- it might make sense to have newlines in a log message (e.g. when printing a backtrace) and they shouldn't be split into multiple log messages, e.g. when using syslog - the splitting was fixed to work with more than one LF (cherry picked from commit d14ce3dea1b98227dcd116acc6b175c56d9a1fb0)
920 lines
27 KiB
920 lines
27 KiB
Central logging facility for vibe.
Copyright: © 2012-2014 RejectedSoftware e.K.
License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
Authors: Sönke Ludwig
module vibe.core.log;
import vibe.core.args;
import vibe.core.concurrency : ScopedLock, lock;
import vibe.core.sync;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.datetime;
import std.format;
import std.stdio;
import core.atomic;
import core.thread;
import std.traits : isSomeString;
import std.range.primitives : isInputRange, isOutputRange;
Sets the minimum log level to be printed using the default console logger.
This level applies to the default stdout/stderr logger only.
void setLogLevel(LogLevel level)
nothrow @safe {
if (ss_stdoutLogger)
ss_stdoutLogger.lock().minLevel = level;
Sets the log format used for the default console logger.
This level applies to the default stdout/stderr logger only.
fmt = The log format for the stderr (default is `FileLogger.Format.thread`)
infoFmt = The log format for the stdout (default is `FileLogger.Format.plain`)
void setLogFormat(FileLogger.Format fmt, FileLogger.Format infoFmt = FileLogger.Format.plain)
nothrow @safe {
if (ss_stdoutLogger) {
auto l = ss_stdoutLogger.lock();
l.format = fmt;
l.infoFormat = infoFmt;
Sets a log file for disk file logging.
Multiple calls to this function will register multiple log
files for output.
void setLogFile(string filename, LogLevel min_level = LogLevel.error)
auto logger = cast(shared)new FileLogger(filename);
auto l = logger.lock();
l.minLevel = min_level;
l.format = FileLogger.Format.threadTime;
Registers a new logger instance.
The specified Logger will receive all log messages in its Logger.log
method after it has been registered.
auto logger = cast(shared)new HTMLLogger("log.html");
logger.lock().format = FileLogger.Format.threadTime;
See_Also: deregisterLogger
void registerLogger(shared(Logger) logger)
nothrow {
ss_loggers ~= logger;
Deregisters an active logger instance.
See_Also: registerLogger
void deregisterLogger(shared(Logger) logger)
nothrow {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ss_loggers.length; ) {
if (ss_loggers[i] !is logger) i++;
else ss_loggers = ss_loggers[0 .. i] ~ ss_loggers[i+1 .. $];
Logs a message.
level = The log level for the logged message
fmt = See http://dlang.org/phobos/std_format.html#format-string
args = Any input values needed for formatting
void log(LogLevel level, /*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args)
nothrow if (isSomeString!S)
static assert(level != LogLevel.none);
try {
foreach (l; getLoggers())
if (l.minLevel <= level) { // WARNING: TYPE SYSTEM HOLE: accessing field of shared class!
auto ll = l.lock();
auto rng = LogOutputRange(ll, file, line, level);
/*() @trusted {*/ rng.formattedWrite(fmt, args); //} (); // formattedWrite is not @safe at least up to 2.068.0
} catch(Exception e) debug assert(false, e.msg);
/// ditto
void logTrace(/*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.trace/*, mod, func*/, file, line)(fmt, args); }
/// ditto
void logDebugV(/*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.debugV/*, mod, func*/, file, line)(fmt, args); }
/// ditto
void logDebug(/*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.debug_/*, mod, func*/, file, line)(fmt, args); }
/// ditto
void logDiagnostic(/*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.diagnostic/*, mod, func*/, file, line)(fmt, args); }
/// ditto
void logInfo(/*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.info/*, mod, func*/, file, line)(fmt, args); }
/// ditto
void logWarn(/*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.warn/*, mod, func*/, file, line)(fmt, args); }
/// ditto
void logError(/*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.error/*, mod, func*/, file, line)(fmt, args); }
/// ditto
void logCritical(/*string mod = __MODULE__, string func = __FUNCTION__,*/ string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.critical/*, mod, func*/, file, line)(fmt, args); }
/// ditto
void logFatal(string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, S, T...)(S fmt, lazy T args) nothrow { log!(LogLevel.fatal, file, line)(fmt, args); }
@safe unittest {
void test() nothrow
logInfo("Hello, World!");
logWarn("This may not be %s.", "good");
log!(LogLevel.info)("This is a %s.", "test");
/// Specifies the log level for a particular log message.
