module vibe.core.path; import std.algorithm.searching : commonPrefix, endsWith, startsWith; import std.algorithm.comparison : min; import std.algorithm.iteration : map; import std.exception : enforce; import std.range : popFrontExactly, takeExactly; import std.range.primitives : ElementType, isInputRange; /** Computes the relative path from `base_path` to this path. Params: path = The destination path base_path = The path from which the relative path starts See_also: `relativeToWeb` */ Path relativeTo(Path path, Path base_path) @safe { import std.array : replicate; import std.array : array; assert(base_path.absolute, "Base path must be absolute for relativeTo."); assert(path.absolute, "Path must be absolute for relativeTo."); if (path.type == { // a path such as ..\C:\windows is not valid, so force the path to stay absolute in this case if (path.absolute && !path.empty && (path.front.toString().endsWith(":") && !base_path.startsWith(path[0 .. 1]) || path.front == "\\" && !base_path.startsWith(path[0 .. min(2, $)]))) { return path; } } size_t base = commonPrefix(path[], base_path[]).length; auto ret = Path("../".replicate(base_path.length - base), path.type) ~ path[base .. $]; if (path.endsWithSlash && !ret.endsWithSlash) ret ~= Path("./"); return ret; } /// unittest { with (PathType) { import std.array : array; import std.conv : to; assert(Path("/some/path", posix).relativeTo(Path("/", posix)) == Path("some/path", posix)); assert(Path("/some/path/", posix).relativeTo(Path("/some/other/path/", posix)) == Path("../../path/", posix)); assert(Path("/some/path/", posix).relativeTo(Path("/some/other/path", posix)) == Path("../../path/", posix)); assert(Path("C:\\some\\path", windows).relativeTo(Path("C:\\", windows)) == Path("some\\path", windows)); assert(Path("C:\\some\\path\\", windows).relativeTo(Path("C:\\some\\other\\path/", windows)) == Path("..\\..\\path\\", windows)); assert(Path("C:\\some\\path\\", windows).relativeTo(Path("C:\\some\\other\\path", windows)) == Path("..\\..\\path\\", windows)); assert(Path("\\\\server\\some\\path", windows).relativeTo(Path("\\\\server\\", windows)) == Path("some\\path", windows)); assert(Path("\\\\server\\some\\path\\", windows).relativeTo(Path("\\\\server\\some\\other\\path/", windows)) == Path("..\\..\\path\\", windows)); assert(Path("\\\\server\\some\\path\\", windows).relativeTo(Path("\\\\server\\some\\other\\path", windows)) == Path("..\\..\\path\\", windows)); assert(Path("C:\\some\\path", windows).relativeTo(Path("D:\\", windows)) == Path("C:\\some\\path", windows)); assert(Path("C:\\some\\path\\", windows).relativeTo(Path("\\\\server\\share", windows)) == Path("C:\\some\\path\\", windows)); assert(Path("\\\\server\\some\\path\\", windows).relativeTo(Path("C:\\some\\other\\path", windows)) == Path("\\\\server\\some\\path\\", windows)); } } /** Computes the relative path to this path from `base_path` using web path rules. The difference to `relativeTo` is that a path not ending in a slash will not be considered as a path to a directory and the parent path will instead be used. Params: path = The destination path base_path = The path from which the relative path starts See_also: `relativeTo` */ Path relativeToWeb(Path path, Path base_path) @safe { if (!base_path.endsWithSlash) { assert(base_path.absolute, "Base path must be absolute for relativeToWeb."); if (base_path.length > 0) base_path = base_path.parentPath; else base_path = Path("/", path.type); assert(base_path.absolute); } return path.relativeTo(base_path); } /// unittest { with (PathType) { assert(Path("/some/path", inet).relativeToWeb(Path("/", inet)) == Path("some/path", inet)); assert(Path("/some/path/", inet).relativeToWeb(Path("/some/other/path/", inet)) == Path("../../path/", inet)); assert(Path("/some/path/", inet).relativeToWeb(Path("/some/other/path", inet)) == Path("../path/", inet)); } } struct Path { @safe: private { string m_path; size_t m_length; size_t m_nextEntry = size_t.max; PathType m_type; bool m_absolute; } this(string p, PathType type = PathType.native) nothrow @nogc { import std.range.primitives : walkLength; m_path = p; m_type = type; setupPath(); } @property bool absolute() const nothrow @nogc { return m_absolute; } @property bool empty() const nothrow @nogc { return m_path.length == 0; } @property size_t length() const nothrow @nogc { return m_length; } @property PathType type() const nothrow @nogc { return m_type; } @property PathEntry front() const nothrow @nogc { return PathEntry(m_path[0 .. m_nextEntry], m_type, m_absolute); } @property Path save() const nothrow @nogc { return this; } @property bool endsWithSlash() const nothrow @nogc { import std.algorithm.comparison : among; final switch (m_type) { case PathType.posix, PathType.inet: return m_path.length > 0 && m_path[$-1] == '/'; case return m_path.length > 0 && m_path[$-1].among('/', '\\'); } } @property void endsWithSlash(bool v) nothrow { bool ews = this.endsWithSlash; final switch (m_type) { case PathType.posix, PathType.inet: if (!ews && v) m_path ~= '/'; else if (ews && !v) m_path = m_path[0 .. $-1]; // FIXME: "/test//" -> "/test/" break; case if (!ews && v) m_path ~= '\\'; else if (ews && !v) m_path = m_path[0 .. $-1]; // FIXME: "/test//" -> "/test/" break; } } void popFront() nothrow @nogc { import std.string : indexOf; m_path = m_path[min(m_nextEntry, $) .. $]; m_absolute = false; final switch (m_type) { case PathType.posix, PathType.inet: auto idx = m_path.indexOf('/'); m_nextEntry = idx >= 0 ? idx+1 : m_path.length; break; case auto idx = m_path.indexOf('\\'); auto idx2 = m_path[0 .. idx >= 0 ? idx : $].indexOf('/'); m_nextEntry = idx2 >= 0 ? idx2+1 : idx >= 0 ? idx+1 : m_path.length; break; } } Path parentPath() @nogc { import std.string : lastIndexOf; auto idx = m_path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (m_type == { auto idx2 = m_path.lastIndexOf('\\'); if (idx2 > idx) idx = idx2; } // FIXME: handle Windows root path cases static const Exception e = new Exception("Path has no parent path"); if (idx <= 0) throw e; return Path(m_path[0 .. idx+1], m_type); } void normalize() { import std.array : join; auto ews = this.endsWithSlash; PathEntry[] newnodes; foreach (n; this[]) { switch(n.toString()){ default: newnodes ~= n; break; case "", ".": break; case "..": enforce(!this.absolute || newnodes.length > 0, "Path goes below root node."); if( newnodes.length > 0 && newnodes[$-1] != ".." ) newnodes = newnodes[0 .. $-1]; else newnodes ~= n; break; } } final switch (m_type) { case PathType.posix, PathType.inet: m_path =!(n => n.toString()).join('/'); if (m_absolute) m_path = '/' ~ m_path; if (ews) m_path ~= '/'; setupPath(); break; case m_path =!(n => n.toString()).join('\\'); if (ews) m_path ~= '\\'; setupPath(); break; } } string toString() const nothrow @nogc { return m_path; } string toString(PathType type) const nothrow { import std.array : join; if (m_type == type) return m_path; if (type == { auto ret = this[].map!(p => p.toString()).join('\\'); if (endsWithSlash) ret ~= '\\'; return ret; } else { if (m_type == { if (m_absolute) return '/' ~ this[].map!(n => n.toString()).join('/'); else return this[].map!(n => n.toString()).join('/'); } else return m_path; } } string toNativeString() const nothrow { return toString(PathType.native); } Path opSlice() const nothrow @nogc { return this; } Path opSlice(size_t from, size_t to) const nothrow @nogc { Path ret = this; foreach (i; 0 .. from) ret.popFront(); auto rs = ret.toString(); foreach (i; from .. to) ret.popFront(); return Path(rs[0 .. $-ret.toString().length], m_type); } size_t opDollar() const nothrow @nogc { return m_length; } PathEntry opIndex(size_t idx) const nothrow @nogc { auto ret = this[]; ret.popFrontExactly(idx); return ret.front; } Path opBinary(string op : "~")(string subpath) nothrow { return this ~ Path(subpath); } Path opBinary(string op : "~")(Path subpath) nothrow { assert(!subpath.absolute || m_path.length == 0, "Cannot append absolute path."); if (this.endsWithSlash) return Path(m_path ~ subpath.m_path, m_type); if (!m_path.length) return subpath; final switch (m_type) { case PathType.inet, PathType.posix: return Path(m_path ~ '/' ~ subpath.m_path, m_type); case return Path(m_path ~ '\\' ~ subpath.m_path, m_type); } } Path opBinary(string op : "~", R)(R entries) nothrow if (!is(R == Path) && isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R == PathEntry)) { import std.array : join; final switch (m_type) { case PathType.inet, PathType.posix: auto rpath =!(e => e.toString()).join('/'); if (this.empty) return Path(rpath, m_type); if (this.endsWithSlash) return Path(m_path ~ rpath, m_type); return Path(m_path ~ '/' ~ rpath, m_type); case auto rpath =!