Sönke Ludwig 8166b54b12 Let errors in generic visitors through.
Avoids the visit!() instantiation failing early and hiding the concrete source of the error.
2021-01-05 10:48:33 +01:00

301 lines
9.3 KiB

module taggedalgebraic.visit;
import taggedalgebraic.taggedalgebraic;
import taggedalgebraic.taggedunion;
import std.meta : anySatisfy;
import std.traits : EnumMembers, isInstanceOf;
/** Dispatches the value contained on a `TaggedUnion` or `TaggedAlgebraic` to a
set of visitors.
A visitor can have one of three forms:
$(LI function or delegate taking a single typed parameter)
$(LI function or delegate taking no parameters)
$(LI function or delegate template taking any single parameter)
template visit(VISITORS...)
if (VISITORS.length > 0)
auto visit(TU)(auto ref TU tu)
if (isInstanceOf!(TaggedUnion, TU))
alias val = validateHandlers!(TU, VISITORS);
final switch (tu.kind) {
static foreach (k; EnumMembers!(TU.Kind)) {
case k: {
static if (isUnitType!(TU.FieldTypes[k]))
alias T = void;
else alias T = TU.FieldTypes[k];
alias h = selectHandler!(T, VISITORS);
static if (is(typeof(h) == typeof(null))) static assert(false, "No visitor defined for type type "~T.stringof);
else static if (is(typeof(h) == string)) static assert(false, h);
else static if (is(T == void)) return h();
else return h(tu.value!k);
auto visit(U)(auto ref TaggedAlgebraic!U ta)
return visit(ta.get!(TaggedUnion!U));
unittest {
static if (__VERSION__ >= 2081) {
import std.conv : to;
union U {
int number;
string text;
alias TU = TaggedUnion!U;
auto tu = TU.number(42);
(int n) { assert(n == 42); },
(string s) { assert(false); }
assert(tu.visit!((v) => to!int(v)) == 42);
assert(tu.visit!((v) => to!int(v)) == 43);
unittest {
// repeat test from TaggedUnion
union U {
Void none;
int count;
float length;
TaggedAlgebraic!U u;
static assert(is(typeof(u.visit!((int) {}, (float) {}, () {}))));
static assert(is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {}, () {}))));
static assert(is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {}, (float) {}, () {}))));
static assert(is(typeof(u.visit!((float) {}, (_) {}, () {}))));
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {})))); // missing void handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!(() {})))); // missing value handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {}, () {}, (string) {})))); // invalid typed handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((int) {}, (float) {}, () {}, () {})))); // duplicate void handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {}, () {}, (_) {})))); // duplicate generic handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((int) {}, (float) {}, (float) {}, () {})))); // duplicate typed handler
// TODO: error out for superfluous generic handlers
//static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((int) {}, (float) {}, () {}, (_) {})))); // superfluous generic handler
unittest {
union U {
Void none;
int count;
float length;
TaggedUnion!U u;
static assert(is(typeof(u.visit!((int) {}, (float) {}, () {}))));
static assert(is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {}, () {}))));
static assert(is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {}, (float) {}, () {}))));
static assert(is(typeof(u.visit!((float) {}, (_) {}, () {}))));
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {})))); // missing void handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!(() {})))); // missing value handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {}, () {}, (string) {})))); // invalid typed handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((int) {}, (float) {}, () {}, () {})))); // duplicate void handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((_) {}, () {}, (_) {})))); // duplicate generic handler
static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((int) {}, (float) {}, (float) {}, () {})))); // duplicate typed handler
// TODO: error out for superfluous generic handlers
//static assert(!is(typeof(u.visit!((int) {}, (float) {}, () {}, (_) {})))); // superfluous generic handler
unittest {
// make sure that the generic handler is not instantiated with types for
// which it doesn't compile
class C {}
union U { int i; C c; }
TaggedUnion!U u;
(C c) => c !is null,
(v) {
static assert(is(typeof(v) == int));
return v != 0;
/** The same as `visit`, except that failure to handle types is checked at runtime.
Instead of failing to compile, `tryVisit` will throw an `Exception` if none
of the handlers is able to handle the value contained in `tu`.
template tryVisit(VISITORS...)
