Sönke Ludwig 7da41301af Tighten the file descriptor slot checks.
Gives the chance to detect possible dangling file descriptors earlier.
2018-03-17 13:11:44 +01:00

505 lines
14 KiB

module eventcore.drivers.posix.watchers;
import eventcore.driver;
import eventcore.drivers.posix.driver;
import eventcore.internal.utils : nogc_assert;
final class InotifyEventDriverWatchers(Events : EventDriverEvents) : EventDriverWatchers
import core.stdc.errno : errno, EAGAIN, EINPROGRESS;
import core.sys.posix.fcntl, core.sys.posix.unistd, core.sys.linux.sys.inotify;
import std.algorithm.comparison : among;
import std.file;
private {
alias Loop = typeof(Events.init.loop);
Loop m_loop;
struct WatchState {
string[int] watcherPaths;
string basePath;
bool recursive;
WatchState[WatcherID] m_watches; // TODO: use a @nogc (allocator based) map
this(Events events) { m_loop = events.loop; }
final override WatcherID watchDirectory(string path, bool recursive, FileChangesCallback callback)
import std.path : buildPath, pathSplitter;
import std.range : drop;
import std.range.primitives : walkLength;
enum IN_NONBLOCK = 0x800; // value in core.sys.linux.sys.inotify is incorrect
auto handle = () @trusted { return inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK | IN_CLOEXEC); } ();
if (handle == -1) return WatcherID.invalid;
auto ret = WatcherID(handle);
m_watches[ret] = WatchState(null, path, recursive);
addWatch(ret, path, "");
if (recursive)
addSubWatches(ret, path, "");
m_loop.initFD(FD(handle), FDFlags.none, WatcherSlot(callback));
m_loop.registerFD(FD(handle), EventMask.read);
m_loop.setNotifyCallback!(EventType.read)(FD(handle), &onChanges);
return ret;
final override void addRef(WatcherID descriptor)
assert(m_loop.m_fds[descriptor].common.refCount > 0, "Adding reference to unreferenced event FD.");
final override bool releaseRef(WatcherID descriptor)
FD fd = cast(FD)descriptor;
auto slot = () @trusted { return &m_loop.m_fds[fd]; } ();
nogc_assert(slot.common.refCount > 0, "Releasing reference to unreferenced event FD.");
if (--slot.common.refCount == 1) { // NOTE: 1 because setNotifyCallback increments the reference count
m_loop.setNotifyCallback!(EventType.read)(fd, null);
m_loop.unregisterFD(fd, EventMask.read);
/*errnoEnforce(*/close(cast(int)fd)/* == 0)*/;
return false;
return true;
final protected override void* rawUserData(WatcherID descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy)
@system {
return m_loop.rawUserDataImpl(descriptor, size, initialize, destroy);
private void onChanges(FD fd)
private void processEvents(WatcherID id)
import std.path : buildPath, dirName;
import core.stdc.stdio : FILENAME_MAX;
import core.stdc.string : strlen;
ubyte[inotify_event.sizeof + FILENAME_MAX + 1] buf = void;
while (true) {
auto ret = () @trusted { return read(cast(int)id, &buf[0], buf.length); } ();
if (ret == -1 && errno.among!(EAGAIN, EINPROGRESS))
assert(ret <= buf.length);
auto w = m_watches[id];
auto rem = buf[0 .. ret];
while (rem.length > 0) {
auto ev = () @trusted { return cast(inotify_event*)rem.ptr; } ();
rem = rem[inotify_event.sizeof + ev.len .. $];
// is the watch already deleted?
