Sönke Ludwig 85dc8d54e6 Make file and pipe closing asynchronous.
CloseHandle can block for extended periods of time in certain cases, causing the whole thread to be blocked otherwise.
2020-05-12 09:47:06 +02:00

38 lines
701 B

/++ dub.sdl:
name "test"
dependency "eventcore" path=".."
module test;
import eventcore.core;
import core.thread;
import std.stdint;
intptr_t s_id; // thread-local
void main()
auto ed = cast(shared)eventDriver;
auto thr = new Thread({ threadFunc(ed); });
// keep the event loop running for one second
auto tm = eventDriver.timers.create();
eventDriver.timers.set(tm, 1.seconds, 0.seconds);
ExitReason er;
do er = eventDriver.core.processEvents(Duration.max);
while (er == ExitReason.idle);
assert(er == ExitReason.outOfWaiters);
assert(s_id == 42);
void threadFunc(shared(NativeEventDriver) drv)
drv.core.runInOwnerThread((int id) {
s_id = id;
}, 42);