The previous fix for #1376 resulted in a possible task starvation when the peer reset the connection before the outbound buffer was drained. The new approach now always resumes the waiting task exactly once, no matter how many events happen and no matter in which order. (cherry picked from commit 350130a2b05cfbf12764ffaa6a86403eacf172d9)
1845 lines
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1845 lines
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This module contains the core functionality of the vibe.d framework.
Copyright: © 2012-2016 RejectedSoftware e.K.
License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
Authors: Sönke Ludwig
module vibe.core.core;
public import vibe.core.task;
import eventcore.core;
import vibe.core.args;
import vibe.core.concurrency;
import vibe.core.log;
import vibe.core.sync : ManualEvent, createManualEvent;
import vibe.internal.async;
//import vibe.utils.array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.encoding;
import core.exception;
import std.exception;
import std.functional;
import std.range : empty, front, popFront;
import std.string;
import std.variant;
import std.typecons : Typedef, Tuple, tuple;
import core.atomic;
import core.sync.condition;
import core.sync.mutex;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import core.thread;
alias TaskEventCb = void function(TaskEvent, Task) nothrow;
import core.sys.posix.signal;
import core.sys.posix.unistd;
import core.sys.posix.pwd;
static if (__traits(compiles, {import core.sys.posix.grp; getgrgid(0);})) {
import core.sys.posix.grp;
} else {
extern (C) {
struct group {
char* gr_name;
char* gr_passwd;
gid_t gr_gid;
char** gr_mem;
group* getgrgid(gid_t);
group* getgrnam(in char*);
version (Windows)
import core.stdc.signal;
/* Public functions */
Starts the vibe event loop.
Note that this function is usually called automatically by the vibe framework. However, if
you provide your own main() function, you need to call it manually.
The event loop will continue running during the whole life time of the application.
Tasks will be started and handled from within the event loop.
int runEventLoop()
logDebug("Starting event loop.");
s_eventLoopRunning = true;
scope (exit) {
s_eventLoopRunning = false;
s_exitEventLoop = false;
// runs any yield()ed tasks first
s_exitEventLoop = false;
if (getExitFlag()) return 0;
// handle exit flag in the main thread to exit when
// exitEventLoop(true) is called from a thread)
if (Thread.getThis() is st_threads[0].thread)
while (s_yieldedTasks.length || eventDriver.waiterCount) {
if (eventDriver.processEvents() == ExitReason.exited)
logDebug("Event loop done (%s).", eventDriver.waiterCount);
return 0;
Stops the currently running event loop.
Calling this function will cause the event loop to stop event processing and
the corresponding call to runEventLoop() will return to its caller.
shutdown_all_threads = If true, exits event loops of all threads -
false by default. Note that the event loops of all threads are
automatically stopped when the main thread exits, so usually
there is no need to set shutdown_all_threads to true.
void exitEventLoop(bool shutdown_all_threads = false)
logDebug("exitEventLoop called (%s)", shutdown_all_threads);
assert(s_eventLoopRunning || shutdown_all_threads);
if (shutdown_all_threads) {
atomicStore(st_term, true);
// shutdown the calling thread
s_exitEventLoop = true;
if (s_eventLoopRunning) eventDriver.exit();
Process all pending events without blocking.
Checks if events are ready to trigger immediately, and run their callbacks if so.
Returns: Returns false $(I iff) exitEventLoop was called in the process.
bool processEvents()
if (!eventDriver.processEvents(Duration.max)) return false;
return true;
Sets a callback that is called whenever no events are left in the event queue.
The callback delegate is called whenever all events in the event queue have been
processed. Returning true from the callback will cause another idle event to
be triggered immediately after processing any events that have arrived in the
meantime. Returning false will instead wait until another event has arrived first.
void setIdleHandler(void delegate() del)
s_idleHandler = { del(); return false; };
/// ditto
void setIdleHandler(bool delegate() del)
s_idleHandler = del;
Runs a new asynchronous task.
task will be called synchronously from within the vibeRunTask call. It will
continue to run until vibeYield() or any of the I/O or wait functions is
Note that the maximum size of all args must not exceed `maxTaskParameterSize`.
Task runTask(ARGS...)(void delegate(ARGS) task, ARGS args)
auto tfi = makeTaskFuncInfo(task, args);
return runTask_internal(tfi);
private Task runTask_internal(ref TaskFuncInfo tfi)
@safe nothrow {
import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple;
CoreTask f;
while (!f && !s_availableFibers.empty) {
f = s_availableFibers.back;
if (() @trusted nothrow { return f.state; } () != Fiber.State.HOLD) f = null;
if (f is null) {
// if there is no fiber available, create one.
if (s_availableFibers.capacity == 0) s_availableFibers.capacity = 1024;
logDebugV("Creating new fiber...");
f = new CoreTask;
f.m_taskFunc = tfi;
auto handle = f.task();
debug Task self = Task.getThis();
debug if (s_taskEventCallback) {
if (self != Task.init) () @trusted { s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.yield, self); } ();
() @trusted { s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.preStart, handle); } ();
resumeTask(handle, null, true);
debug if (s_taskEventCallback) {
() @trusted { s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.postStart, handle); } ();
if (self != Task.init) () @trusted { s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.resume, self); } ();
return handle;
Runs a new asynchronous task in a worker thread.
Only function pointers with weakly isolated arguments are allowed to be
able to guarantee thread-safety.
void runWorkerTask(FT, ARGS...)(FT func, auto ref ARGS args)
if (is(typeof(*func) == function))
foreach (T; ARGS) static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!T, "Argument type "~T.stringof~" is not safe to pass between threads.");
runWorkerTask_unsafe(func, args);
/// ditto
void runWorkerTask(alias method, T, ARGS...)(shared(T) object, auto ref ARGS args)
if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, object, __traits(identifier, method)))))
foreach (T; ARGS) static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!T, "Argument type "~T.stringof~" is not safe to pass between threads.");
auto func = &__traits(getMember, object, __traits(identifier, method));
runWorkerTask_unsafe(func, args);
Runs a new asynchronous task in a worker thread, returning the task handle.