(e => e.toString()).join('\\'); if (this.empty) return Path(rpath, m_type); if (this.endsWithSlash) return Path(m_path ~ rpath, m_type); return Path(m_path ~ '\\' ~ rpath, m_type); } } void opOpAssign(string op : "~", T)(T op) { this = this ~ op; } bool opEquals(Path other) const @nogc { import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; return this[].equal(other); } private void setupPath() nothrow @nogc { auto ap = getAbsolutePrefix(m_path, type); if (ap.length) { m_nextEntry = ap.length; m_absolute = true; } else { m_nextEntry = 0; popFront(); } auto pr = this; while (!pr.empty) { m_length++; pr.popFront(); } } } unittest { import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; with (PathType) { assert(Path("hello/world", posix).equal([PathEntry("hello/", posix), PathEntry("world", posix)])); assert(Path("/hello/world/", posix).equal([PathEntry("/", posix), PathEntry("hello/", posix), PathEntry("world/", posix)])); assert(Path("hello\\world", posix).equal([PathEntry("hello\\world", posix)])); assert(Path("hello/world", windows).equal([PathEntry("hello/", windows), PathEntry("world", windows)])); assert(Path("/hello/world/", windows).equal([PathEntry("/", windows), PathEntry("hello/", windows), PathEntry("world/", windows)])); assert(Path("hello\\w/orld", windows).equal([PathEntry("hello\\", windows), PathEntry("w/", windows), PathEntry("orld", windows)])); assert(Path("hello/w\\orld", windows).equal([PathEntry("hello/", windows), PathEntry("w\\", windows), PathEntry("orld", windows)])); } } unittest { import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; { auto unc = "\\\\server\\share\\path"; auto uncp = Path(unc,; assert(uncp.absolute); uncp.normalize(); version(Windows) assert(uncp.toNativeString() == unc); assert(uncp.absolute); assert(!uncp.endsWithSlash); } { auto abspath = "/test/path/"; auto abspathp = Path(abspath, PathType.posix); assert(abspathp.toString() == abspath); version(Windows) {} else assert(abspathp.toNativeString() == abspath); assert(abspathp.absolute); assert(abspathp.endsWithSlash); assert(abspathp.length == 3); assert(abspathp[0] == ""); assert(abspathp[1] == "test"); assert(abspathp[2] == "path"); } { auto relpath = "test/path/"; auto relpathp = Path(relpath, PathType.posix); assert(relpathp.toString() == relpath); version(Windows) assert(relpathp.toNativeString() == "test\\path\\"); else assert(relpathp.toNativeString() == relpath); assert(!relpathp.absolute); assert(relpathp.endsWithSlash); assert(relpathp.length == 2); assert(relpathp[0] == "test"); assert(relpathp[1] == "path"); } { auto winpath = "C:\\windows\\test"; auto winpathp = Path(winpath,; assert(winpathp.toString() == "C:\\windows\\test"); assert(winpathp.toString(PathType.posix) == "/C:/windows/test"); version(Windows) assert(winpathp.toNativeString() == winpath); else assert(winpathp.toNativeString() == "/C:/windows/test"); assert(winpathp.absolute); assert(!winpathp.endsWithSlash); assert(winpathp.length == 3); assert(winpathp[0] == "C:"); assert(winpathp[1] == "windows"); assert(winpathp[2] == "test"); } { auto dotpath = "/test/../test2/././x/y"; auto dotpathp = Path(dotpath, PathType.posix); assert(dotpathp.toString() == "/test/../test2/././x/y"); dotpathp.normalize(); assert(dotpathp.toString() == "/test2/x/y", dotpathp.toString()); } { auto dotpath = "/test/..////test2//./x/y"; auto dotpathp = Path(dotpath, PathType.posix); assert(dotpathp.toString() == "/test/..////test2//./x/y"); dotpathp.normalize(); assert(dotpathp.toString() == "/test2/x/y"); } { auto parentpath = "/path/to/parent"; auto parentpathp = Path(parentpath, PathType.posix); auto subpath = "/path/to/parent/sub/"; auto subpathp = Path(subpath, PathType.posix); auto subpath_rel = "sub/"; assert(subpathp.relativeTo(parentpathp).toString() == subpath_rel); auto subfile = "/path/to/parent/child"; auto subfilep = Path(subfile, PathType.posix); auto subfile_rel = "child"; assert(subfilep.relativeTo(parentpathp).toString() == subfile_rel); } { // relative paths across Windows devices are not allowed auto p1 = Path("\\\\server\\share",; assert(p1.absolute); auto p2 = Path("\\\\server\\othershare",; assert(p2.absolute); auto p3 = Path("\\\\otherserver\\share",; assert(p3.absolute); auto p4 = Path("C:\\somepath",; assert(p4.absolute); auto p5 = Path("C:\\someotherpath",; assert(p5.absolute); auto p6 = Path("D:\\somepath",; assert(p6.absolute); assert(p4.relativeTo(p5) == Path("../somepath",; assert(p4.relativeTo(p6) == Path("C:\\somepath",; assert(p4.relativeTo(p1) == Path("C:\\somepath",; assert(p1.relativeTo(p2) == Path("../share",; assert(p1.relativeTo(p3) == Path("\\\\server\\share",; assert(p1.relativeTo(p4) == Path("\\\\server\\share",; } { // relative path, trailing slash auto p1 = Path("/some/path", PathType.posix); auto p2 = Path("/some/path/", PathType.posix); assert(p1.relativeTo(p1).toString() == ""); assert(p1.relativeTo(p2).toString() == ""); assert(p2.relativeTo(p2).toString() == "./"); } assert(Path("").empty); assert(Path("a/b/c")[1 .. 