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223 lines
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Utility functions for memory management
Note that this module currently is a big sand box for testing allocation related stuff.
Nothing here, including the interfaces, is final but rather a lot of experimentation.
Copyright: © 2012-2013 RejectedSoftware e.K.
License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
Authors: Sönke Ludwig
module vibe.internal.freelistref;
import vibe.internal.allocator;
import vibe.internal.traits : synchronizedIsNothrow;
import core.exception : OutOfMemoryError;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import core.memory;
import std.conv;
import std.exception : enforceEx;
import std.traits;
import std.algorithm;
struct FreeListObjectAlloc(T, bool USE_GC = true, bool INIT = true, EXTRA = void)
enum ElemSize = AllocSize!T;
enum ElemSlotSize = max(AllocSize!T + AllocSize!EXTRA, Slot.sizeof);
static if( is(T == class) ){
alias TR = T;
} else {
alias TR = T*;
struct Slot { Slot* next; }
private static Slot* s_firstFree;
static TR alloc(ARGS...)(ARGS args)
void[] mem;
if (s_firstFree !is null) {
auto ret = s_firstFree;
s_firstFree = s_firstFree.next;
ret.next = null;
mem = (cast(void*)ret)[0 .. ElemSize];
} else {
//logInfo("alloc %s/%d", T.stringof, ElemSize);
mem = Mallocator.instance.allocate(ElemSlotSize);
static if( hasIndirections!T ) GC.addRange(mem.ptr, ElemSlotSize);
static if (INIT) return cast(TR)internalEmplace!(Unqual!T)(mem, args); // FIXME: this emplace has issues with qualified types, but Unqual!T may result in the wrong constructor getting called.
else return cast(TR)mem.ptr;
static void free(TR obj)
static if (INIT) {
scope (failure) assert(0, "You shouldn't throw in destructors");
auto objc = obj;
static if (is(TR == T*)) .destroy(*objc);//typeid(T).destroy(cast(void*)obj);
else .destroy(objc);
auto sl = cast(Slot*)obj;
sl.next = s_firstFree;
s_firstFree = sl;
//static if( hasIndirections!T ) GC.removeRange(cast(void*)obj);
//Mallocator.instance.deallocate((cast(void*)obj)[0 .. ElemSlotSize]);
template AllocSize(T)
static if (is(T == class)) {
// workaround for a strange bug where AllocSize!SSLStream == 0: TODO: dustmite!
enum dummy = T.stringof ~ __traits(classInstanceSize, T).stringof;
enum AllocSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
} else {
enum AllocSize = T.sizeof;
struct FreeListRef(T, bool INIT = true)
alias ObjAlloc = FreeListObjectAlloc!(T, true, INIT, int);
enum ElemSize = AllocSize!T;
static if( is(T == class) ){
alias TR = T;
} else {
alias TR = T*;
private TR m_object;
private size_t m_magic = 0x1EE75817; // workaround for compiler bug
static FreeListRef opCall(ARGS...)(ARGS args)
//logInfo("refalloc %s/%d", T.stringof, ElemSize);
FreeListRef ret;
ret.m_object = ObjAlloc.alloc(args);
ret.refCount = 1;
return ret;
//if( m_object ) logInfo("~this!%s(): %d", T.stringof, this.refCount);
//if( m_object ) logInfo("ref %s destructor %d", T.stringof, refCount);
//else logInfo("ref %s destructor %d", T.stringof, 0);
m_magic = 0;
m_object = null;
if( m_object ){
//if( m_object ) logInfo("this!%s(this): %d", T.stringof, this.refCount);
void opAssign(FreeListRef other)
m_object = other.m_object;
if( m_object ){
//logInfo("opAssign!%s(): %d", T.stringof, this.refCount);
void clear()
if (m_object) {
if (--this.refCount == 0)
m_object = null;
m_magic = 0x1EE75817;
@property const(TR) get() const { checkInvariants(); return m_object; }
@property TR get() { checkInvariants(); return m_object; }
alias get this;
private @property ref int refCount()
const {
auto ptr = cast(ubyte*)cast(void*)m_object;
ptr += ElemSize;
return *cast(int*)ptr;
private void checkInvariants()
const {
assert(m_magic == 0x1EE75817);
assert(!m_object || refCount > 0);
/// See issue #14194
private T internalEmplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, auto ref Args args)
if (is(T == class))
in {
import std.string, std.format;
assert(chunk.length >= T.sizeof,
format("emplace: Chunk size too small: %s < %s size = %s",
chunk.length, T.stringof, T.sizeof));
assert((cast(size_t) chunk.ptr) % T.alignof == 0,
format("emplace: Misaligned memory block (0x%X): it must be %s-byte aligned for type %s", chunk.ptr, T.alignof, T.stringof));
} body {
enum classSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
auto result = cast(T) chunk.ptr;
// Initialize the object in its pre-ctor state
static if (__VERSION__ < 2071)
chunk[0 .. classSize] = typeid(T).init[];
chunk[0 .. classSize] = typeid(T).initializer[]; // Avoid deprecation warning
// Call the ctor if any
static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args))))
// T defines a genuine constructor accepting args
// Go the classic route: write .init first, then call ctor
static assert(args.length == 0 && !is(typeof(&T.__ctor)),
"Don't know how to initialize an object of type "
~ T.stringof ~ " with arguments " ~ Args.stringof);
return result;
/// Dittor
private auto internalEmplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, auto ref Args args)
if (!is(T == class))
in {
import std.string, std.format;
assert(chunk.length >= T.sizeof,
format("emplace: Chunk size too small: %s < %s size = %s",
chunk.length, T.stringof, T.sizeof));
assert((cast(size_t) chunk.ptr) % T.alignof == 0,
format("emplace: Misaligned memory block (0x%X): it must be %s-byte aligned for type %s", chunk.ptr, T.alignof, T.stringof));
} body {
return emplace(cast(T*)chunk.ptr, args);
private void logDebug_(ARGS...)(string msg, ARGS args) {}