This function will yield and wait for the new task to be created and started
in the worker thread, then resume and return it.
Only function pointers with weakly isolated arguments are allowed to be
able to guarantee thread-safety.
Task runWorkerTaskH(FT, ARGS...)(FT func, auto ref ARGS args)
if (is(typeof(*func) == function))
foreach (T; ARGS) static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!T, "Argument type "~T.stringof~" is not safe to pass between threads.");
alias PrivateTask = Typedef!(Task, Task.init, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
Task caller = Task.getThis();
// workaround for runWorkerTaskH to work when called outside of a task
if (caller == Task.init) {
Task ret;
runTask({ ret = runWorkerTaskH(func, args); }).join();
return ret;
assert(caller != Task.init, "runWorkderTaskH can currently only be called from within a task.");
static void taskFun(Task caller, FT func, ARGS args) {
PrivateTask callee = Task.getThis();
mixin(callWithMove!ARGS("func", "args"));
runWorkerTask_unsafe(&taskFun, caller, func, args);
return cast(Task)receiveOnly!PrivateTask();
/// ditto
Task runWorkerTaskH(alias method, T, ARGS...)(shared(T) object, auto ref ARGS args)
if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, object, __traits(identifier, method)))))
foreach (T; ARGS) static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!T, "Argument type "~T.stringof~" is not safe to pass between threads.");
auto func = &__traits(getMember, object, __traits(identifier, method));
alias FT = typeof(func);
alias PrivateTask = Typedef!(Task, Task.init, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
Task caller = Task.getThis();
// workaround for runWorkerTaskH to work when called outside of a task
if (caller == Task.init) {
Task ret;
runTask({ ret = runWorkerTaskH!method(object, args); }).join();
return ret;
assert(caller != Task.init, "runWorkderTaskH can currently only be called from within a task.");
static void taskFun(Task caller, FT func, ARGS args) {
PrivateTask callee = Task.getThis();
mixin(callWithMove!ARGS("func", "args"));
runWorkerTask_unsafe(&taskFun, caller, func, args);
return cast(Task)receiveOnly!PrivateTask();
/// Running a worker task using a function
unittest {
static void workerFunc(int param)
logInfo("Param: %s", param);
static void test()
runWorkerTask(&workerFunc, 42);
runWorkerTask(&workerFunc, cast(ubyte)42); // implicit conversion #719
runWorkerTaskDist(&workerFunc, 42);
runWorkerTaskDist(&workerFunc, cast(ubyte)42); // implicit conversion #719
/// Running a worker task using a class method
unittest {
static class Test {
void workerMethod(int param)
shared {
logInfo("Param: %s", param);
static void test()
auto cls = new shared Test;
runWorkerTask!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, 42);
runWorkerTask!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, cast(ubyte)42); // #719
runWorkerTaskDist!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, 42);
runWorkerTaskDist!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, cast(ubyte)42); // #719
/// Running a worker task using a function and communicating with it
unittest {
static void workerFunc(Task caller)
int counter = 10;
while (receiveOnly!string() == "ping" && --counter) {
static void test()
Task callee = runWorkerTaskH(&workerFunc, Task.getThis);
do {
} while (receiveOnly!string() == "pong");
static void work719(int) {}
static void test719() { runWorkerTaskH(&work719, cast(ubyte)42); }
/// Running a worker task using a class method and communicating with it
unittest {
static class Test {
void workerMethod(Task caller) shared {
int counter = 10;
while (receiveOnly!string() == "ping" && --counter) {
static void test()
auto cls = new shared Test;
Task callee = runWorkerTaskH!(Test.workerMethod)(cls, Task.getThis());
do {
} while (receiveOnly!string() == "pong");
static class Class719 {
void work(int) shared {}
static void test719() {
auto cls = new shared Class719;
runWorkerTaskH!(Class719.work)(cls, cast(ubyte)42);
unittest { // run and join worker task from outside of a task
__gshared int i = 0;
auto t = runWorkerTaskH({ sleep(5.msecs); i = 1; });
// FIXME: joining between threads not yet supported
//assert(i == 1);
private void runWorkerTask_unsafe(CALLABLE, ARGS...)(CALLABLE callable, ref ARGS args)
import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple;
import vibe.internal.meta.traits : areConvertibleTo;
import vibe.internal.meta.typetuple;
alias FARGS = ParameterTypeTuple!CALLABLE;
static assert(areConvertibleTo!(Group!ARGS, Group!FARGS),
"Cannot convert arguments '"~ARGS.stringof~"' to function arguments '"~FARGS.stringof~"'.");
auto tfi = makeTaskFuncInfo(callable, args);
synchronized (st_threadsMutex) st_workerTasks ~= tfi;
Runs a new asynchronous task in all worker threads concurrently.
This function is mainly useful for long-living tasks that distribute their
work across all CPU cores. Only function pointers with weakly isolated
arguments are allowed to be able to guarantee thread-safety.
