module vibe.internal.interfaceproxy; import vibe.internal.traits; import vibe.internal.freelistref; import vibe.internal.allocator; import std.algorithm.mutation : move, swap; import std.meta : staticMap; import std.traits : BaseTypeTuple; O asInterface(I, O)(O obj) if (is(I == interface) && is(O : I)) { return obj; } InterfaceProxyClass!(I, O) asInterface(I, O)(O obj) if (is(I == interface) && !is(O : I)) { return new InterfaceProxyClass!(I, O)(obj); } InterfaceProxyClass!(I, O) asInterface(I, O)(O obj, IAllocator allocator) @trusted if (is(I == interface) && !is(O : I)) { alias R = InterfaceProxyClass!(I, O); return allocator.makeGCSafe!R(obj); } void freeInterface(I, O)(InterfaceProxyClass!(I, O) inst, IAllocator allocator) { allocator.disposeGCSafe(inst); } FreeListRef!(InterfaceProxyClass!(I, O)) asInterfaceFL(I, O)(O obj) { return FreeListRef!(InterfaceProxyClass!(I, O))(obj); } InterfaceProxy!I interfaceProxy(I, O)(O o) { return InterfaceProxy!I(o); } private final class InterfaceProxyClass(I, O) : I { import std.meta : AliasSeq; import std.traits : FunctionAttribute, MemberFunctionsTuple, ReturnType, ParameterTypeTuple, functionAttributes; private { O m_obj; } this(ref O obj) { swap(m_obj, obj); } mixin methodDefs!0; private mixin template methodDefs(size_t idx) { alias Members = AliasSeq!(__traits(allMembers, I)); static if (idx < Members.length) { mixin overloadDefs!(Members[idx]); mixin methodDefs!(idx+1); } } mixin template overloadDefs(string mem) { alias Overloads = MemberFunctionsTuple!(I, mem); private static string impl() { import std.format : format; string ret; foreach (idx, F; Overloads) { alias R = ReturnType!F; enum attribs = functionAttributeString!F(false); static if (__traits(isVirtualMethod, F)) { static if (is(R == void)) ret ~= q{override %s void %s(ParameterTypeTuple!(Overloads[%s]) params) { m_obj.%s(params); }} .format(attribs, mem, idx, mem); else ret ~= q{override %s ReturnType!(Overloads[%s]) %s(ParameterTypeTuple!(Overloads[%s]) params) { return m_obj.%s(params); }} .format(attribs, idx, mem, idx, mem); } } return ret; } mixin(impl()); } } struct InterfaceProxy(I) if (is(I == interface)) { import std.meta : AliasSeq; import std.traits : FunctionAttribute, MemberFunctionsTuple, ReturnType, ParameterTypeTuple, functionAttributes; import vibe.internal.traits : checkInterfaceConformance; private { void*[4] m_value; enum maxSize = m_value.length * m_value[0].sizeof; Proxy m_intf; } this(IP : InterfaceProxy!J, J)(IP proxy) @safe { () @trusted { m_intf = proxy.m_intf; swap(proxy.m_value, m_value); proxy.m_intf = null; } (); } this(O)(O object) @trusted if (is(O == struct) || is(O == class) || is(O == interface)) { static assert(O.sizeof % m_value[0].sizeof == 0, "Sizeof object ("~O.stringof~") must be a multiple of a pointer size."); static assert(O.sizeof <= maxSize, "Object ("~O.stringof~") is too big to be stored in an InterfaceProxy."); import std.conv : emplace; static if (is(O == class) || is(O == interface)) { if (!object) return; } m_intf = ProxyImpl!O.get(); static if (is(O == struct)) emplace!O(m_value[0 .. O.sizeof/m_value[0].sizeof]); swap((cast(O[])m_value[0 .. O.sizeof/m_value[0].sizeof])[0], object); } this(typeof(null)) { } ~this() @safe { clear(); } this(this) @safe { if (m_intf) m_intf._postblit(m_value); } void clear() @safe nothrow { if (m_intf) { m_intf._destroy(m_value); m_intf = null; m_value[] = null; } } T extract(T)() @trusted nothrow { if (!m_intf || m_intf._typeInfo() !is typeid(T)) assert(false, "Extraction of wrong type from InterfaceProxy."); return (cast(T[])m_value[0 .. T.sizeof/m_value[0].sizeof])[0]; } void opAssign(IP : InterfaceProxy!J, J)(IP proxy) @safe { static assert(is(J : I), "Can only assign InterfaceProxy instances of derived interfaces."); clear(); if (proxy.m_intf) { m_intf = proxy.m_intf; m_value[] = proxy.m_value[]; proxy.m_intf = null; } } void opAssign(O)(O object) @trusted if (checkInterfaceConformance!(O, I) is null) { static assert(O.sizeof % m_value[0].sizeof == 0, "Sizeof object ("~O.stringof~") must be a multiple of a pointer size."); static assert(O.sizeof <= maxSize, "Object is too big to be stored in an InterfaceProxy."); import std.conv : emplace; clear(); m_intf = ProxyImpl!O.get(); static if (is(O == class)) (cast(O[])m_value[0 .. O.sizeof/m_value[0].sizeof])[0] = object; else emplace!O(m_value[0 .. O.sizeof/m_value[0].sizeof]); swap((cast(O[])m_value[0 .. O.sizeof/m_value[0].sizeof])[0], object); } bool opCast(T)() const @safe nothrow if (is(T == bool)) { return m_intf !is null; } mixin allMethods!0; private mixin template allMethods(size_t idx) { alias Members = AliasSeq!(__traits(allMembers, I)); static if (idx < Members.length) { static if (__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, I, Members[idx]))) mixin overloadMethods!(Members[idx]); mixin allMethods!(idx+1); } } private mixin template overloadMethods(string member) { alias Overloads = AliasSeq!