
YAML node representer. Prepares YAML nodes for output. A tutorial can be found here.

Code based on PyYAML.

class RepresenterException: dyaml.exception.YAMLException;

Exception thrown on Representer errors.

class Representer;

Used to represent YAML nodes various data types into scalar, sequence and mapping nodes ready for output.

this(bool useDefaultRepresenters = true);

Construct a Representer.

bool useDefaultRepresenters Use default representer functions for default YAML types? This can be disabled to use custom representer functions for default types.
void addRepresenter(T)(Node function(ref Node, Representer) representer);

Add a function to represent nodes with a specific data type.

The representer function takes references to a Node storing the data type and to the Representer. It returns the represented node and may throw a RepresenterException. See the example for more information.
Only one function may be specified for one data type. Default data types already have representer functions unless disabled in the Representer constructor.

representer Representer function to add.
Representing a simple struct:
 import std.string;

 import yaml;

 struct MyStruct
     int x, y, z;

 Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
     //The node is guaranteed to be MyStruct as we add representer for MyStruct.
     auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
     //Using custom scalar format, x:y:z.
     auto scalar = format(value.x, ":", value.y, ":", value.z);
     //Representing as a scalar, with custom tag to specify this data type.
     return representer.representScalar("!mystruct.tag", scalar);

 void main()
     auto dumper = Dumper("file.yaml");
     auto representer = new Representer;
     dumper.representer = representer;
Representing a class:
 import std.string;

 import yaml;

 class MyClass
     int x, y, z;

     this(int x, int y, int z)
         this.x = x;
         this.y = y;
         this.z = z;

     ///We need custom opEquals for node equality, as default opEquals compares references.
     override bool opEquals(Object rhs)
         if(typeid(rhs) != typeid(MyClass)){return false;}
         auto t = cast(MyClass)rhs;
         return x == t.x && y == t.y && z == t.z;

     ///Useful for Node.as!string .
     override string toString()
         return format("MyClass("), x, ", ", y, ", ", z, "");

 //Same as representMyStruct.
 Node representMyClass(ref Node node, Representer representer)
     //The node is guaranteed to be MyClass as we add representer for MyClass.
     auto value = node.as!MyClass;
     //Using custom scalar format, x:y:z.
     auto scalar = format(value.x, ":", value.y, ":", value.z);
     //Representing as a scalar, with custom tag to specify this data type.
     return representer.representScalar("!myclass.tag", scalar);

 void main()
     auto dumper = Dumper("file.yaml");
     auto representer = new Representer;
     dumper.representer = representer;
     dumper.dump(Node(new MyClass(1,2,3)));
Node representScalar(in string tag, string scalar);

Represent a scalar with specified tag.

This is used by representer functions that produce scalars.

string tag Tag of the scalar.
string scalar Scalar value.
The represented node.


 struct MyStruct
     int x, y, z;

 Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
     auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
     auto scalar = format(value.x, ":", value.y, ":", value.z);
     return representer.representScalar("!mystruct.tag", scalar);

Node representSequence(in string tag, Node[] sequence);

Represent a sequence with specified tag, representing children first.

This is used by representer functions that produce sequences.

string tag Tag of the sequence.
Node[] sequence Sequence of nodes.
The represented node.
RepresenterException if a child could not be represented.


 struct MyStruct
     int x, y, z;

 Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
     auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
     auto nodes = [Node(value.x), Node(value.y), Node(value.z)];
     return representer.representSequence("!mystruct.tag", nodes);

Node representMapping(in string tag, Pair[] pairs);

Represent a mapping with specified tag, representing children first.

This is used by representer functions that produce mappings.

string tag Tag of the mapping.
Pair[] pairs Key-value pairs of the mapping.
The represented node.
RepresenterException if a child could not be represented.


 struct MyStruct
     int x, y, z;

 Node representMyStruct(ref Node node, Representer representer)
     auto value = node.as!MyStruct;
     auto pairs = [Node.Pair("x", value.x),
                   Node.Pair("y", value.y),
                   Node.Pair("z", value.z)];
     return representer.representMapping("!mystruct.tag", pairs);

Node representNull(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a null node as a null YAML value.

Node representString(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a string node as a string scalar.

Node representBytes(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a bytes node as a binary scalar.

Node representBool(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a bool node as a bool scalar.

Node representLong(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a long node as an integer scalar.

Node representReal(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a real node as a floating point scalar.

Node representSysTime(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a SysTime node as a timestamp.

Node representNodes(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a sequence node as sequence/set.

Node representPairs(ref Node node, Representer representer);

Represent a mapping node as map/ordered map/pairs.