module vibe.internal.async; import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, ReturnType; import std.typecons : tuple; import vibe.core.core : hibernate, switchToTask; import vibe.core.task : InterruptException, Task, TaskSwitchPriority; import vibe.core.log; import core.time : Duration, seconds; auto asyncAwait(Callback, alias action, alias cancel)(string func = __FUNCTION__) if (!is(Object == Duration)) { ParameterTypeTuple!Callback results; alias waitable = Waitable!(Callback, action, cancel, (ParameterTypeTuple!Callback r) { results = r; }); asyncAwaitAny!(true, waitable)(func); return tuple(results); } auto asyncAwait(Callback, alias action, alias cancel)(Duration timeout, string func = __FUNCTION__) { static struct R { bool completed = true; ParameterTypeTuple!Callback results; } R ret; static if (is(ReturnType!action == void)) { alias waitable = Waitable!(Callback, action, (cb) { ret.completed = false; cancel(cb); }, (ParameterTypeTuple!Callback r) { ret.results = r; } ); } else { alias waitable = Waitable!(Callback, action, (cb, waitres) { ret.completed = false; cancel(cb, waitres); }, (ParameterTypeTuple!Callback r) { ret.results = r; } ); } asyncAwaitAny!(true, waitable)(timeout, func); return ret; } auto asyncAwaitUninterruptible(Callback, alias action)(string func = __FUNCTION__) nothrow { static if (is(typeof(action(Callback.init)) == void)) void cancel(Callback) { assert(false, "Action cannot be cancelled."); } else void cancel(Callback, typeof(action(Callback.init))) @safe @nogc nothrow { assert(false, "Action cannot be cancelled."); } ParameterTypeTuple!Callback results; alias waitable = Waitable!(Callback, action, cancel, (ParameterTypeTuple!Callback r) { results = r; }); asyncAwaitAny!(false, waitable)(func); return tuple(results); } auto asyncAwaitUninterruptible(Callback, alias action, alias cancel)(Duration timeout, string func = __FUNCTION__) nothrow { ParameterTypeTuple!Callback results; alias waitable = Waitable!(Callback, action, cancel, (ParameterTypeTuple!Callback r) { results = r; }); asyncAwaitAny!(false, waitable)(timeout, func); return tuple(results); } template Waitable(CB, alias WAIT, alias CANCEL, alias DONE) { import std.traits : ReturnType; static assert(is(typeof(WAIT(CB.init))), "WAIT must be callable with a parameter of type "~CB.stringof); static if (is(typeof(WAIT(CB.init)) == void)) static assert(is(typeof(CANCEL(CB.init))), "CANCEL must be callable with a parameter of type "~CB.stringof); else static assert(is(typeof(CANCEL(CB.init, typeof(WAIT(CB.init)).init))), "CANCEL must be callable with parameters "~CB.stringof~ " and "~typeof(WAIT(CB.init)).stringof); static assert(is(typeof(DONE(ParameterTypeTuple!CB.init))), "DONE must be callable with types "~ParameterTypeTuple!CB.stringof); alias Callback = CB; alias wait = WAIT; alias cancel = CANCEL; alias done = DONE; } void asyncAwaitAny(bool interruptible, Waitables...)(Duration timeout, string func = __FUNCTION__) { if (timeout == Duration.max) asyncAwaitAny!(interruptible, Waitables)(func); else { import eventcore.core; auto tm = eventDriver.timers.create(); eventDriver.timers.set(tm, timeout, 0.seconds); scope (exit) eventDriver.timers.releaseRef(tm); alias timerwaitable = Waitable!(TimerCallback, cb => eventDriver.timers.wait(tm, cb), cb => eventDriver.timers.cancelWait(tm), (tid) {} ); asyncAwaitAny!(interruptible, timerwaitable, Waitables)(func); } } void asyncAwaitAny(bool interruptible, Waitables...)(string func = __FUNCTION__) if (Waitables.length >= 1) { import std.meta : staticMap; import std.algorithm.searching : any; import std.format : format; import std.meta : AliasSeq; import std.traits : ReturnType; bool[Waitables.length] fired; bool any_fired = false; Task t; bool still_inside = true; scope (exit) still_inside = false; debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Performing %s async operations in %s", Waitables.length, func); static string waitableCode() { string ret; foreach (i, W; Waitables) { alias PTypes = ParameterTypeTuple!(CBDel!W); ret ~= q{ alias PT%1$s = ParameterTypeTuple!