(__traits(getOverloads, I, member)); private static string impl() { import std.format : format; string ret; foreach (idx, F; Overloads) { enum attribs = functionAttributeString!F(false); enum is_prop = functionAttributes!F &; ret ~= q{%s ReturnType!(Overloads[%s]) %s(%s) { return m_intf.%s(m_value, %s); }} .format(attribs, idx, member, parameterDecls!(F, idx), member, parameterNames!F); } return ret; } mixin(impl()); } private interface Proxy : staticMap!(ProxyOf, BaseTypeTuple!I) { import std.meta : AliasSeq; import std.traits : FunctionAttribute, MemberFunctionsTuple, ReturnType, ParameterTypeTuple, functionAttributes; void _destroy(void[] stor) @safe nothrow; void _postblit(void[] stor) @safe nothrow; TypeInfo _typeInfo() @safe nothrow; mixin methodDecls!0; private mixin template methodDecls(size_t idx) { alias Members = AliasSeq!(__traits(derivedMembers, I)); static if (idx < Members.length) { static if (__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, I, Members[idx]))) mixin overloadDecls!(Members[idx]); mixin methodDecls!(idx+1); } } private mixin template overloadDecls(string mem) { alias Overloads = AliasSeq!(__traits(getOverloads, I, mem)); private static string impl() { import std.format : format; string ret; foreach (idx, F; Overloads) { enum attribs = functionAttributeString!F(false); enum vtype = functionAttributeThisType!F("void[]"); ret ~= q{ReturnType!(Overloads[%s]) %s(%s obj, %s) %s;} .format(idx, mem, vtype, parameterDecls!(F, idx), attribs); } return ret; } mixin(impl()); } } static final class ProxyImpl(O) : Proxy { static auto get() { static ProxyImpl impl; if (!impl) impl = new ProxyImpl; return impl; } override void _destroy(void[] stor) @trusted nothrow { static if (is(O == struct)) { try destroy(_extract(stor)); catch (Exception e) assert(false, "Destructor has thrown: "~e.msg); } } override void _postblit(void[] stor) @trusted nothrow { static if (is(O == struct)) { try typeid(O).postblit(stor.ptr); catch (Exception e) assert(false, "Postblit contructor has thrown: "~e.msg); } } override TypeInfo _typeInfo() @safe nothrow { return typeid(O); } static ref inout(O) _extract(inout(void)[] stor) @trusted nothrow pure @nogc { if (stor.length < O.sizeof) assert(false); return *cast(inout(O)*)stor.ptr; } mixin methodDefs!0; private mixin template methodDefs(size_t idx) { alias Members = AliasSeq!(__traits(allMembers, I)); static if (idx < Members.length) { static if (__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, I, Members[idx]))) mixin overloadDefs!(Members[idx]); mixin methodDefs!(idx+1); } } private mixin template overloadDefs(string mem) { alias Overloads = AliasSeq!(__traits(getOverloads, I, mem)); private static string impl() { import std.format : format; string ret; foreach (idx, F; Overloads) { alias R = ReturnType!F; alias P = ParameterTypeTuple!F; enum attribs = functionAttributeString!F(false); enum vtype = functionAttributeThisType!F("void[]"); static if (is(R == void)) ret ~= q{override void %s(%s obj, %s) %s { _extract(obj).%s(%s); }} .format(mem, vtype, parameterDecls!(F, idx), attribs, mem, parameterNames!F); else ret ~= q{override ReturnType!(Overloads[%s]) %s(%s obj, %s) %s { return _extract(obj).%s(%s); }} .format(idx, mem, vtype, parameterDecls!(F, idx), attribs, mem, parameterNames!F); } return ret; } mixin(impl()); } } } unittest { static interface I {} assert(!InterfaceProxy!I(null)); assert(!InterfaceProxy!I(cast(I)null)); } private string parameterDecls(alias F, size_t idx)() { import std.format : format; import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, ParameterStorageClass, ParameterStorageClassTuple; string ret; alias PST = ParameterStorageClassTuple!F; foreach (i, PT; ParameterTypeTuple!F) { static if (i > 0) ret ~= ", "; static if (PST[i] & ParameterStorageClass.scope_) ret ~= "scope "; static if (PST[i] & ParameterStorageClass.out_) ret ~= "out "; static if (PST[i] & ParameterStorageClass.ref_) ret ~= "ref "; static if (PST[i] & ParameterStorageClass.lazy_) ret ~= "lazy "; ret ~= format("ParameterTypeTuple!(Overloads[%s])[%s] param_%s", idx, i, i); } return ret; } private string parameterNames(alias F)() { import std.format : format; import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple; string ret; foreach (i, PT; ParameterTypeTuple!F) { static if (i > 0) ret ~= ", "; ret ~= format("param_%s", i); } return ret; } private alias ProxyOf(I) = InterfaceProxy!I.Proxy; unittest { static interface I { @property int count() const; } static struct S { int* cnt; this(bool) { cnt = new int; *cnt = 1; } this(this) { if (cnt) (*cnt)++; } ~this() { if (cnt) (*cnt)--; } @property int count() const { return cnt ? *cnt : 0; } } auto s = S(true); assert(s.count == 1); auto t = interfaceProxy!I(s); assert(s.count == 2); t = interfaceProxy!I(s); assert(s.count == 2); t = s; assert(s.count == 2); s = S.init; assert(t.count == 1); s = t.extract!S; assert(s.count == 2); t = InterfaceProxy!I.init; assert(s.count == 1); t = s; assert(s.count == 2); s = S(true); assert(s.count == 1); assert(t.count == 1); { InterfaceProxy!I u; u = s; assert(u.count == 2); } assert(s.count == 1); }