enum LogLevel {
trace, /// Developer information for locating events when no useful stack traces are available
debugV, /// Developer information useful for algorithm debugging - for verbose output
debug_, /// Developer information useful for algorithm debugging
diagnostic, /// Extended user information (e.g. for more detailed error information)
info, /// Informational message for normal user education
warn, /// Unexpected condition that could indicate an error but has no direct consequences
error, /// Normal error that is handled gracefully
critical, /// Error that severely influences the execution of the application
fatal, /// Error that forces the application to terminate
none, /// Special value used to indicate no logging when set as the minimum log level
verbose1 = diagnostic, /// Alias for diagnostic messages
verbose2 = debug_, /// Alias for debug messages
verbose3 = debugV, /// Alias for verbose debug messages
verbose4 = trace, /// Alias for trace messages
/// Represents a single logged line
struct LogLine {
string mod;
string func;
string file;
int line;
LogLevel level;
Thread thread;
string threadName;
uint threadID;
Fiber fiber;
uint fiberID;
SysTime time;
string text; /// Legacy field used in `Logger.log`
/// Abstract base class for all loggers
class Logger {
LogLevel minLevel = LogLevel.min;
/** Whether the logger can handle multiple lines in a single beginLine/endLine.
By default log text with newlines gets split into multiple log lines.
protected bool multilineLogger = false;
private {
LogLine m_curLine;
Appender!string m_curLineText;
final bool acceptsLevel(LogLevel value) nothrow pure @safe { return value >= this.minLevel; }
/** Legacy logging interface relying on dynamic memory allocation.
Override `beginLine`, `put`, `endLine` instead for a more efficient and
possibly allocation-free implementation.
void log(ref LogLine line) @safe {}
/// Starts a new log line.
void beginLine(ref LogLine line_info)
@safe {
m_curLine = line_info;
m_curLineText = appender!string();
/// Writes part of a log line message.
void put(scope const(char)[] text)
@safe {
/// Finalizes a log line.
void endLine()
@safe {
m_curLine.text = m_curLineText.data;
m_curLine.text = null;
m_curLineText = Appender!string.init;
Plain-text based logger for logging to regular files or stdout/stderr
final class FileLogger : Logger {
/// The log format used by the FileLogger
enum Format {
plain, /// Output only the plain log message
thread, /// Prefix "[thread-id:fiber-id loglevel]"
threadTime /// Prefix "[thread-id:fiber-id timestamp loglevel]"
private {
File m_infoFile;
File m_diagFile;
File m_curFile;
Format format = Format.thread;
Format infoFormat = Format.plain;
this(File info_file, File diag_file)
m_infoFile = info_file;
m_diagFile = diag_file;
this(string filename)
m_infoFile = File(filename, "ab");
m_diagFile = m_infoFile;
override void beginLine(ref LogLine msg)
@trusted // FILE isn't @safe (as of DMD 2.065)
string pref;
final switch (msg.level) {
case LogLevel.trace: pref = "trc"; m_curFile = m_diagFile; break;
case LogLevel.debugV: pref = "dbv"; m_curFile = m_diagFile; break;
case LogLevel.debug_: pref = "dbg"; m_curFile = m_diagFile; break;
case LogLevel.diagnostic: pref = "dia"; m_curFile = m_diagFile; break;
case LogLevel.info: pref = "INF"; m_curFile = m_infoFile; break;
case LogLevel.warn: pref = "WRN"; m_curFile = m_diagFile; break;
case LogLevel.error: pref = "ERR"; m_curFile = m_diagFile; break;
case LogLevel.critical: pref = "CRITICAL"; m_curFile = m_diagFile; break;
case LogLevel.fatal: pref = "FATAL"; m_curFile = m_diagFile; break;
case LogLevel.none: assert(false);
auto fmt = (m_curFile is m_diagFile) ? this.format : this.infoFormat;
final switch (fmt) {
case Format.plain: break;
case Format.thread: m_curFile.writef("[%08X:%08X %s] ", msg.threadID, msg.fiberID, pref); break;
case Format.threadTime:
auto tm = msg.time;
static if (is(typeof(tm.fracSecs))) auto msecs = tm.fracSecs.total!"msecs"; // 2.069 has deprecated "fracSec"
else auto msecs = tm.fracSec.msecs;
m_curFile.writef("[%08X:%08X %d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s] ",
msg.threadID, msg.fiberID,
tm.year, tm.month, tm.day, tm.hour, tm.minute, tm.second, msecs,
override void put(scope const(char)[] text)
static if (__VERSION__ <= 2066)
() @trusted { m_curFile.write(text); } ();
else m_curFile.write(text);
override void endLine()
static if (__VERSION__ <= 2066)
() @trusted { m_curFile.writeln(); } ();
else m_curFile.writeln();
Logger implementation for logging to an HTML file with dynamic filtering support.
