module vibe.core.path; import std.exception : enforce; static import std.path; struct Path { @safe: private string m_path; this(string p) nothrow { m_path = p; } @property bool absolute() { import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; // FIXME: Windows paths! return m_path.startsWith('/'); } @property bool endsWithSlash() const { import std.algorithm.searching : endsWith; return m_path.endsWith('/'); } @property void endsWithSlash(bool v) { import std.algorithm.searching : endsWith; if (!m_path.endsWith('/') && v) m_path ~= '/'; else if (m_path.endsWith('/') && !v) m_path = m_path[0 .. $-1]; // FIXME: "/test//" -> "/test/" } @property bool empty() const { return m_path.length == 0 || m_path == "/"; } Path parentPath() { import std.string : lastIndexOf; auto idx = m_path.lastIndexOf('/'); version (Windows) { auto idx2 = m_path.lastIndexOf('\\'); if (idx2 > idx) idx = idx2; } enforce(idx > 0, "Path has no parent path."); return Path(m_path[0 .. idx+1]); } Path relativeTo(Path p) { assert(false, "TODO!"); } Path relativeToWeb(Path p) { assert(false, "TODO!"); } void normalize() { //assert(false, "TODO!"); } // FIXME: this should decompose the two paths into their parts and compare the part sequence bool startsWith(Path other) const { import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; return m_path[].startsWith(other.m_path); } string toString() const nothrow { return m_path; } string toNativeString() const nothrow { return m_path; } PathEntry opIndex(size_t idx) const { import std.string : indexOf; string s = m_path; while (true) { auto sidx = m_path.indexOf('/'); if (idx == 0) break; enforce(sidx > 0, "Index out of bounds"); s = s[sidx+1 .. $]; idx--; } auto sidx = s.indexOf('/'); return PathEntry(s[0 .. sidx >= 0 ? sidx : $]); } Path opBinary(string op : "~")(string subpath) { return this ~ Path(subpath); } Path opBinary(string op : "~")(Path subpath) { return Path(std.path.buildPath(m_path, subpath.toString())); } } struct PathEntry { nothrow: @safe: private string m_name; this(string name) { m_name = name; } alias toString this; string toString() { return m_name; } } private enum PathType { unix, windows, inet } private struct PathEntryRange(PathType TYPE) { enum type = TYPE; private { string m_path; PathEntry m_front; } this(string path) { m_path = path; skipLeadingSeparator(); } @property bool empty() const { return m_path.length == 0; } @property ref const(PathEntry) front() const { return m_front; } void popFront() { import std.string : indexOf; auto idx = m_path.indexOf('/'); static if (type == { if (idx >= 0) { auto idx2 = m_path[0 .. idx].indexOf('\\'); if (idx2 >= 0) idx = idx2; } else idx = m_path.indexOf('\\'); } if (idx < 0) { m_front = PathEntry(m_path); m_path = null; } else { m_front = PathEntry(m_path[0 .. idx]); m_path = m_path[idx+1 .. $]; } } private void skipLeadingSeparator() { import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; if (m_path.startsWith('/')) m_path = m_path[1 .. $]; else static if (type == { if (m_path.startsWith('\\')) m_path = m_path[1 .. $]; } } } /*unittest { import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; assert(PathEntryRange!(PathType.unix)("hello/world").equal([PathEntry("hello"), PathEntry("world")])); assert(PathEntryRange!(PathType.unix)("/hello/world/").equal([PathEntry("hello"), PathEntry("world")])); assert(PathEntryRange!(PathType.unix)("hello\\world").equal([PathEntry("hello\\world")])); assert(PathEntryRange!("hello/world").equal([PathEntry("hello"), PathEntry("world")])); assert(PathEntryRange!("/hello/world/").equal([PathEntry("hello"), PathEntry("world")])); assert(PathEntryRange!("hello\\w/orld").equal([PathEntry("hello"), PathEntry("w"), PathEntry("orld")])); assert(PathEntryRange!("hello/w\\orld").equal([PathEntry("hello"), PathEntry("w"), PathEntry("orld")])); }*/