if (ev.mask & IN_IGNORED) continue;
FileChange ch;
if (ev.mask & (IN_CREATE|IN_MOVED_TO))
ch.kind = FileChangeKind.added;
ch.kind = FileChangeKind.removed;
else if (ev.mask & IN_MODIFY)
ch.kind = FileChangeKind.modified;
if (ev.mask & IN_DELETE_SELF) {
() @trusted { inotify_rm_watch(cast(int)id, ev.wd); } ();
} else if (ev.mask & IN_MOVE_SELF) {
// NOTE: the should have been updated by a previous IN_MOVED_TO
auto name = () @trusted { return ev.name.ptr[0 .. strlen(ev.name.ptr)]; } ();
auto subdir = w.watcherPaths[ev.wd];
if (w.recursive && ev.mask & (IN_CREATE|IN_MOVED_TO) && ev.mask & IN_ISDIR) {
auto subpath = subdir == "" ? name.idup : buildPath(subdir, name);
addWatch(id, w.basePath, subpath);
if (w.recursive)
addSubWatches(id, w.basePath, subpath);
ch.baseDirectory = m_watches[id].basePath;
ch.directory = subdir;
ch.isDirectory = (ev.mask & IN_ISDIR) != 0;
ch.name = name;
addRef(id); // assure that the id doesn't get invalidated until after the callback
auto cb = m_loop.m_fds[id].watcher.callback;
cb(id, ch);
if (!releaseRef(id)) return;
private bool addSubWatches(WatcherID handle, string base_path, string subpath)
import std.path : buildPath, pathSplitter;
import std.range : drop;
import std.range.primitives : walkLength;
try {
auto path = buildPath(base_path, subpath);
auto base_segements = base_path.pathSplitter.walkLength;
if (path.isDir) () @trusted {
foreach (de; path.dirEntries(SpanMode.depth))
if (de.isDir) {
auto subdir = de.name.pathSplitter.drop(base_segements).buildPath;
addWatch(handle, base_path, subdir);
} ();
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: decide if this should be ignored or if the error should be forwarded
return false;
private bool addWatch(WatcherID handle, string base_path, string path)
import std.path : buildPath;
import std.string : toStringz;
immutable wd = () @trusted { return inotify_add_watch(cast(int)handle, buildPath(base_path, path).toStringz, EVENTS); } ();
if (wd == -1) return false;
m_watches[handle].watcherPaths[wd] = path;
return true;
version (OSX)
final class FSEventsEventDriverWatchers(Events : EventDriverEvents) : EventDriverWatchers {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
private Events m_events;
this(Events events) { m_events = events; }
final override WatcherID watchDirectory(string path, bool recursive, FileChangesCallback on_change)
assert(false, "TODO!");
final override void addRef(WatcherID descriptor)
assert(false, "TODO!");
final override bool releaseRef(WatcherID descriptor)
assert(false, "TODO!");
final protected override void* rawUserData(WatcherID descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy)
@system {
return m_loop.rawUserDataImpl(descriptor, size, initialize, destroy);
/** Generic directory watcher implementation based on periodic directory
Note that this implementation, although it works on all operating systems,
is not efficient for directories with many files, since it has to keep a
representation of the whole directory in memory and needs to list all files
for each polling period, which can result in excessive hard disk activity.
final class PollEventDriverWatchers(Events : EventDriverEvents) : EventDriverWatchers {
@safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
import core.thread : Thread;
import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
private {
Events m_events;
PollingThread[EventID] m_pollers;
this(Events events)
m_events = events;
void dispose()
@trusted {
foreach (pt; m_pollers.byValue) {
try pt.join();
catch (Exception e) {
// not bringing down the application here, because not being
// able to join the thread here likely isn't a problem
final override WatcherID watchDirectory(string path, bool recursive, FileChangesCallback on_change)
import std.file : exists, isDir;
// validate base directory
try if (!isDir(path)) return WatcherID.invalid;
catch (Exception e) return WatcherID.invalid;
// create event to wait on for new changes
auto evt = m_events.create();
assert(evt !is EventID.invalid, "Failed to create event.");
auto pt = new PollingThread(() @trusted { return cast(shared)m_events; } (), evt, path, recursive, on_change);
m_pollers[evt] = pt;
try () @trusted { pt.isDaemon = true; } ();
catch (Exception e) assert(false, e.msg);
() @trusted { pt.start(); } ();
m_events.wait(evt, &onEvent);
return cast(WatcherID)evt;
final override void addRef(WatcherID descriptor)
assert(descriptor != WatcherID.invalid);
auto evt = cast(EventID)descriptor;
auto pt = evt in m_pollers;
assert(pt !is null);
final override bool releaseRef(WatcherID descriptor)
nogc_assert(descriptor != WatcherID.invalid, "Invalid directory watcher ID released");
auto evt = cast(EventID)descriptor;
auto pt = evt in m_pollers;
nogc_assert(pt !is null, "Directory watcher polling thread does not exist");