final class HTMLLogger : Logger {
private {
File m_logFile;
this(string filename = "log.html")
m_logFile = File(filename, "wt");
//version(FinalizerDebug) writeln("HtmlLogWritet.~this");
//version(FinalizerDebug) writeln("HtmlLogWritet.~this out");
@property void minLogLevel(LogLevel value) pure nothrow @safe { this.minLevel = value; }
override void beginLine(ref LogLine msg)
@trusted // FILE isn't @safe (as of DMD 2.065)
if( !m_logFile.isOpen ) return;
final switch (msg.level) {
case LogLevel.none: assert(false);
case LogLevel.trace: m_logFile.write(`<div class="trace">`); break;
case LogLevel.debugV: m_logFile.write(`<div class="debugv">`); break;
case LogLevel.debug_: m_logFile.write(`<div class="debug">`); break;
case LogLevel.diagnostic: m_logFile.write(`<div class="diagnostic">`); break;
case LogLevel.info: m_logFile.write(`<div class="info">`); break;
case LogLevel.warn: m_logFile.write(`<div class="warn">`); break;
case LogLevel.error: m_logFile.write(`<div class="error">`); break;
case LogLevel.critical: m_logFile.write(`<div class="critical">`); break;
case LogLevel.fatal: m_logFile.write(`<div class="fatal">`); break;
m_logFile.writef(`<div class="timeStamp">%s</div>`, msg.time.toISOExtString());
if (msg.thread)
m_logFile.writef(`<div class="threadName">%s</div>`, msg.thread.name);
m_logFile.write(`<div class="message">`);
override void put(scope const(char)[] text)
auto dst = () @trusted { return m_logFile.lockingTextWriter(); } (); // LockingTextWriter not @safe for DMD 2.066
while (!text.empty && (text.front == ' ' || text.front == '\t')) {
foreach (i; 0 .. text.front == ' ' ? 1 : 4)
() @trusted { dst.put(" "); } (); // LockingTextWriter not @safe for DMD 2.066
() @trusted { filterHTMLEscape(dst, text); } (); // LockingTextWriter not @safe for DMD 2.066
override void endLine()
() @trusted { // not @safe for DMD 2.066
} ();
private void writeHeader(){
if( !m_logFile.isOpen ) return;
<title>HTML Log</title>
<style content="text/css">
.trace { position: relative; color: #E0E0E0; font-size: 9pt; }
.debugv { position: relative; color: #E0E0E0; font-size: 9pt; }
.debug { position: relative; color: #808080; }
.diagnostic { position: relative; color: #808080; }
.info { position: relative; color: black; }
.warn { position: relative; color: #E08000; }
.error { position: relative; color: red; }
.critical { position: relative; color: red; background-color: black; }
.fatal { position: relative; color: red; background-color: black; }
.log { margin-left: 10pt; }
.code {
font-family: "Courier New";
background-color: #F0F0F0;
border: 1px solid gray;
margin-bottom: 10pt;
margin-left: 30pt;
margin-right: 10pt;
padding-left: 0pt;
div.timeStamp {
position: absolute;
width: 150pt;
div.threadName {
position: absolute;
top: 0pt;
left: 150pt;
width: 100pt;
div.message {
position: relative;
top: 0pt;
left: 250pt;
body {
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
<script language="JavaScript">
function enableStyle(i){
var style = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[i].style;
style.display = "block";
function disableStyle(i){
var style = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[i].style;
style.display = "none";
function updateLevels(){
var sel = document.getElementById("Level");
var level = sel.value;
for( i = 0; i < level; i++ ) disableStyle(i);
for( i = level; i < 5; i++ ) enableStyle(i);
<body style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;" onLoad="updateLevels(); updateCode();">
<div style="position: fixed; z-index: 100; padding: 4pt; width:100%; background-color: lightgray; border-bottom: 1px solid black;">
<form style="margin: 0px;">
Minimum Log Level:
<select id="Level" onChange="updateLevels()">
<option value="0">Trace</option>
<option value="1">Verbose</option>
<option value="2">Debug</option>
<option value="3">Diagnostic</option>
<option value="4">Info</option>
<option value="5">Warn</option>
<option value="6">Error</option>
<option value="7">Critical</option>
<option value="8">Fatal</option>
<div style="height: 30pt;"></div>
<div class="log">`);
private void writeFooter(){
if( !m_logFile.isOpen ) return;
` </div>
/** Helper stuff.