The number of tasks started is guaranteed to be equal to
void runWorkerTaskDist(FT, ARGS...)(FT func, auto ref ARGS args)
if (is(typeof(*func) == function))
foreach (T; ARGS) static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!T, "Argument type "~T.stringof~" is not safe to pass between threads.");
runWorkerTaskDist_unsafe(func, args);
/// ditto
void runWorkerTaskDist(alias method, T, ARGS...)(shared(T) object, ARGS args)
auto func = &__traits(getMember, object, __traits(identifier, method));
foreach (T; ARGS) static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!T, "Argument type "~T.stringof~" is not safe to pass between threads.");
runWorkerTaskDist_unsafe(func, args);
private void runWorkerTaskDist_unsafe(CALLABLE, ARGS...)(ref CALLABLE callable, ref ARGS args)
import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple;
import vibe.internal.meta.traits : areConvertibleTo;
import vibe.internal.meta.typetuple;
alias FARGS = ParameterTypeTuple!CALLABLE;
static assert(areConvertibleTo!(Group!ARGS, Group!FARGS),
"Cannot convert arguments '"~ARGS.stringof~"' to function arguments '"~FARGS.stringof~"'.");
auto tfi = makeTaskFuncInfo(callable, args);
synchronized (st_threadsMutex) {
foreach (ref ctx; st_threads)
if (ctx.isWorker)
ctx.taskQueue ~= tfi;
private TaskFuncInfo makeTaskFuncInfo(CALLABLE, ARGS...)(ref CALLABLE callable, ref ARGS args)
import std.algorithm : move;
import std.traits : hasElaborateAssign;
struct TARGS { ARGS expand; }
static assert(CALLABLE.sizeof <= TaskFuncInfo.callable.length);
static assert(TARGS.sizeof <= maxTaskParameterSize,
"The arguments passed to run(Worker)Task must not exceed "~
maxTaskParameterSize.to!string~" bytes in total size.");
static void callDelegate(TaskFuncInfo* tfi) {
assert(tfi.func is &callDelegate);
// copy original call data to stack
TARGS args;
move(*(cast(CALLABLE*)tfi.callable.ptr), c);
move(*(cast(TARGS*)tfi.args.ptr), args);
// reset the info
tfi.func = null;
// make the call
mixin(callWithMove!ARGS("c", "args.expand"));
TaskFuncInfo tfi;
tfi.func = &callDelegate;
() @trusted {
static if (hasElaborateAssign!CALLABLE) tfi.initCallable!CALLABLE();
static if (hasElaborateAssign!TARGS) tfi.initArgs!TARGS();
tfi.typedCallable!CALLABLE = callable;
foreach (i, A; ARGS) {
static if (needsMove!A) args[i].move(tfi.typedArgs!TARGS.expand[i]);
else tfi.typedArgs!TARGS.expand[i] = args[i];
} ();
return tfi;
import core.cpuid : threadsPerCPU;
Sets up num worker threads.
This function gives explicit control over the number of worker threads.
Note, to have an effect the function must be called prior to related worker
tasks functions which set up the default number of worker threads
num = The number of worker threads to initialize. Defaults to
See_also: `runWorkerTask`, `runWorkerTaskH`, `runWorkerTaskDist`
public void setupWorkerThreads(uint num = logicalProcessorCount())
static bool s_workerThreadsStarted = false;
if (s_workerThreadsStarted) return;
s_workerThreadsStarted = true;
synchronized (st_threadsMutex) {
if (st_threads.any!(t => t.isWorker))
foreach (i; 0 .. num) {
auto thr = new Thread(&workerThreadFunc);
thr.name = format("Vibe Task Worker #%s", i);
st_threads ~= ThreadContext(thr, true);
Determines the number of logical processors in the system.
This number includes virtual cores on hyper-threading enabled CPUs.
public @property uint logicalProcessorCount()
version (linux) {
import core.sys.linux.sys.sysinfo;
return get_nprocs();
} else version (OSX) {
int count;
size_t count_len = count.sizeof;
sysctlbyname("hw.logicalcpu", &count, &count_len, null, 0);
return cast(uint)count_len;
} else version (Windows) {
import core.sys.windows.windows;
SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
return sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
} else static assert(false, "Unsupported OS!");
version (OSX) private extern(C) int sysctlbyname(const(char)* name, void* oldp, size_t* oldlen, void* newp, size_t newlen);
Suspends the execution of the calling task to let other tasks and events be
Calling this function in short intervals is recommended if long CPU
computations are carried out by a task. It can also be used in conjunction
with Signals to implement cross-fiber events with no polling.
May throw an `InterruptException` if `Task.interrupt()` gets called on
the calling task.
void yield()
@safe {
// throw any deferred exceptions
auto t = CoreTask.getThis();
if (t && t !is CoreTask.ms_coreTask) {
assert(!t.m_queue, "Calling yield() when already yielded!?");
if (!t.m_queue)
scope (exit) assert(t.m_queue is null, "Task not removed from yielders queue after being resumed.");
} else {
// Let yielded tasks execute
() @trusted { notifyIdle(); } ();
Yields execution of this task until an event wakes it up again.
Beware that the task will starve if no event wakes it up.
void rawYield()
@safe {
Suspends the execution of the calling task for the specified amount of time.
Note that other tasks of the same thread will continue to run during the
wait time, in contrast to $(D core.thread.Thread.sleep), which shouldn't be
used in vibe.d applications.
void sleep(Duration timeout)
assert(timeout >= 0.seconds, "Argument to sleep must not be negative.");
if (timeout <= 0.seconds) return;
auto tm = setTimer(timeout, null);
unittest {
import vibe.core.core : sleep;
import vibe.core.log : logInfo;
import core.time : msecs;
void test()
logInfo("Sleeping for half a second...");
logInfo("Done sleeping.");
Returns a new armed timer.
Note that timers can only work if an event loop is running.
timeout = Determines the minimum amount of time that elapses before the timer fires.
callback = This delegate will be called when the timer fires
periodic = Speficies if the timer fires repeatedly or only once
Returns a Timer object that can be used to identify and modify the timer.
See_also: createTimer
Timer setTimer(Duration timeout, void delegate() nothrow @safe callback, bool periodic = false)
auto tm = createTimer(callback);
tm.rearm(timeout, periodic);
return tm;
unittest {
void printTime()
import std.datetime;
logInfo("The time is: %s", Clock.currTime());
void test()
import vibe.core.core;
// start a periodic timer that prints the time every second
setTimer(1.seconds, toDelegate(&printTime), true);
Creates a new timer without arming it.
