/** Parses and allows querying the command line arguments and configuration file. The optional configuration file (vibe.conf) is a JSON file, containing an object with the keys corresponding to option names, and values corresponding to their values. It is searched for in the local directory, user's home directory, or /etc/vibe/ (POSIX only), whichever is found first. Copyright: © 2012-2016 RejectedSoftware e.K. License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file. Authors: Sönke Ludwig, Vladimir Panteleev */ module vibe.core.args; import vibe.core.log; //import vibe.data.json; import std.algorithm : any, map, sort; import std.array : array, join, replicate, split; import std.exception; import std.file; import std.getopt; import std.path : buildPath; import std.string : format, stripRight, wrap; import core.runtime; /** Finds and reads an option from the configuration file or command line. Command line options take precedence over configuration file entries. Params: names = Option names. Separate multiple name variants with "|", as for $(D std.getopt). pvalue = Pointer to store the value. Unchanged if value was not found. help_text = Text to be displayed when the application is run with --help. Returns: $(D true) if the value was found, $(D false) otherwise. See_Also: readRequiredOption */ bool readOption(T)(string names, T* pvalue, string help_text) { // May happen due to http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=9881 if (g_args is null) init(); OptionInfo info; info.names = names.split("|").sort!((a, b) => a.length < b.length)().array(); info.hasValue = !is(T == bool); info.helpText = help_text; assert(!g_options.any!(o => o.names == info.names)(), "readOption() may only be called once per option name."); g_options ~= info; immutable olen = g_args.length; getopt(g_args, getoptConfig, names, pvalue); if (g_args.length < olen) return true; /*if (g_haveConfig) { foreach (name; info.names) if (auto pv = name in g_config) { *pvalue = pv.to!T; return true; } }*/ return false; } /** The same as readOption, but throws an exception if the given option is missing. See_Also: readOption */ T readRequiredOption(T)(string names, string help_text) { string formattedNames() { return names.split("|").map!(s => s.length == 1 ? "-" ~ s : "--" ~ s).join("/"); } T ret; enforce(readOption(names, &ret, help_text) || g_help, format("Missing mandatory option %s.", formattedNames())); return ret; } /** Prints a help screen consisting of all options encountered in getOption calls. */ void printCommandLineHelp() { enum dcolumn = 20; enum ncolumns = 80; logInfo("Usage: %s \n", g_args[0]); foreach (opt; g_options) { string shortopt; string[] longopts; if (opt.names[0].length == 1 && !opt.hasValue) { shortopt = "-"~opt.names[0]; longopts = opt.names[1 .. $]; } else { shortopt = " "; longopts = opt.names; } string optionString(string name) { if (name.length == 1) return "-"~name~(opt.hasValue ? " " : ""); else return "--"~name~(opt.hasValue ? "=" : ""); } string[] lopts; foreach(lo; longopts) lopts ~= optionString(lo); auto optstr = format(" %s %s", shortopt, lopts.join(", ")); if (optstr.length < dcolumn) optstr ~= replicate(" ", dcolumn - optstr.length); auto indent = replicate(" ", dcolumn+1); auto desc = wrap(opt.helpText, ncolumns - dcolumn - 2, optstr.length > dcolumn ? indent : "", indent).stripRight(); if (optstr.length > dcolumn) logInfo("%s\n%s", optstr, desc); else logInfo("%s %s", optstr, desc); } } /** Checks for unrecognized command line options and display a help screen. This function is called automatically from `vibe.appmain` and from `vibe.core.core.runApplication` to check for correct command line usage. It will print a help screen in case of unrecognized options. Params: args_out = Optional parameter for storing any arguments not handled by any readOption call. If this is left to null, an error will be triggered whenever unhandled arguments exist. Returns: If "--help" was passed, the function returns false. In all other cases either true is returned or an exception is thrown. */ bool finalizeCommandLineOptions(string[]* args_out = null) { scope(exit) g_args = null; if (args_out) { *args_out = g_args; } else if (g_args.length > 1) { logError("Unrecognized command line option: %s\n", g_args[1]); printCommandLineHelp(); throw new Exception("Unrecognized command line option."); } if (g_help) { printCommandLineHelp(); return false; } return true; } private struct OptionInfo { string[] names; bool hasValue; string helpText; } private { __gshared string[] g_args; __gshared bool g_haveConfig; //__gshared Json g_config; __gshared OptionInfo[] g_options; __gshared bool g_help; } private string[] getConfigPaths() { string[] result = [""]; import std.process : environment; version (Windows) result ~= environment.get("USERPROFILE"); else result ~= [environment.get("HOME"), "/etc/vibe/"]; return result; } // this is invoked by the first readOption call (at least vibe.core will perform one) private void init() { version (VibeDisableCommandLineParsing) {} else g_args = Runtime.args; if (!g_args.length) g_args = ["dummy"]; // TODO: let different config files override individual fields auto searchpaths = getConfigPaths(); foreach (spath; searchpaths) { auto cpath = buildPath(spath, configName); if (cpath.exists) { scope(failure) logError("Failed to parse config file %s.", cpath); auto text = cpath.readText(); //g_config = text.parseJson(); g_haveConfig = true; break; } } if (!g_haveConfig) logDiagnostic("No config file found in %s", searchpaths); readOption("h|help", &g_help, "Prints this help screen."); } private enum configName = "vibe.conf"; private template ValueTuple(T...) { alias ValueTuple = T; } private alias getoptConfig = ValueTuple!(std.getopt.config.passThrough, std.getopt.config.bundling);