/** Writes the HTML escaped version of a given string to an output range.
void filterHTMLEscape(R, S)(ref R dst, S str, HTMLEscapeFlags flags = HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeNewline)
if (isOutputRange!(R, dchar) && isInputRange!S)
for (;!str.empty;str.popFront())
filterHTMLEscape(dst, str.front, flags);
Writes the HTML escaped version of a character to an output range.
void filterHTMLEscape(R)(ref R dst, dchar ch, HTMLEscapeFlags flags = HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeNewline )
switch (ch) {
if (flags & HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeUnknown) {
} else dst.put(ch);
case '"':
if (flags & HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeQuotes) dst.put(""");
else dst.put('"');
case '\'':
if (flags & HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeQuotes) dst.put("'");
else dst.put('\'');
case '\r', '\n':
if (flags & HTMLEscapeFlags.escapeNewline) {
} else dst.put(ch);
case 'a': .. case 'z': goto case;
case 'A': .. case 'Z': goto case;
case '0': .. case '9': goto case;
case ' ', '\t', '-', '_', '.', ':', ',', ';',
'#', '+', '*', '?', '=', '(', ')', '/', '!',
'%' , '{', '}', '[', ']', '`', '´', '$', '^', '~':
case '<': dst.put("<"); break;
case '>': dst.put(">"); break;
case '&': dst.put("&"); break;
enum HTMLEscapeFlags {
escapeMinimal = 0,
escapeQuotes = 1<<0,
escapeNewline = 1<<1,
escapeUnknown = 1<<2
import std.conv;
A logger that logs in syslog format according to RFC 5424.
Messages can be logged to files (via file streams) or over the network (via
TCP or SSL streams).
Standards: Conforms to RFC 5424.
final class SyslogLogger(OutputStream) : Logger {
private {
string m_hostName;
string m_appName;
OutputStream m_ostream;
Facility m_facility;
/// Facilities
enum Facility {
kern, /// kernel messages
user, /// user-level messages
mail, /// mail system
daemon, /// system daemons
auth, /// security/authorization messages
syslog, /// messages generated internally by syslogd
lpr, /// line printer subsystem
news, /// network news subsystem
uucp, /// UUCP subsystem
clockDaemon, /// clock daemon
authpriv, /// security/authorization messages
ftp, /// FTP daemon
ntp, /// NTP subsystem
logAudit, /// log audit
logAlert, /// log alert
cron, /// clock daemon
local0, /// local use 0
local1, /// local use 1
local2, /// local use 2
local3, /// local use 3
local4, /// local use 4
local5, /// local use 5
local6, /// local use 6
local7, /// local use 7
/// Severities
private enum Severity {
emergency, /// system is unusable
alert, /// action must be taken immediately
critical, /// critical conditions
error, /// error conditions
warning, /// warning conditions
notice, /// normal but significant condition
info, /// informational messages
debug_, /// debug-level messages
/// syslog message format (version 1)
/// see section 6 in RFC 5424
private enum SYSLOG_MESSAGE_FORMAT_VERSION1 = "<%.3s>1 %s %.255s %.48s %.128s %.32s %s %s";
private enum NILVALUE = "-";
private enum BOM = x"EFBBBF";
Construct a SyslogLogger.
The log messages are sent to the given OutputStream stream using the given
Facility facility.Optionally the appName and hostName can be set. The
appName defaults to null. The hostName defaults to hostName().