See_also: setTimer
Timer createTimer(void delegate() nothrow @safe callback)
void cb(TimerID tm)
nothrow @safe {
if (callback !is null)
return Timer(eventDriver.createTimer(&cb)); // FIXME: avoid heap closure!
Creates an event to wait on an existing file descriptor.
The file descriptor usually needs to be a non-blocking socket for this to
file_descriptor = The Posix file descriptor to watch
event_mask = Specifies which events will be listened for
Returns a newly created FileDescriptorEvent associated with the given
file descriptor.
FileDescriptorEvent createFileDescriptorEvent(int file_descriptor, FileDescriptorEvent.Trigger event_mask)
return FileDescriptorEvent(file_descriptor, event_mask);
Sets the stack size to use for tasks.
The default stack size is set to 512 KiB on 32-bit systems and to 16 MiB
on 64-bit systems, which is sufficient for most tasks. Tuning this value
can be used to reduce memory usage for large numbers of concurrent tasks
or to avoid stack overflows for applications with heavy stack use.
Note that this function must be called at initialization time, before any
task is started to have an effect.
Also note that the stack will initially not consume actual physical memory -
it just reserves virtual address space. Only once the stack gets actually
filled up with data will physical memory then be reserved page by page. This
means that the stack can safely be set to large sizes on 64-bit systems
without having to worry about memory usage.
void setTaskStackSize(size_t sz)
s_taskStackSize = sz;
The number of worker threads used for processing worker tasks.
Note that this function will cause the worker threads to be started,
if they haven't already.
See_also: `runWorkerTask`, `runWorkerTaskH`, `runWorkerTaskDist`,
@property size_t workerThreadCount()
out(count) { assert(count > 0); }
body {
return st_threads.count!(c => c.isWorker);
Sets the effective user and group ID to the ones configured for privilege lowering.
This function is useful for services run as root to give up on the privileges that
they only need for initialization (such as listening on ports <= 1024 or opening
system log files).
void lowerPrivileges(string uname, string gname)
if (!isRoot()) return;
if (uname != "" || gname != "") {
static bool tryParse(T)(string s, out T n)
import std.conv, std.ascii;
if (!isDigit(s[0])) return false;
n = parse!T(s);
return s.length==0;
int uid = -1, gid = -1;
if (uname != "" && !tryParse(uname, uid)) uid = getUID(uname);
if (gname != "" && !tryParse(gname, gid)) gid = getGID(gname);
setUID(uid, gid);
} else logWarn("Vibe was run as root, and no user/group has been specified for privilege lowering. Running with full permissions.");
// ditto
void lowerPrivileges()
lowerPrivileges(s_privilegeLoweringUserName, s_privilegeLoweringGroupName);
Sets a callback that is invoked whenever a task changes its status.
This function is useful mostly for implementing debuggers that
analyze the life time of tasks, including task switches. Note that
the callback will only be called for debug builds.
void setTaskEventCallback(TaskEventCb func)
debug s_taskEventCallback = func;
A version string representing the current vibe version
enum vibeVersionString = "0.7.27";
The maximum combined size of all parameters passed to a task delegate
See_Also: runTask
enum maxTaskParameterSize = 128;
Generic file descriptor event.
This kind of event can be used to wait for events on a non-blocking
file descriptor. Note that this can usually only be used on socket
based file descriptors.
struct FileDescriptorEvent {
/** Event mask selecting the kind of events to listen for.
enum Trigger {
none = 0, /// Match no event (invalid value)
read = 1<<0, /// React on read-ready events
write = 1<<1, /// React on write-ready events
any = read|write /// Match any kind of event
private this(int fd, Trigger event_mask)
/** Waits for the selected event to occur.
which = Optional event mask to react only on certain events
timeout = Maximum time to wait for an event
The overload taking the timeout parameter returns true if
an event was received on time and false otherwise.
void wait(Trigger which = Trigger.any)
wait(Duration.max, which);
/// ditto
bool wait(Duration timeout, Trigger which = Trigger.any)
Represents a timer.
struct Timer {
private {
EventDriver m_driver;
TimerID m_id;
debug uint m_magicNumber = 0x4d34f916;
private this(TimerID id)
m_driver = eventDriver;
m_id = id;
debug assert(m_magicNumber == 0x4d34f916);
if (m_driver) m_driver.addRef(m_id);
debug assert(m_magicNumber == 0x4d34f916);
if (m_driver) m_driver.releaseRef(m_id);
/// True if the timer is yet to fire.
@property bool pending() { return m_driver.isTimerPending(m_id); }
/// The internal ID of the timer.
@property size_t id() const { return m_id; }
bool opCast() const { return m_driver !is null; }
/** Resets the timer to the specified timeout
void rearm(Duration dur, bool periodic = false)
in { assert(dur > 0.seconds); }
body { m_driver.setTimer(m_id, dur, periodic ? dur : 0.seconds); }
/** Resets the timer and avoids any firing.
void stop() { m_driver.stopTimer(m_id); }
/** Waits until the timer fires.
void wait()
assert (!m_driver.isTimerPeriodic(m_id), "Cannot wait for a periodic timer.");
if (!this.pending) return;
Implements a task local storage variable.
Task local variables, similar to thread local variables, exist separately
in each task. Consequently, they do not need any form of synchronization
when accessing them.
Note, however, that each TaskLocal variable will increase the memory footprint
of any task that uses task local storage. There is also an overhead to access
TaskLocal variables, higher than for thread local variables, but generelly
still O(1) (since actual storage acquisition is done lazily the first access
can require a memory allocation with unknown computational costs).
FiberLocal instances MUST be declared as static/global thread-local
variables. Defining them as a temporary/stack variable will cause
crashes or data corruption!
