
auto succeeded = () @trusted { return GetFileSizeEx(idToHandle(file), &size); } ();
if (!succeeded || size.QuadPart < 0)
return ulong.max;
return size.QuadPart;
override void write(FileFD file, ulong offset, const(ubyte)[] buffer, IOMode mode, FileIOCallback on_write_finish)
if (!buffer.length) {
on_write_finish(file, IOStatus.ok, 0);
auto h = idToHandle(file);
auto slot = &m_core.m_handles[h].file.write;
slot.bytesTransferred = 0;
slot.offset = offset;
slot.buffer = buffer;
slot.mode = mode;
slot.callback = on_write_finish;
startIO!(WriteFileEx, true)(h, slot);
override void read(FileFD file, ulong offset, ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode, FileIOCallback on_read_finish)
if (!buffer.length) {
on_read_finish(file, IOStatus.ok, 0);
auto h = idToHandle(file);
auto slot = &m_core.m_handles[h].file.read;
slot.bytesTransferred = 0;
slot.offset = offset;
slot.buffer = buffer;
slot.mode = mode;
slot.callback = on_read_finish;
startIO!(ReadFileEx, false)(h, slot);
override void cancelWrite(FileFD file)
auto h = idToHandle(file);
cancelIO!true(h, m_core.m_handles[h].file.write);
override void cancelRead(FileFD file)
auto h = idToHandle(file);
cancelIO!false(h, m_core.m_handles[h].file.read);
override void addRef(FileFD descriptor)
override bool releaseRef(FileFD descriptor)
auto h = idToHandle(descriptor);
return m_core.m_handles[h].releaseRef({
private static void startIO(alias fun, bool RO)(HANDLE h, FileSlot.Direction!RO* slot)
import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
with (slot.overlapped) {
Internal = 0;
InternalHigh = 0;
Offset = cast(uint)(slot.offset & 0xFFFFFFFF);
OffsetHigh = cast(uint)(slot.offset >> 32);
hEvent = () @trusted { return cast(HANDLE)slot; } ();
auto nbytes = min(slot.buffer.length, DWORD.max);
if (!() @trusted { return fun(h, &slot.buffer[0], nbytes, &slot.overlapped, &onIOFinished!(fun, RO)); } ()) {
slot.invokeCallback(IOStatus.error, slot.bytesTransferred);
private static void cancelIO(bool RO)(HANDLE h, ref FileSlot.Direction!RO slot)
if (slot.callback) {
//CancelIoEx(h, &slot.overlapped); // FIXME: currently causes linker errors for DMD due to outdated kernel32.lib files
slot.callback = null;
slot.buffer = null;
private static extern(Windows)
void onIOFinished(alias fun, bool RO)(DWORD error, DWORD bytes_transferred, OVERLAPPED* overlapped)
auto slot = () @trusted { return cast(FileSlot.Direction!RO*)overlapped.hEvent; } ();
assert(slot !is null);
HANDLE h = slot.handle;
auto id = FileFD(cast(int)h);
if (!slot.callback) {
// request was already cancelled
if (error != 0) {
slot.invokeCallback(IOStatus.error, slot.bytesTransferred + bytes_transferred);
slot.bytesTransferred += bytes_transferred;
slot.offset += bytes_transferred;
if (slot.bytesTransferred >= slot.buffer.length || slot.mode != IOMode.all) {
slot.invokeCallback(IOStatus.ok, slot.bytesTransferred);
} else {
startIO!(fun, RO)(h, slot);
private static HANDLE idToHandle(FileFD id)
@trusted {
return cast(HANDLE)cast(int)id;
final class WinAPIEventDriverEvents : EventDriverEvents {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
private {
static struct Trigger {
EventID id;
bool notifyAll;
static struct EventSlot {
uint refCount;
ConsumableQueue!EventCallback waiters;
WinAPIEventDriverCore m_core;
HANDLE m_event;
EventSlot[EventID] m_events;
ConsumableQueue!Trigger m_pending;
uint m_idCounter;
this(WinAPIEventDriverCore core)
m_core = core;
m_event = () @trusted { return CreateEvent(null, false, false, null); } ();
m_pending = new ConsumableQueue!Trigger; // FIXME: avoid GC allocation
m_core.registerEvent(m_event, &triggerPending);
void dispose()
@trusted {
scope (failure) assert(false);
override EventID create()
auto id = EventID(m_idCounter++);
if (id == EventID.invalid) id = EventID(m_idCounter++);