Note that the passed stream's write function must not use logging with
a level for that this Logger's acceptsLevel returns true. Because this
Logger uses the stream's write function when it logs and would hence
log forevermore.
this(OutputStream stream, Facility facility, string appName = null, string hostName = hostName())
m_hostName = hostName != "" ? hostName : NILVALUE;
m_appName = appName != "" ? appName : NILVALUE;
m_ostream = stream;
m_facility = facility;
this.minLevel = LogLevel.debug_;
Logs the given LogLine msg.
It uses the msg's time, level, and text field.
override void beginLine(ref LogLine msg)
@trusted { // OutputStream isn't @safe
auto tm = msg.time;
import core.time;
// at most 6 digits for fractional seconds according to RFC
static if (is(typeof(tm.fracSecs))) tm.fracSecs = tm.fracSecs.total!"usecs".dur!"usecs";
else tm.fracSec = FracSec.from!"usecs"(tm.fracSec.usecs);
auto timestamp = tm.toISOExtString();
Severity syslogSeverity;
// map LogLevel to syslog's severity
final switch(msg.level) {
case LogLevel.none: assert(false);
case LogLevel.trace: return;
case LogLevel.debugV: return;
case LogLevel.debug_: syslogSeverity = Severity.debug_; break;
case LogLevel.diagnostic: syslogSeverity = Severity.info; break;
case LogLevel.info: syslogSeverity = Severity.notice; break;
case LogLevel.warn: syslogSeverity = Severity.warning; break;
case LogLevel.error: syslogSeverity = Severity.error; break;
case LogLevel.critical: syslogSeverity = Severity.critical; break;
case LogLevel.fatal: syslogSeverity = Severity.alert; break;
assert(msg.level >= LogLevel.debug_);
import std.conv : to; // temporary workaround for issue 1016 (DMD cross-module template overloads error out before second attempted module)
auto priVal = m_facility * 8 + syslogSeverity;
alias procId = NILVALUE;
alias msgId = NILVALUE;
alias structuredData = NILVALUE;
auto text = msg.text;
import std.format : formattedWrite;
import vibe.stream.wrapper : StreamOutputRange;
auto str = StreamOutputRange(m_ostream);
(&str).formattedWrite(SYSLOG_MESSAGE_FORMAT_VERSION1, priVal,
timestamp, m_hostName, BOM ~ m_appName, procId, msgId,
structuredData, BOM);
override void put(scope const(char)[] text)
@trusted {
override void endLine()
@trusted {
import vibe.core.file;
auto fstream = createTempFile();
auto logger = new SyslogLogger(fstream, Facility.local1, "appname", null);
LogLine msg;
import std.datetime;
import core.thread;
static if (is(typeof(SysTime.init.fracSecs))) auto fs = 1.dur!"usecs";
else auto fs = FracSec.from!"usecs"(1);
msg.time = SysTime(DateTime(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), fs);
foreach (lvl; [LogLevel.debug_, LogLevel.diagnostic, LogLevel.info, LogLevel.warn, LogLevel.error, LogLevel.critical, LogLevel.fatal]) {
msg.level = lvl;
import std.file;
import std.string;
auto lines = splitLines(readText(fstream.path().toNativeString()), KeepTerminator.yes);
assert(lines.length == 7);
assert(lines[0] == "<143>1 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000001 - " ~ BOM ~ "appname - - - " ~ BOM ~ "αβγ\n");
assert(lines[1] == "<142>1 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000001 - " ~ BOM ~ "appname - - - " ~ BOM ~ "αβγ\n");
assert(lines[2] == "<141>1 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000001 - " ~ BOM ~ "appname - - - " ~ BOM ~ "αβγ\n");
assert(lines[3] == "<140>1 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000001 - " ~ BOM ~ "appname - - - " ~ BOM ~ "αβγ\n");
assert(lines[4] == "<139>1 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000001 - " ~ BOM ~ "appname - - - " ~ BOM ~ "αβγ\n");
assert(lines[5] == "<138>1 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000001 - " ~ BOM ~ "appname - - - " ~ BOM ~ "αβγ\n");
assert(lines[6] == "<137>1 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000001 - " ~ BOM ~ "appname - - - " ~ BOM ~ "αβγ\n");
/// Returns: this host's host name.
/// If the host name cannot be determined the function returns null.
private string hostName()
string hostName;
version (Posix) {
import core.sys.posix.sys.utsname;
utsname name;
if (uname(&name)) return hostName;
hostName = name.nodename.to!string();
import std.socket;
auto ih = new InternetHost;
if (!ih.getHostByName(hostName)) return hostName;
hostName = ih.name;
// TODO: determine proper host name on windows
return hostName;
private {
__gshared shared(Logger)[] ss_loggers;
shared(FileLogger) ss_stdoutLogger;
private shared(Logger)[] getLoggers() nothrow @trusted { return ss_loggers; }
package void initializeLogModule()
version (Windows) {
version (VibeWinrtDriver) enum disable_stdout = true;
else {
enum disable_stdout = false;
if (!GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) || !GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE)) return;
} else enum disable_stdout = false;
static if (!disable_stdout) {
ss_stdoutLogger = cast(shared)new FileLogger(stdout, stderr);
auto l = ss_stdoutLogger.lock();
l.minLevel = LogLevel.info;
l.format = FileLogger.Format.plain;
bool[4] verbose;
version (VibeNoDefaultArgs) {}
else {
readOption("verbose|v" , &verbose[0], "Enables diagnostic messages (verbosity level 1).");
readOption("vverbose|vv", &verbose[1], "Enables debugging output (verbosity level 2).");
readOption("vvv" , &verbose[2], "Enables high frequency debugging output (verbosity level 3).");
readOption("vvvv" , &verbose[3], "Enables high frequency trace output (verbosity level 4).");
foreach_reverse (i, v; verbose)
if (v) {
setLogLevel(cast(LogLevel)(LogLevel.diagnostic - i));
private struct LogOutputRange {
LogLine info;
ScopedLock!Logger* logger;
this(ref ScopedLock!Logger logger, string file, int line, LogLevel level)
() @trusted { this.logger = &logger; } ();
try {
() @trusted { this.info.time = Clock.currTime(UTC()); }(); // not @safe as of 2.065
//this.info.mod = mod;
//this.info.func = func;
this.info.file = file;
this.info.line = line;
this.info.level = level;
this.info.thread = () @trusted { return Thread.getThis(); }(); // not @safe as of 2.065
this.info.threadID = makeid(this.info.thread);
this.info.fiber = () @trusted { return Fiber.getThis(); }(); // not @safe as of 2.065
this.info.fiberID = makeid(this.info.fiber);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
() @trusted { writefln("Error during logging: %s", e.toString()); }(); // not @safe as of 2.065
} catch(Exception) {}
assert(false, "Exception during logging: "~e.msg);
void finalize()
void put(scope const(char)[] text)
if (text.empty)
if (logger.multilineLogger)
auto rng = text.splitter('\n');
foreach (line; rng)
void put(char ch) @trusted { put((&ch)[0 .. 1]); }
void put(dchar ch)
if (ch < 128) put(cast(char)ch);
else {
char[4] buf;
auto len = std.utf.encode(buf, ch);
put(buf[0 .. len]);
private uint makeid(T)(T ptr) @trusted { return (cast(ulong)cast(void*)ptr & 0xFFFFFFFF) ^ (cast(ulong)cast(void*)ptr >> 32); }
private version (Windows) {
import core.sys.windows.windows;
enum STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = cast(DWORD)-11;
enum STD_ERROR_HANDLE = cast(DWORD)-12;
extern(System) HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle);
static class TestLogger : Logger
string[] lines;
override void beginLine(ref LogLine msg) { lines.length += 1; }
override void put(scope const(char)[] text) { lines[$-1] ~= text; }
override void endLine() { }
auto logger = new TestLogger;
auto ll = (cast(shared(Logger))logger).lock();
auto rng = LogOutputRange(ll, __FILE__, __LINE__, LogLevel.info);
assert(logger.lines == ["text", "with", "newlines"]);
logger.lines = null;
logger.multilineLogger = true;
rng = LogOutputRange(ll, __FILE__, __LINE__, LogLevel.info);
assert(logger.lines == ["text\nwith\nnewlines"]);
unittest { // make sure the default logger doesn't allocate/is usable within finalizers
bool destroyed = false;
class Test {
logInfo("logInfo doesn't allocate.");
destroyed = true;
auto t = new Test;