TaskLocal!string s_myString = "world";
void taskFunc()
assert(s_myString == "world");
s_myString = "hello";
assert(s_myString == "hello");
shared static this()
// both tasks will get independent storage for s_myString
struct TaskLocal(T)
private {
size_t m_offset = size_t.max;
size_t m_id;
T m_initValue;
bool m_hasInitValue = false;
this(T init_val) { m_initValue = init_val; m_hasInitValue = true; }
@disable this(this);
void opAssign(T value) { this.storage = value; }
@property ref T storage()
auto fiber = CoreTask.getThis();
// lazily register in FLS storage
if (m_offset == size_t.max) {
static assert(T.alignof <= 8, "Unsupported alignment for type "~T.stringof);
assert(CoreTask.ms_flsFill % 8 == 0, "Misaligned fiber local storage pool.");
m_offset = CoreTask.ms_flsFill;
m_id = CoreTask.ms_flsCounter++;
CoreTask.ms_flsFill += T.sizeof;
while (CoreTask.ms_flsFill % 8 != 0)
// make sure the current fiber has enough FLS storage
if (fiber.m_fls.length < CoreTask.ms_flsFill) {
fiber.m_fls.length = CoreTask.ms_flsFill + 128;
fiber.m_flsInit.length = CoreTask.ms_flsCounter + 64;
// return (possibly default initialized) value
auto data = fiber.m_fls.ptr[m_offset .. m_offset+T.sizeof];
if (!fiber.m_flsInit[m_id]) {
fiber.m_flsInit[m_id] = true;
import std.traits : hasElaborateDestructor, hasAliasing;
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T || hasAliasing!T) {
void function(void[], size_t) destructor = (void[] fls, size_t offset){
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T) {
auto obj = cast(T*)&fls[offset];
// call the destructor on the object if a custom one is known declared
else static if (hasAliasing!T) {
// zero the memory to avoid false pointers
foreach (size_t i; offset .. offset + T.sizeof) {
ubyte* u = cast(ubyte*)&fls[i];
*u = 0;
FLSInfo fls_info;
fls_info.fct = destructor;
fls_info.offset = m_offset;
// make sure flsInfo has enough space
if (fiber.ms_flsInfo.length <= m_id)
fiber.ms_flsInfo.length = m_id + 64;
fiber.ms_flsInfo[m_id] = fls_info;
if (m_hasInitValue) {
static if (__traits(compiles, emplace!T(data, m_initValue)))
emplace!T(data, m_initValue);
else assert(false, "Cannot emplace initialization value for type "~T.stringof);
} else emplace!T(data);
return (cast(T[])data)[0];
alias storage this;
private struct FLSInfo {
void function(void[], size_t) fct;
size_t offset;
void destroy(void[] fls) {
fct(fls, offset);
High level state change events for a Task
enum TaskEvent {
preStart, /// Just about to invoke the fiber which starts execution
postStart, /// After the fiber has returned for the first time (by yield or exit)
start, /// Just about to start execution
yield, /// Temporarily paused
resume, /// Resumed from a prior yield
end, /// Ended normally
fail /// Ended with an exception
/* private types */
private class CoreTask : TaskFiber {
import std.bitmanip;
private {
static CoreTask ms_coreTask;
CoreTask m_nextInQueue;
CoreTaskQueue* m_queue;
TaskFuncInfo m_taskFunc;
Exception m_exception;
Task[] m_yielders;
// task local storage
static FLSInfo[] ms_flsInfo;
static size_t ms_flsFill = 0; // thread-local
static size_t ms_flsCounter = 0;
BitArray m_flsInit;
void[] m_fls;
static CoreTask getThis()
@safe nothrow {
auto f = () @trusted nothrow {
return Fiber.getThis();
} ();
if (f) return cast(CoreTask)f;
if (!ms_coreTask) ms_coreTask = new CoreTask;
return ms_coreTask;
@trusted nothrow {
super(&run, s_taskStackSize);
@property State state()
@trusted const nothrow {
return super.state;
@property size_t taskCounter() const { return m_taskCounter; }
private void run()
version (VibeDebugCatchAll) alias UncaughtException = Throwable;
else alias UncaughtException = Exception;
try {
while (!m_taskFunc.func) {
try {
} catch( Exception e ){
logWarn("CoreTaskFiber was resumed with exception but without active task!");
logDiagnostic("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize());
auto task = m_taskFunc;
m_taskFunc = TaskFuncInfo.init;
Task handle = this.task;
try {
m_running = true;
scope(exit) m_running = false;
std.concurrency.thisTid; // force creation of a message box
debug if (s_taskEventCallback) s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.start, handle);
if (!s_eventLoopRunning) {
logTrace("Event loop not running at task start - yielding.");
logTrace("Initial resume of task.");
debug if (s_taskEventCallback) s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.end, handle);
} catch( Exception e ){
debug if (s_taskEventCallback) s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.fail, handle);
import std.encoding;
logCritical("Task terminated with uncaught exception: %s", e.msg);
logDebug("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize());
this.tidInfo.ident = Tid.init; // clear message box
// check for any unhandled deferred exceptions
if (m_exception !is null) {
if (cast(InterruptException)m_exception) {
logDebug("InterruptException not handled by task before exit.");
} else {
logCritical("Deferred exception not handled by task before exit: %s", m_exception.msg);
logDebug("Full error: %s", m_exception.toString().sanitize());
foreach (t; m_yielders) s_yieldedTasks.insertBack(cast(CoreTask)t.fiber);
m_yielders.length = 0;
// make sure that the task does not get left behind in the yielder queue if terminated during yield()
if (m_queue) {
assert(m_queue is null, "Still in yielder queue at the end of task after resuming all yielders!?");
// zero the fls initialization ByteArray for memory safety