m_events[id] = EventSlot(1, new ConsumableQueue!EventCallback); // FIXME: avoid GC allocation
return id;
override void trigger(EventID event, bool notify_all = true)
auto pe = event in m_events;
assert(pe !is null, "Invalid event ID passed to triggerEvent.");
if (notify_all) {
foreach (w; pe.waiters.consume)
} else {
if (!pe.waiters.empty)
override void trigger(EventID event, bool notify_all = true) shared
import core.atomic : atomicStore;
auto pe = event in m_events;
assert(pe !is null, "Invalid event ID passed to shared triggerEvent.");
() @trusted {
auto thisus = cast(WinAPIEventDriverEvents)this;
thisus.m_pending.put(Trigger(event, notify_all));
} ();
override void wait(EventID event, EventCallback on_event)
return m_events[event].waiters.put(on_event);
override void cancelWait(EventID event, EventCallback on_event)
import std.algorithm.searching : countUntil;
import std.algorithm.mutation : remove;
override void addRef(EventID descriptor)
assert(m_events[descriptor].refCount > 0);
override bool releaseRef(EventID descriptor)
auto pe = descriptor in m_events;
assert(pe.refCount > 0);
if (--pe.refCount == 0) {
() @trusted nothrow {
scope (failure) assert(false);
} ();
return false;
return true;
private void triggerPending()
while (true) {
Trigger t;
() @trusted { EnterCriticalSection(&m_mutex); } ();
scope (exit) () @trusted { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_mutex); } ();
if (m_pending.empty) break;
t = m_pending.consumeOne;
trigger(t.id, t.notifyAll);
private static HANDLE idToHandle(EventID event)
@trusted {
return cast(HANDLE)cast(int)event;
final class WinAPIEventDriverSignals : EventDriverSignals {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
override SignalListenID listen(int sig, SignalCallback on_signal)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void addRef(SignalListenID descriptor)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override bool releaseRef(SignalListenID descriptor)
assert(false, "TODO!");
final class WinAPIEventDriverTimers : EventDriverTimers {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
override TimerID create()
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void set(TimerID timer, Duration timeout, Duration repeat = Duration.zero)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void stop(TimerID timer)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override bool isPending(TimerID timer)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override bool isPeriodic(TimerID timer)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void wait(TimerID timer, TimerCallback callback)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void cancelWait(TimerID timer)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override void addRef(TimerID descriptor)
assert(false, "TODO!");
override bool releaseRef(TimerID descriptor)
assert(false, "TODO!");
final class WinAPIEventDriverWatchers : EventDriverWatchers {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
private {
WinAPIEventDriverCore m_core;
this(WinAPIEventDriverCore core)
m_core = core;
override WatcherID watchDirectory(string path, bool recursive, FileChangesCallback callback)
import std.utf : toUTF16z;
auto handle = () @trusted {
scope (failure) assert(false);
return CreateFileW(path.toUTF16z, FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY,
} ();
return WatcherID.invalid;
auto id = WatcherID(cast(int)handle);
auto slot = m_core.setupSlot!WatcherSlot(handle);
slot.directory = path;
slot.recursive = recursive;
slot.callback = callback;
slot.buffer = () @trusted {
try return theAllocator.makeArray!ubyte(16384);
catch (Exception e) assert(false, "Failed to allocate directory watcher buffer.");
} ();
if (!triggerRead(handle, *slot)) {
return WatcherID.invalid;
return id;
override void addRef(WatcherID descriptor)
override bool releaseRef(WatcherID descriptor)