if (!m_events.releaseRef(evt)) {
return false;
return true;
final protected override void* rawUserData(WatcherID descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy)
@system {
return m_events.loop.rawUserDataImpl(cast(EventID)descriptor, size, initialize, destroy);
private void onEvent(EventID evt)
import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
auto pt = evt in m_pollers;
if (!pt) return;
m_events.wait(evt, &onEvent);
FileChange[] changes;
try synchronized (pt.m_changesMutex)
swap(changes, pt.m_changes);
catch (Exception e) assert(false, "Failed to acquire mutex: "~e.msg);
foreach (ref ch; changes)
pt.m_callback(cast(WatcherID)evt, ch);
private final class PollingThread : Thread {
int refCount = 1;
EventID changesEvent;
private {
shared(Events) m_eventsDriver;
Mutex m_changesMutex;
/*shared*/ FileChange[] m_changes;
immutable string m_basePath;
immutable bool m_recursive;
immutable FileChangesCallback m_callback;
size_t m_entryCount;
struct Entry {
Entry* parent;
string name;
ulong size;
long lastChange;
string path()
import std.path : buildPath;
if (parent)
return buildPath(parent.path, name);
else return name;
bool isDir() const { return size == ulong.max; }
struct Key {
Entry* parent;
string name;
Entry*[Key] m_entries;
this(shared(Events) event_driver, EventID event, string path, bool recursive, FileChangesCallback callback)
@trusted nothrow {
import core.time : seconds;
m_changesMutex = new Mutex;
m_eventsDriver = event_driver;
changesEvent = event;
m_basePath = path;
m_recursive = recursive;
m_callback = callback;
try super(&run);
catch (Exception e) assert(false, e.msg);
void dispose()
nothrow {
try synchronized (m_changesMutex) {
changesEvent = EventID.invalid;
} catch (Exception e) assert(false, e.msg);
private void run()
nothrow @trusted {
import core.time : msecs;
import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
import std.datetime : Clock, UTC;
try while (true) {
auto timeout = Clock.currTime(UTC()) + min(m_entryCount, 60000).msecs + 1000.msecs;
while (true) {
try synchronized (m_changesMutex) {
if (changesEvent == EventID.invalid) return;
} catch (Exception e) assert(false, "Mutex lock failed: "~e.msg);
auto remaining = timeout - Clock.currTime(UTC());
if (remaining <= 0.msecs) break;
sleep(min(1000.msecs, remaining));
try synchronized (m_changesMutex) {
if (changesEvent == EventID.invalid) return;
if (m_changes.length)
m_eventsDriver.trigger(changesEvent, false);
} catch (Exception e) assert(false, "Mutex lock failed: "~e.msg);
} catch (Throwable th) {
import core.stdc.stdio : fprintf, stderr;
import core.stdc.stdlib : abort;
fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: %.*s\n", th.msg.length, th.msg.ptr);
private void addChange(FileChangeKind kind, Key key, bool is_dir)
try synchronized (m_changesMutex) {
m_changes ~= FileChange(kind, m_basePath, key.parent ? key.parent.path : "", key.name, is_dir);
} catch (Exception e) assert(false, "Mutex lock failed: "~e.msg);
private void scan(bool generate_changes)
@trusted nothrow {
import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
Entry*[Key] new_entries;
Entry*[] added;
size_t ec = 0;
scan(null, generate_changes, new_entries, added, ec);
foreach (e; m_entries.byKeyValue) {
if (!e.key.parent || Key(e.key.parent.parent, e.key.parent.name) !in m_entries) {
if (generate_changes)
addChange(FileChangeKind.removed, e.key, e.value.isDir);
static if (__VERSION__ >= 2079) {
import core.memory : __delete;
} else mixin("delete e.value;");
foreach (e; added)
addChange(FileChangeKind.added, Key(e.parent, e.name), e.isDir);
swap(m_entries, new_entries);
m_entryCount = ec;
private void scan(Entry* parent, bool generate_changes, ref Entry*[Key] new_entries, ref Entry*[] added, ref size_t ec)
@trusted nothrow {
import std.file : SpanMode, dirEntries;
import std.path : buildPath, baseName;
auto ppath = parent ? buildPath(m_basePath, parent.path) : m_basePath;
try foreach (de; dirEntries(ppath, SpanMode.shallow)) {
auto key = Key(parent, de.name.baseName);
auto modified_time = de.timeLastModified.stdTime;
if (auto pe = key in m_entries) {
if ((*pe).isDir) {
if (m_recursive)
scan(*pe, generate_changes, new_entries, added, ec);
} else {
if ((*pe).size != de.size || (*pe).lastChange != modified_time) {
if (generate_changes)
addChange(FileChangeKind.modified, key, (*pe).isDir);
(*pe).size = de.size;
(*pe).lastChange = modified_time;
new_entries[key] = *pe;
} else {
auto e = new Entry(parent, key.name, de.isDir ? ulong.max : de.size, modified_time);
new_entries[key] = e;
if (generate_changes) added ~= e;
if (de.isDir && m_recursive) scan(e, false, new_entries, added, ec);
} catch (Exception e) {} // will result in all children being flagged as removed
package struct WatcherSlot {
alias Handle = WatcherID;
FileChangesCallback callback;