foreach (size_t i, ref bool b; m_flsInit) {
if (b) {
if (ms_flsInfo !is null && ms_flsInfo.length >= i && ms_flsInfo[i] != FLSInfo.init)
b = false;
// make the fiber available for the next task
if (s_availableFibers.full)
s_availableFibers.capacity = 2 * s_availableFibers.capacity;
} catch(UncaughtException th) {
logCritical("CoreTaskFiber was terminated unexpectedly: %s", th.msg);
logDiagnostic("Full error: %s", th.toString().sanitize());
override void join()
auto caller = Task.getThis();
if (!m_running) return;
if (caller != Task.init) {
assert(caller.fiber !is this, "A task cannot join itself.");
assert(caller.thread is this.thread, "Joining tasks in foreign threads is currently not supported.");
m_yielders ~= caller;
} else assert(Thread.getThis() is this.thread, "Joining tasks in different threads is not yet supported.");
auto run_count = m_taskCounter;
if (caller == Task.init) .yield(); // let the task continue (it must be yielded currently)
while (m_running && run_count == m_taskCounter) rawYield();
override void interrupt()
auto caller = Task.getThis();
if (caller != Task.init) {
assert(caller != this.task, "A task cannot interrupt itself.");
assert(caller.thread is this.thread, "Interrupting tasks in different threads is not yet supported.");
} else assert(Thread.getThis() is this.thread, "Interrupting tasks in different threads is not yet supported.");
yieldAndResumeTask(this.task, new InterruptException);
override void terminate()
assert(false, "Not implemented");
private void setupGcTimer()
s_gcTimer = createTimer(() @trusted {
import core.memory;
logTrace("gc idle collect");
s_ignoreIdleForGC = true;
s_gcCollectTimeout = dur!"seconds"(2);
package(vibe) void yieldForEventDeferThrow()
@safe nothrow {
package(vibe) void processDeferredExceptions()
@safe {
package(vibe) void yieldForEvent()
@safe {
auto task = Task.getThis();
package(vibe) void resumeTask(Task task, Exception event_exception = null)
@safe nothrow {
assert(Task.getThis() == Task.init, "Calling resumeTask from another task.");
resumeTask(task, event_exception, false);
package(vibe) void yieldAndResumeTask(Task task, Exception event_exception = null)
@safe {
auto thisct = CoreTask.getThis();
if (thisct is null || thisct is CoreTask.ms_coreTask) {
resumeTask(task, event_exception);
auto otherct = cast(CoreTask)task.fiber;
assert(!thisct || otherct.thread is thisct.thread, "Resuming task in foreign thread.");
assert(() @trusted { return otherct.state; } () == Fiber.State.HOLD, "Resuming fiber that is not on HOLD.");
if (event_exception) otherct.m_exception = event_exception;
if (!otherct.m_queue) s_yieldedTasks.insertBack(otherct);
package(vibe) void resumeTask(Task task, Exception event_exception, bool initial_resume)
@safe nothrow {
assert(initial_resume || task.running, "Resuming terminated task.");
resumeCoreTask(cast(CoreTask)task.fiber, event_exception);
package(vibe) void resumeCoreTask(CoreTask ctask, Exception event_exception = null)
nothrow @safe {
assert(ctask.thread is () @trusted { return Thread.getThis(); } (), "Resuming task in foreign thread.");
assert(() @trusted nothrow { return ctask.state; } () == Fiber.State.HOLD, "Resuming fiber that is not on HOLD");
assert(ctask.m_queue is null, "Manually resuming task that is already scheduled to be resumed.");
if( event_exception ){
ctask.m_exception = event_exception;
auto uncaught_exception = () @trusted nothrow { return ctask.call!(Fiber.Rethrow.no)(); } ();
if (uncaught_exception) {
auto th = cast(Throwable)uncaught_exception;
assert(th, "Fiber returned exception object that is not a Throwable!?");
assert(() @trusted nothrow { return ctask.state; } () == Fiber.State.TERM);
logError("Task terminated with unhandled exception: %s", th.msg);
logDebug("Full error: %s", () @trusted { return th.toString().sanitize; } ());
// always pass Errors on
if (auto err = cast(Error)th) throw err;
package(vibe) void notifyIdle()
bool again = !getExitFlag();
while (again) {
if (s_idleHandler)
again = s_idleHandler();
else again = false;
again = (again || !s_yieldedTasks.empty) && !getExitFlag();
if (again) {
auto er = eventDriver.processEvents(0.seconds);
if (er.among!(ExitReason.exited, ExitReason.idle)) {
logDebug("Setting exit flag due to driver signalling exit");
s_exitEventLoop = true;
if (!s_yieldedTasks.empty) logDebug("Exiting from idle processing although there are still yielded tasks");
if (!s_ignoreIdleForGC && s_gcTimer) {
} else s_ignoreIdleForGC = false;
private void resumeYieldedTasks()
for (auto limit = s_yieldedTasks.length; limit > 0 && !s_yieldedTasks.empty; limit--) {
auto tf = s_yieldedTasks.front;
if (tf.state == Fiber.State.HOLD) resumeCoreTask(tf);
private void yieldForEventDeferThrow(Task task)
@safe nothrow {
if (task != Task.init) {
debug if (s_taskEventCallback) () @trusted { s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.yield, task); } ();
() @trusted { task.fiber.yield(); } ();
debug if (s_taskEventCallback) () @trusted { s_taskEventCallback(TaskEvent.resume, task); } ();
// leave fiber.m_exception untouched, so that it gets thrown on the next yieldForEvent call
} else {
assert(!s_eventLoopRunning, "Event processing outside of a fiber should only happen before the event loop is running!?");
s_eventException = null;
// leave m_eventException untouched, so that it gets thrown on the next yieldForEvent call
private void processDeferredExceptions(Task task)
@safe {
if (task != Task.init) {
auto fiber = cast(CoreTask)task.fiber;
if (auto e = fiber.m_exception) {
fiber.m_exception = null;
throw e;
} else {
if (auto e = s_eventException) {
s_eventException = null;
throw e;
private struct ThreadContext {
Thread thread;
bool isWorker;
TaskFuncInfo[] taskQueue;
this(Thread thr, bool worker) { this.thread = thr; this.isWorker = worker; }
private struct TaskFuncInfo {
void function(TaskFuncInfo*) func;
void[2*size_t.sizeof] callable = void;
void[maxTaskParameterSize] args = void;
@property ref C typedCallable(C)()
static assert(C.sizeof <= callable.sizeof);
return *cast(C*)callable.ptr;
@property ref A typedArgs(A)()
static assert(A.sizeof <= args.sizeof);
return *cast(A*)args.ptr;
void initCallable(C)()
C cinit;
this.callable[0 .. C.sizeof] = cast(void[])(&cinit)[0 .. 1];
void initArgs(A)()
A ainit;
this.args[0 .. A.sizeof] = cast(void[])(&ainit)[0 .. 1];
alias TaskArgsVariant = VariantN!maxTaskParameterSize;
/* private functions */
private {
static if ((void*).sizeof >= 8) enum defaultTaskStackSize = 16*1024*1024;
else enum defaultTaskStackSize = 512*1024;
__gshared size_t s_taskStackSize = defaultTaskStackSize;
Duration s_gcCollectTimeout;
Timer s_gcTimer;
bool s_ignoreIdleForGC = false;
Exception s_eventException;
__gshared core.sync.mutex.Mutex st_threadsMutex;
__gshared ManualEvent st_threadsSignal;
__gshared ThreadContext[] st_threads;
__gshared TaskFuncInfo[] st_workerTasks;
__gshared Condition st_threadShutdownCondition;
__gshared debug TaskEventCb s_taskEventCallback;
shared bool st_term = false;
bool s_exitEventLoop = false;
bool s_eventLoopRunning = false;
bool delegate() s_idleHandler;
CoreTaskQueue s_yieldedTasks;
Variant[string] s_taskLocalStorageGlobal; // for use outside of a task
FixedRingBuffer!CoreTask s_availableFibers;
size_t s_fiberCount;
string s_privilegeLoweringUserName;
string s_privilegeLoweringGroupName;
private bool getExitFlag()
return s_exitEventLoop || atomicLoad(st_term);
// per process setup
shared static this()
version(VibeLibeventDriver) enum need_wsa = true;
else version(VibeWin32Driver) enum need_wsa = true;
else enum need_wsa = false;
static if (need_wsa) {
logTrace("init winsock");
// initialize WinSock2
import std.c.windows.winsock;
WSAStartup(0x0202, &data);
// COMPILER BUG: Must be some kind of module constructor order issue:
// without this, the stdout/stderr handles are not initialized before
// the log module is set up.
import std.stdio; File f; f.close();
logTrace("create driver core");
st_threadsMutex = new Mutex;
st_threadShutdownCondition = new Condition(st_threadsMutex);
logTrace("setup signal handler");
// support proper shutdown using signals
sigset_t sigset;
sigaction_t siginfo;
siginfo.sa_handler = &onSignal;
siginfo.sa_mask = sigset;
siginfo.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
sigaction(SIGINT, &siginfo, null);
sigaction(SIGTERM, &siginfo, null);
siginfo.sa_handler = &onBrokenPipe;
sigaction(SIGPIPE, &siginfo, null);
// WORKAROUND: we don't care about viral @nogc attribute here!
import std.traits;
signal(SIGABRT, cast(ParameterTypeTuple!signal[1])&onSignal);
signal(SIGTERM, cast(ParameterTypeTuple!signal[1])&onSignal);
signal(SIGINT, cast(ParameterTypeTuple!signal[1])&onSignal);
auto thisthr = Thread.getThis();
thisthr.name = "Main";
assert(st_threads.length == 0, "Main thread not the first thread!?");
st_threads ~= ThreadContext(thisthr, false);
st_threadsSignal = createManualEvent();
version(VibeIdleCollect) {
logTrace("setup gc");
version (VibeNoDefaultArgs) {}
else {
readOption("uid|user", &s_privilegeLoweringUserName, "Sets the user name or id used for privilege lowering.");
readOption("gid|group", &s_privilegeLoweringGroupName, "Sets the group name or id used for privilege lowering.");
import std.concurrency;
scheduler = new VibedScheduler;
shared static ~this()
size_t tasks_left;
synchronized (st_threadsMutex) {
if( !st_workerTasks.empty ) tasks_left = st_workerTasks.length;
if (!s_yieldedTasks.empty) tasks_left += s_yieldedTasks.length;
if (tasks_left > 0) {
logWarn("There were still %d tasks running at exit.", tasks_left);
// per thread setup
static this()
/// workaround for:
// object.Exception@src/rt/minfo.d(162): Aborting: Cycle detected between modules with ctors/dtors:
// vibe.core.core -> vibe.core.drivers.native -> vibe.core.drivers.libasync -> vibe.core.core
if (Thread.getThis().isDaemon && Thread.getThis().name == "CmdProcessor") return;
auto thisthr = Thread.getThis();
synchronized (st_threadsMutex)
if (!st_threads.any!(c => c.thread is thisthr))
st_threads ~= ThreadContext(thisthr, false);
//CoreTask.ms_coreTask = new CoreTask;
static ~this()
version(VibeLibasyncDriver) {
import vibe.core.drivers.libasync;
if (LibasyncDriver.isControlThread)
auto thisthr = Thread.getThis();
bool is_main_thread = false;
synchronized (st_threadsMutex) {
auto idx = st_threads.countUntil!(c => c.thread is thisthr);
// if we are the main thread, wait for all others before terminating
is_main_thread = idx == 0;
if (is_main_thread) { // we are the main thread, wait for others
atomicStore(st_term, true);
// wait for all non-daemon threads to shut down
while (st_threads[1 .. $].any!(th => !th.thread.isDaemon)) {
logDiagnostic("Main thread still waiting for other threads: %s",
st_threads[1 .. $].map!(t => t.thread.name ~ (t.isWorker ? " (worker thread)" : "")).join(", "));
logDiagnostic("Main thread exiting");
assert(idx >= 0, "No more threads registered");
if (idx >= 0) {