auto handle = idToHandle(descriptor);
return m_core.m_handles[handle].releaseRef(()nothrow{
() @trusted {
try theAllocator.dispose(m_core.m_handles[handle].watcher.buffer);
catch (Exception e) assert(false, "Freeing directory watcher buffer failed.");
} ();
private static nothrow extern(System)
void onIOCompleted(DWORD dwError, DWORD cbTransferred, OVERLAPPED* overlapped)
import std.conv : to;
auto handle = overlapped.hEvent; // *file* handle
auto id = WatcherID(cast(int)handle);
auto slot = () @trusted { return &WinAPIEventDriver.threadInstance.core.m_handles[handle].watcher(); } ();
if (dwError != 0) {
// FIXME: this must be propagated to the caller
//logWarn("Failed to read directory changes: %s", dwError);
ubyte[] result = slot.buffer[0 .. cbTransferred];
do {
assert(result.length >= FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.sizeof);
auto fni = () @trusted { return cast(FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION*)result.ptr; } ();
FileChange ch;
switch (fni.Action) {
default: ch.kind = FileChangeKind.modified; break;
case 0x1: ch.kind = FileChangeKind.added; break;
case 0x2: ch.kind = FileChangeKind.removed; break;
case 0x3: ch.kind = FileChangeKind.modified; break;
case 0x4: ch.kind = FileChangeKind.removed; break;
case 0x5: ch.kind = FileChangeKind.added; break;
ch.directory = slot.directory;
ch.isDirectory = false; // FIXME: is this right?
ch.name = () @trusted { scope (failure) assert(false); return to!string(fni.FileName[0 .. fni.FileNameLength/2]); } ();
slot.callback(id, ch);
if (fni.NextEntryOffset == 0) break;
result = result[fni.NextEntryOffset .. $];
} while (result.length > 0);
triggerRead(handle, *slot);
private static bool triggerRead(HANDLE handle, ref WatcherSlot slot)
slot.overlapped.Internal = 0;
slot.overlapped.InternalHigh = 0;
slot.overlapped.Offset = 0;
slot.overlapped.OffsetHigh = 0;
slot.overlapped.hEvent = handle;
BOOL ret;
() @trusted {
ret = ReadDirectoryChangesW(handle, slot.buffer.ptr, slot.buffer.length, slot.recursive,
notifications, null, &slot.overlapped, &onIOCompleted);
} ();
if (!ret) {
//logError("Failed to read directory changes in '%s'", m_path);
return false;
return true;
static private HANDLE idToHandle(WatcherID id) @trusted { return cast(HANDLE)cast(int)id; }
private long currStdTime()
@safe nothrow {
import std.datetime : Clock;
scope (failure) assert(false);
return Clock.currStdTime;
private struct HandleSlot {
static union SpecificTypes {
typeof(null) none;
FileSlot files;
WatcherSlot watcher;
int refCount;
TaggedAlgebraic!SpecificTypes specific;
@safe nothrow:
@property ref FileSlot file() { return specific.get!FileSlot; }
@property ref WatcherSlot watcher() { return specific.get!WatcherSlot; }
void addRef()
assert(refCount > 0);
bool releaseRef(scope void delegate() @safe nothrow on_free)
assert(refCount > 0);
if (--refCount == 0) {
return false;
return true;
private struct FileSlot {
static struct Direction(bool RO) {
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
FileIOCallback callback;
ulong offset;
size_t bytesTransferred;
IOMode mode;
static if (RO) const(ubyte)[] buffer;
else ubyte[] buffer;
HANDLE handle; // set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE when closed
void invokeCallback(IOStatus status, size_t bytes_transferred)
@safe nothrow {
auto cb = this.callback;
this.callback = null;
assert(cb !is null);
cb(FileFD(cast(int)this.handle), status, bytes_transferred);
Direction!false read;
Direction!true write;
private struct WatcherSlot {
ubyte[] buffer;
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
string directory;
bool recursive;
FileChangesCallback callback;
private extern(Windows) @trusted nothrow @nogc {
BOOL SetEndOfFile(HANDLE hFile);
BOOL CancelIoEx(HANDLE hFile, OVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped);