/+ dub.sdl: name "tests" description "TCP semantics tests" copyright "Copyright © 2015-2020, Sönke Ludwig" dependency "vibe-core" path=".." +/ module tests; import vibe.core.core; import vibe.core.log; import vibe.core.net; import core.time; import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch; enum Test { receive, receiveExisting, timeout, noTimeout, close } void test1() { Test test; Task lt; auto l = listenTCP(0, (conn) @safe nothrow { lt = Task.getThis(); try { while (!conn.empty) { assert(conn.readLine() == "next"); auto curtest = test; conn.write("continue\n"); logInfo("Perform test %s", curtest); StopWatch sw; sw.start(); final switch (curtest) { case Test.receive: assert(conn.waitForData(2.seconds) == true); assert(cast(Duration)sw.peek < 2.seconds); // should receive something instantly assert(conn.readLine() == "receive"); break; case Test.receiveExisting: assert(conn.waitForData(2.seconds) == true); // TODO: validate that waitForData didn't yield! assert(cast(Duration)sw.peek < 2.seconds); // should receive something instantly assert(conn.readLine() == "receiveExisting"); break; case Test.timeout: assert(conn.waitForData(2.seconds) == false); assert(cast(Duration)sw.peek > 1900.msecs); // should wait for at least 2 seconds assert(conn.connected); break; case Test.noTimeout: assert(conn.waitForData(Duration.max) == true); assert(cast(Duration)sw.peek > 2.seconds); // data only sent after 3 seconds assert(conn.readLine() == "noTimeout"); break; case Test.close: assert(conn.waitForData(2.seconds) == false); assert(cast(Duration)sw.peek < 2.seconds); // connection should be closed instantly assert(conn.empty); conn.close(); assert(!conn.connected); return; } conn.write("ok\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { assert(false, e.msg); } }, ""); scope (exit) l.stopListening; auto conn = connectTCP(l.bindAddress); test = Test.receive; conn.write("next\n"); assert(conn.readLine() == "continue"); conn.write("receive\n"); assert(conn.readLine() == "ok"); test = Test.receiveExisting; conn.write("next\nreceiveExisting\n"); assert(conn.readLine() == "continue"); assert(conn.readLine() == "ok"); test = Test.timeout; conn.write("next\n"); assert(conn.readLine() == "continue"); sleep(3.seconds); assert(conn.readLine() == "ok"); test = Test.noTimeout; conn.write("next\n"); assert(conn.readLine() == "continue"); sleep(3.seconds); conn.write("noTimeout\n"); assert(conn.readLine() == "ok"); test = Test.close; conn.write("next\n"); assert(conn.readLine() == "continue"); conn.close(); lt.join(); } void test2() { Task lt; logInfo("Perform test \"disconnect with pending data\""); auto l = listenTCP(0, (conn) @safe nothrow { try { lt = Task.getThis(); sleep(1.seconds); StopWatch sw; sw.start(); try { assert(conn.waitForData() == true); assert(cast(Duration)sw.peek < 500.msecs); // waitForData should return immediately assert(conn.dataAvailableForRead); assert(conn.readAll() == "test"); conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { assert(false, "Failed to read pending data: " ~ e.msg); } } catch (Exception e) { assert(false, e.msg); } }, ""); scope (exit) l.stopListening; auto conn = connectTCP(l.bindAddress); conn.write("test"); conn.close(); sleep(100.msecs); assert(lt != Task.init); lt.join(); } void test() { test1(); test2(); exitEventLoop(); } void main() { import std.functional : toDelegate; runTask(toDelegate(&test)); runEventLoop(); } string readLine(TCPConnection c) @safe { import std.string : indexOf; string ret; while (!c.empty) { auto buf = () @trusted { return cast(char[])c.peek(); }(); auto idx = buf.indexOf('\n'); if (idx < 0) { ret ~= buf; c.skip(buf.length); } else { ret ~= buf[0 .. idx]; c.skip(idx+1); break; } } return ret; } string readAll(TCPConnection c) @safe { import std.algorithm.comparison : min; ubyte[] ret; while (!c.empty) { auto len = min(c.leastSize, size_t.max); ret.length += len; c.read(ret[$-len .. $]); } return () @trusted { return cast(string) ret; }(); }