st_threads[idx] = st_threads[$-1];
// delay deletion of the main event driver to "~shared static this()"
if (!is_main_thread) eventDriver.dispose();
private void workerThreadFunc()
nothrow {
try {
if (getExitFlag()) return;
logDebug("entering worker thread");
logDebug("running event loop");
if (!getExitFlag()) runEventLoop();
logDebug("Worker thread exit.");
} catch (Exception e) {
scope (failure) exit(-1);
logFatal("Worker thread terminated due to uncaught exception: %s", e.msg);
logDebug("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize());
} catch (InvalidMemoryOperationError e) {
import std.stdio;
scope(failure) assert(false);
writeln("Error message: ", e.msg);
writeln("Full error: ", e.toString().sanitize());
} catch (Throwable th) {
logFatal("Worker thread terminated due to uncaught error: %s", th.msg);
logDebug("Full error: %s", th.toString().sanitize());
private void handleWorkerTasks()
logDebug("worker thread enter");
auto thisthr = Thread.getThis();
logDebug("worker thread loop enter");
while (true) {
auto emit_count = st_threadsSignal.emitCount;
TaskFuncInfo task;
synchronized (st_threadsMutex) {
auto idx = st_threads.countUntil!(c => c.thread is thisthr);
assert(idx >= 0);
logDebug("worker thread check");
if (getExitFlag()) {
if (st_threads[idx].taskQueue.length > 0)
logWarn("Worker thread shuts down with specific worker tasks left in its queue.");
if (st_threads.count!(c => c.isWorker) == 1 && st_workerTasks.length > 0)
logWarn("Worker threads shut down with worker tasks still left in the queue.");
if (!st_workerTasks.empty) {
logDebug("worker thread got task");
task = st_workerTasks.front;
} else if (!st_threads[idx].taskQueue.empty) {
logDebug("worker thread got specific task");
task = st_threads[idx].taskQueue.front;
if (task.func !is null) runTask_internal(task);
else emit_count = st_threadsSignal.wait(emit_count);
logDebug("worker thread exit");
private void watchExitFlag()
auto emit_count = st_threadsSignal.emitCount;
while (true) {
synchronized (st_threadsMutex) {
if (getExitFlag()) break;
emit_count = st_threadsSignal.wait(emit_count);
logDebug("main thread exit");
private extern(C) void extrap()
@safe nothrow {
logTrace("exception trap");
private extern(C) void onSignal(int signal)
nothrow {
atomicStore(st_term, true);
try st_threadsSignal.emit(); catch (Throwable) {}
logInfo("Received signal %d. Shutting down.", signal);
private extern(C) void onBrokenPipe(int signal)
nothrow {
logTrace("Broken pipe.");
private bool isRoot() { return geteuid() == 0; }
private void setUID(int uid, int gid)
logInfo("Lowering privileges to uid=%d, gid=%d...", uid, gid);
if (gid >= 0) {
enforce(getgrgid(gid) !is null, "Invalid group id!");
enforce(setegid(gid) == 0, "Error setting group id!");
//if( initgroups(const char *user, gid_t group);
if (uid >= 0) {
enforce(getpwuid(uid) !is null, "Invalid user id!");
enforce(seteuid(uid) == 0, "Error setting user id!");
private int getUID(string name)
auto pw = getpwnam(name.toStringz());
enforce(pw !is null, "Unknown user name: "~name);
return pw.pw_uid;
private int getGID(string name)
auto gr = getgrnam(name.toStringz());
enforce(gr !is null, "Unknown group name: "~name);
return gr.gr_gid;
} else version(Windows){
private bool isRoot() { return false; }
private void setUID(int uid, int gid)
enforce(false, "UID/GID not supported on Windows.");
private int getUID(string name)
enforce(false, "Privilege lowering not supported on Windows.");
private int getGID(string name)
enforce(false, "Privilege lowering not supported on Windows.");
private struct CoreTaskQueue {
@safe nothrow:
CoreTask first, last;
size_t length;
@disable this(this);
@property bool empty() const { return first is null; }
@property CoreTask front() { return first; }
void insertBack(CoreTask task)
assert(task.m_queue == null, "Task is already scheduled to be resumed!");
assert(task.m_nextInQueue is null, "Task has m_nextInQueue set without being in a queue!?");
task.m_queue = &this;
if (empty)
first = task;
last.m_nextInQueue = task;
last = task;
void popFront()
if (first is last) last = null;
assert(first && first.m_queue == &this);
auto next = first.m_nextInQueue;
first.m_nextInQueue = null;
first.m_queue = null;
first = next;
// mixin string helper to call a function with arguments that potentially have
// to be moved
private string callWithMove(ARGS...)(string func, string args)
import std.string;
string ret = func ~ "(";
foreach (i, T; ARGS) {
if (i > 0) ret ~= ", ";
ret ~= format("%s[%s]", args, i);
static if (needsMove!T) ret ~= ".move";
return ret ~ ");";
private template needsMove(T)
template isCopyable(T)
enum isCopyable = __traits(compiles, (T a) { return a; });
template isMoveable(T)
enum isMoveable = __traits(compiles, (T a) { return a.move; });
enum needsMove = !isCopyable!T;
static assert(isCopyable!T || isMoveable!T,
"Non-copyable type "~T.stringof~" must be movable with a .move property.");
unittest {
enum E { a, move }
static struct S {
@disable this(this);
@property S move() { return S.init; }
static struct T { @property T move() { return T.init; } }
static struct U { }
static struct V {
@disable this();
@disable this(this);
@property V move() { return V.init; }
static struct W { @disable this(); }
static assert(needsMove!S);
static assert(!needsMove!int);
static assert(!needsMove!string);
static assert(!needsMove!E);
static assert(!needsMove!T);
static assert(!needsMove!U);
static assert(needsMove!V);
static assert(!needsMove!W);