if (VISITORS.length > 0)
auto tryVisit(TU)(auto ref TU tu)
if (isInstanceOf!(TaggedUnion, TU))
final switch (tu.kind) {
static foreach (k; EnumMembers!(TU.Kind)) {
case k: {
static if (isUnitType!(TU.FieldTypes[k]))
alias T = void;
else alias T = TU.FieldTypes[k];
alias h = selectHandler!(T, VISITORS);
static if (is(typeof(h) == typeof(null))) throw new Exception("Type "~T.stringof~" not handled by any visitor.");
else static if (is(typeof(h) == string)) static assert(false, h);
else static if (is(T == void)) return h();
else return h(tu.value!k);
auto tryVisit(U)(auto ref TaggedAlgebraic!U ta)
return tryVisit(ta.get!(TaggedUnion!U));
unittest {
import std.exception : assertThrown;
union U {
int number;
string text;
alias TU = TaggedUnion!U;
auto tu = TU.number(42);
tu.tryVisit!((int n) { assert(n == 42); });
assertThrown(tu.tryVisit!((string s) { assert(false); }));
// repeat from TaggedUnion
unittest {
import std.exception : assertThrown;
union U {
int number;
string text;
alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
auto ta = TA(42);
ta.tryVisit!((int n) { assert(n == 42); });
assertThrown(ta.tryVisit!((string s) { assert(false); }));
private template validateHandlers(TU, VISITORS...)
import std.traits : isSomeFunction;
alias Types = TU.FieldTypes;
static foreach (int i; 0 .. VISITORS.length) {
static if (isSomeFunction!(VISITORS[i])) {
static assert(anySatisfy!(matchesType!(VISITORS[i]), Types),
"Visitor at index "~i.stringof~" does not match any type of "~TU.FieldTypes.stringof);
} else {
static assert(__traits(isTemplate, VISITORS[i]),
"Visitor at index "~i.stringof~" must be a function/delegate literal: "~VISITORS[i].stringof);
private template matchesType(alias fun) {
import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, isSomeFunction;
template matchesType(T) {
static if (isSomeFunction!fun) {
alias Params = ParameterTypeTuple!fun;
static if (Params.length == 0 && isUnitType!T) enum matchesType = true;
else static if (Params.length == 1 && is(T == Params[0])) enum matchesType = true;
else enum matchesType = false;
} else static if (!isUnitType!T) {
static if (__traits(compiles, fun!T) && isSomeFunction!(fun!T)) {
alias Params = ParameterTypeTuple!(fun!T);
static if (Params.length == 1 && is(T == Params[0])) enum matchesType = true;
else enum matchesType = false;
} else enum matchesType = false;
} else enum matchesType = false;
unittest {
class C {}
alias mt1 = matchesType!((C c) => true);
alias mt2 = matchesType!((c) { static assert(!is(typeof(c) == C)); });
static assert(mt1!C);
static assert(!mt1!int);
static assert(mt2!int);
static assert(!mt2!C);
private template selectHandler(T, VISITORS...)
import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, isSomeFunction;
template typedIndex(int i, int matched_index = -1) {
static if (i < VISITORS.length) {
alias fun = VISITORS[i];
static if (isSomeFunction!fun) {
alias Params = ParameterTypeTuple!fun;
static if (Params.length > 1) enum typedIndex = "Visitor at index "~i.stringof~" must not take more than one parameter.";
else static if (Params.length == 0 && is(T == void) || Params.length == 1 && is(T == Params[0])) {
static if (matched_index >= 0) enum typedIndex = "Vistor at index "~i.stringof~" conflicts with visitor at index "~matched_index~".";
else enum typedIndex = typedIndex!(i+1, i);
} else enum typedIndex = typedIndex!(i+1, matched_index);
} else enum typedIndex = typedIndex!(i+1, matched_index);
} else enum typedIndex = matched_index;
template genericIndex(int i, int matched_index = -1) {
static if (i < VISITORS.length) {
alias fun = VISITORS[i];
static if (!isSomeFunction!fun) {
static if (!__traits(isTemplate, fun)) enum genericIndex = "Visitor at index " ~ i.stringof ~ " is neither a function, nor a template.";
else static if (__traits(compiles, fun!T) && isSomeFunction!(fun!T)) {
static if (ParameterTypeTuple!(fun!T).length == 1) {
static if (matched_index >= 0) enum genericIndex = "Only one generic visitor allowed";
else enum genericIndex = genericIndex!(i+1, i);
} else enum genericIndex = "Generic visitor at index "~i.stringof~" must have a single parameter.";
} else enum genericIndex = genericIndex!(i+1, i); // let this fail within the template instantiation instead of here
} else enum genericIndex = genericIndex!(i+1, matched_index);
} else enum genericIndex = matched_index;
enum typed_index = typedIndex!0;
static if (is(T == void) || (is(typeof(typed_index) == string) && typed_index != -1))
enum generic_index = -1;
else enum generic_index = genericIndex!0;
static if (is(typeof(typed_index) == string)) enum selectHandler = typed_index;
else static if (is(typeof(generic_index) == string)) enum selectHandler = generic_index;
else static if (typed_index >= 0) alias selectHandler = VISITORS[typed_index];
else static if (generic_index >= 0) alias selectHandler = VISITORS[generic_index];
else enum selectHandler = null;