3].map!(p => p.toString()).equal(["b", "c"])); assert(Path("/", PathType.posix) ~ Path("foo/bar") == Path("/foo/bar")); assert(Path("", PathType.posix) ~ Path("foo/bar") == Path("foo/bar")); assert(Path("foo", PathType.posix) ~ Path("bar") == Path("foo/bar")); assert(Path("foo/", PathType.posix) ~ Path("bar") == Path("foo/bar")); } struct PathEntry { import std.string : cmp; static PathEntry validateFilename(string fname) @safe { import std.string : indexOfAny; enforce(fname.indexOfAny("/\\") < 0, "File name contains forward or backward slashes: "~fname); return PathEntry(fname, PathType.inet); } @safe pure nothrow: private { string m_name; bool m_hasSeparator; } this(string str, PathType pt, bool is_absolute_prefix = false) @nogc { import std.algorithm.searching : any; m_name = str; if (m_name.length > 0) { final switch (pt) { case PathType.inet, PathType.posix: m_hasSeparator = m_name[$-1] == '/'; break; case m_hasSeparator = m_name[$-1] == '/' || m_name[$-1] == '\\'; break; } } debug if (!is_absolute_prefix) foreach (char ch; str[0 .. $-min(1, $)]) { assert(ch != '/', "Invalid path entry."); if (pt == assert(ch != '\\', "Invalid Windows path entry."); } } alias toString this; string toString() const @nogc { return m_name[0 .. m_hasSeparator ? $-1 : $]; } string toFullString() const @nogc { return m_name; } Path opBinary(string OP)(PathEntry rhs) const if( OP == "~" ) { return Path([this, rhs], false); } bool opEquals(ref const PathEntry rhs) const @nogc { return this == rhs.toString(); } bool opEquals(PathEntry rhs) const @nogc { return this == rhs.toString(); } bool opEquals(string rhs) const @nogc { return this.toString() == rhs; } int opCmp(ref const PathEntry rhs) const @nogc { return this.toString().cmp(rhs.toString()); } int opCmp(string rhs) const @nogc { return this.toString().cmp(rhs); } } enum PathType { posix, windows, inet, native = isWindows ? windows : posix } private string getAbsolutePrefix(string path, PathType type) @safe nothrow @nogc { import std.string : indexOfAny; import std.algorithm.comparison : among; final switch (type) { case PathType.posix, PathType.inet: if (path.length > 0 && path[0] == '/') return path[0 .. 1]; return null; case if (path.length >= 2 && path[0 .. 2] == "\\\\") return path[0 .. 2]; foreach (i; 1 .. path.length) if (path[i].among!('/', '\\')) { if (path[i-1] == ':') return path[0 .. i+1]; break; } return null; } } unittest { assert(getAbsolutePrefix("/", PathType.posix) == "/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("/test", PathType.posix) == "/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("/test/", PathType.posix) == "/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("test/", PathType.posix) == ""); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("", PathType.posix) == ""); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("./", PathType.posix) == ""); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("/", PathType.inet) == "/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("/test", PathType.inet) == "/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("/test/", PathType.inet) == "/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("test/", PathType.inet) == ""); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("", PathType.inet) == ""); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("./", PathType.inet) == ""); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("/test", == ""); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("\\test", == ""); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("C:\\", == "C:\\"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("C:\\test", == "C:\\"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("C:\\test\\", == "C:\\"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("C:/", == "C:/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("C:/test", == "C:/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("C:/test/", == "C:/"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("\\\\server", == "\\\\"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("\\\\server\\", == "\\\\"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("\\\\.\\", == "\\\\"); assert(getAbsolutePrefix("\\\\?\\", == "\\\\"); } version (Windows) private enum isWindows = true; else private enum isWindows = false;