(Waitables[%1$s].Callback); scope callback_%1$s = (%2$s) @safe nothrow { // NOTE: this triggers DigitalMars/optlink#18 //() @trusted { logDebugV("siw %%x", &still_inside); } (); debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Waitable %%s in %%s fired (istask=%%s).", %1$s, func, t != Task.init); assert(still_inside, "Notification fired after asyncAwait had already returned!"); fired[%1$s] = true; any_fired = true; Waitables[%1$s].done(%3$s); if (t != Task.init) { version (VibeHighEventPriority) switchToTask(t); else switchToTask(t, TaskSwitchPriority.normal); } }; debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Starting operation %%s", %1$s); alias WR%1$s = typeof(Waitables[%1$s].wait(callback_%1$s)); static if (is(WR%1$s == void)) Waitables[%1$s].wait(callback_%1$s); else auto wr%1$s = Waitables[%1$s].wait(callback_%1$s); scope (exit) { if (!fired[%1$s]) { debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Cancelling operation %%s", %1$s); static if (is(WR%1$s == void)) Waitables[%1$s].cancel(callback_%1$s); else Waitables[%1$s].cancel(callback_%1$s, wr%1$s); any_fired = true; fired[%1$s] = true; } } if (any_fired) { debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Returning to %%s without waiting.", func); return; } }.format(i, generateParamDecls!(CBDel!W)(format("PT%s", i)), generateParamNames!(CBDel!W)); } return ret; } mixin(waitableCode()); debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Need to wait in %s (%s)...", func, interruptible ? "interruptible" : "uninterruptible"); t = Task.getThis(); debug (VibeAsyncLog) scope (failure) logDebugV("Aborting wait due to exception"); do { static if (interruptible) { bool interrupted = false; hibernate(() @safe nothrow { debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Got interrupted in %s.", func); interrupted = true; }); debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Task resumed (fired=%s, interrupted=%s)", fired, interrupted); if (interrupted) throw new InterruptException; } else { hibernate(); debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Task resumed (fired=%s)", fired); } } while (!any_fired); debug(VibeAsyncLog) logDebugV("Return result for %s.", func); } private alias CBDel(alias Waitable) = Waitable.Callback; @safe nothrow /*@nogc*/ unittest { int cnt = 0; auto ret = asyncAwaitUninterruptible!(void delegate(int) @safe nothrow, (cb) { cnt++; cb(42); }); assert(ret[0] == 42); assert(cnt == 1); } @safe nothrow /*@nogc*/ unittest { int a, b, c; int w1r, w2r; alias w1 = Waitable!( void delegate(int) @safe nothrow, (cb) { a++; cb(42); }, (cb) { assert(false); }, (i) { w1r = i; } ); alias w2 = Waitable!( void delegate(int) @safe nothrow, (cb) { b++; }, (cb) { c++; }, (i) { w2r = i; } ); alias w3 = Waitable!( void delegate(int) @safe nothrow, (cb) { c++; cb(42); }, (cb) { assert(false); }, (int n) { assert(n == 42); } ); asyncAwaitAny!(false, w1, w2); assert(w1r == 42 && w2r == 0); assert(a == 1 && b == 0 && c == 0); asyncAwaitAny!(false, w2, w1); assert(w1r == 42 && w2r == 0); assert(a == 2 && b == 1 && c == 1); asyncAwaitAny!(false, w3); assert(c == 2); } private string generateParamDecls(Fun)(string ptypes_name = "PTypes") { import std.format : format; import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, ParameterStorageClass, ParameterStorageClassTuple; if (!__ctfe) assert(false); alias Types = ParameterTypeTuple!Fun; alias SClasses = ParameterStorageClassTuple!Fun; string ret; foreach (i, T; Types) { static if (i > 0) ret ~= ", "; static if (SClasses[i] & ParameterStorageClass.lazy_) ret ~= "lazy "; static if (SClasses[i] & ParameterStorageClass.scope_) ret ~= "scope "; static if (SClasses[i] & ParameterStorageClass.out_) ret ~= "out "; static if (SClasses[i] & ParameterStorageClass.ref_) ret ~= "ref "; ret ~= format("%s[%s] param_%s", ptypes_name, i, i); } return ret; } private string generateParamNames(Fun)() { import std.format : format; if (!__ctfe) assert(false); string ret; foreach (i, T; ParameterTypeTuple!Fun) { static if (i > 0) ret ~= ", "; ret ~= format("param_%s", i); } return ret; } private template hasAnyScopeParameter(Callback) { import std.algorithm.searching : any; import std.traits : ParameterStorageClass, ParameterStorageClassTuple; alias SC = ParameterStorageClassTuple!Callback; static if (SC.length == 0) enum hasAnyScopeParameter = false; else enum hasAnyScopeParameter = any!(c => c & ParameterStorageClass.scope_)([SC]); }